Biola University
BIOS 282 - Microbiology Credits 4 A study of microbial organisms with emphasis on bacteria and viruses, including their morphology, physiology, metabolism and genetics; host parasite interactions; humoral and cell-mediated immunity. Laboratory practice in handling microorganisms, including identification and culture techniques. Lecture/Lab Hours: Three hours lecture, four hours laboratory. Grade Mode: A, N. Restrictions: Must be Undergraduate Level. Fee: Lab $95. BIOS 290 - Natural History of Marine Mammals Credit 1 Biology and natural history of marine mammals with special emphasis on California species. Notes: Approved for Core Curriculum Science credit. Grade Mode: A. Restrictions: Must be Undergraduate Level. BIOS 302 - Vertebrate Biology Credits 4 The biology of vertebrates, stressing structure and function. Laboratory dissection of representative vertebrates emphasizes comparative anatomy. Grade Mode: A, N. Prerequisites: BIOS 100 and BIOS 110; or BIOS 112 and BIOS 114. Restrictions: Must be Undergraduate Level. Fee: $95. BIOS 303 - Ecological Agriculture Credits 4 Environmental analysis of natural resources in relation to people and policy. Focus is on ethnobotany, ecological agriculture, and land stewardship. Employs a discussion format both in classroom and field settings. Emphasis on grappling with difficult practical and ethical problems. Notes: Au Sable offering. Grade Mode: A. Restrictions: Must be Undergraduate Level. BIOS 305 - Global Development and Ecological Sustainability Credits 3-4 Environmental analysis and natural resources analysis in relation to society and developmental issues. Focus on ecological sustainability and sustainable society in the context of various factors that are bringing environmental degradation and impoverishment of people and cultures. Topics include tropical agriculture, hunger, poverty, international debt, appropriate technology, relief programs, missionary earthkeeping, conservation of wild nature, land tenure and land stewardship. Employs a discussion format grappling with difficult practical and ethical problems and issues that require deep and personal thought. Notes: Biola or Au Sable offering. Grade Mode: A. Restrictions: Must be Undergraduate Level. BIOS 306 - Land Resources Credits 4 Systems level perspective on landforms and ecosystems. Includes analysis and interpretation of field data, remotesensing data derived from satellites and aircraft and geological information systems (GIS). Field trips to and analysis of forests, wetlands, lakeshores, and rivers. Includes application to policy and land use planning. Notes: Au Sable offering. Grade Mode: A. Credits 4 Field study of lakes and other freshwater systems with applications to planning and management. Includes an introduction to limnology and investigation of representative lakes, streams, and wetlands of the region and compares the North American Great Lakes with other great lakes of the world and their stewardship. Notes: Au Sable offering. Grade Mode: A. Restrictions: Must be Undergraduate Level. Restrictions: Must be Undergraduate Level. BIOS 307 - Lake Ecology and Management
BIOS 310 - Prosection Credits 1-2 An introduction to the human body through dissection and demonstration of a selected portion of a human cadaver. Lecture/Lab Hours: Thirty hours of laboratory. Notes: Special Approval Required. May be taken for a total of 2 credits. Grade Mode: A. Restrictions: Must be Undergraduate Level. Fee: Dissection $95. BIOS 311 - Neurobiology Credits 3 Discusses the embryology of the nervous system, the structure and function of the different cells of the nervous system and transmission by neurons. Emphasis on understanding cellular organization and neurophysiology of major subsystems of the vertebrate nervous system. Grade Mode: A. Prerequisites: BIOS 111 and BIOS 112; or BIOS 254 or BIOS 236. Restrictions: Must be Undergraduate Level. BIOS 312 - Cell and Molecular Biology Credits 3 Discusses the molecular organization and function of cells and their organelles, with emphasis on chromosome structure, gene expression, membrane structure and function, energy conversion, and experimental methods used to study subcellular components. Grade Mode: A. Prerequisites: BIOS 111 and BIOS 113. CHEM 301 and CHEM 311; or CHEM 320, or CHEM 321 and CHEM 322 (concurrent registration permitted). Restrictions: Must be Undergraduate Level. BIOS 315 - Nutrition and Metabolism Credits 3 Study of molecular structure, absorption and cellular use of macro and micronutrients as well as dietary deficiencies and disorders. Analyzes food production, distribution, preparation and digestion. Human health is emphasized. Laboratory includes food analysis, preparation and field trips. Lecture/Lab Hours: Three hours lecture. When Offered: Spring. Grade Mode: A, N. Prerequisites: BIOS 111 and BIOS 113; CHEM 301; or CHEM 320, or CHEM 321 and CHEM 322. Restrictions: Must be Undergraduate Level. BIOS 316 - Nutrition and Metabolism Lab Credit 1 The Nutrition and Metabolism Laboratory will acquaint students with fundamental techniques used in food preparation and food science. Various foods will be analyzed for total energy content using various forms of calorimetry. Foods will also be analyzed for protein, simple and complex carbohydrate as well as fat content. Students will analyze the physical properties of various foods and experiment with preparation and preservation techniques. Students will tour several food production, processing and distribution centers. Attendance at each scheduled lab session is required and students will document their experimental procedures and results in a lab notebook. Lecture/Lab Hours: four hours laboratory. When Offered: Spring. Grade Mode: A, N. Prerequisites: BIOS 111 and BIOS 113; CHEM 301; or CHEM 320, or CHEM 321 and CHEM 322. Restrictions: Must be Undergraduate Level. Fee: $95.
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