Biola University
KNES 140 - Physical Education Skills and Techniques: Aquatics Credit 1 Fundamental and advanced techniques of individual skills. Lifeguard training, water safety instruction (WSI), water polo. Notes: Approved for Core Curriculum Kinesiology and Health Science credit. First Aid/CPR does not count as activity credit. Grade Mode: A. Prerequisites: Prerequisite or co-requisite for Lifeguard Training: First Aid/CPR. Prerequisite for WSI: Valid EWS or Lifeguard Training Certificate or equivalent. Restrictions: Must be Undergraduate Level. Fee: $15. KNES 150 - Advanced Physical Education Skills and Techniques Credit 1 Advanced skills, individual and team strategy and rules in selected activity classes. Notes: Approved for Core Curriculum Kinesiology and
KNES 302 - Exercise Physiology Credits 3 Basic physiological concepts of muscular exercise with emphasis on the acute responses and chronic adaptations of the neuromuscular, circulatory and respiratory systems. Grade Mode: A. Prerequisites: PEED majors: BIOS 236 or (BIOS 254 and BIOS 281); Non- PEED majors: BIOS 254 and BIOS 281. Credit 1 Laboratory and field applications of testing in exercise physiology. Theory and skills in fitness assessment will be covered, along with analyses of test results. Grade Mode: A. Prerequisites: KNES 302 (Concurrent registration permitted). Restrictions: Must be Undergraduate Level. Fee: $35. KNES 307 - Measurement and Evaluation in Kinesiology Credits 3 Restrictions: Must be Undergraduate Level. KNES 303 - Exercise Physiology Laboratory Lecture, laboratory and field experience in the development, evaluation and application of tests in kinesiology and physical education; use and interpretation of elementary statistics. Grade Mode: A. Prerequisites: MATH 210, or MATH 318, or equivalent. Restrictions: Must be Undergraduate Level. Fee: $25. KNES 329 - Psychology of Coaching Sport and Human Movement Credits 3 The study of applied Sport Psychology, learning, motivation, social interaction, mental training for performance, applying behavioral skills for physical activity promotion, and specific psychological rehabilitation strategies. Grade Mode: A. Restrictions: Must be Undergraduate Level. KNES 335 - Health Concepts Credits 3 Physical fitness and disease; nutrition and obesity; mental health and stress management; substance abuse (drugs, tobacco and alcohol); human sexuality. Supports the teacher certification requirement in health for physical education majors. Lecture/Lab Hours: Three hours lecture. Notes: The course is designed for majors in kinesiology and physical education. Not for the Core Curriculum requirement in the sciences. Grade Mode: A. Restrictions: Must be Undergraduate Level. KNES 343 - Techniques of Teaching and Coaching Basketball Credits 2 The theory, fundamentals, strategies, and techniques of teaching and coaching basketball. Grade Mode: A. Restrictions: Must be Undergraduate Level. KNES 344 - Techniques of Teaching and Coaching Soccer Credits 2 The theory, fundamentals, strategies, and techniques of teaching and coaching soccer. Grade Mode: A. Restrictions: Must be Undergraduate Level. KNES 345 - Techniques of Teaching and Coaching Tennis Credits 2 The theory, fundamentals, strategies, and techniques of teaching and coaching tennis. Grade Mode: A. Restrictions: Must be Undergraduate Level. KNES 346 - Techniques of Teaching and Coaching Volleyball Credits 2 The theory, fundamentals, strategies, and techniques of teaching and coaching volleyball. Grade Mode: A. Restrictions: Must be Undergraduate Level.
Health Science credit. Grade Mode: A. Prerequisites: KNES 110 or KNES 130. Restrictions: Must be Undergraduate Level.
Fee: $15 (exceptions: archery, $35; bowling, $50; golf, $45). KNES 201 - Elementary Physical Education Methods and Activities Credits 2 Understanding, planning programs and implementing a range of fundamental movement and fitness activities designed for the elementary child: preparation for the upper-division methods course. Grade Mode: A. Restrictions: Must be a Major in Physical Education (PEED), a Major in Liberal Stds Multidisciplinary (LSMD), a Major in Liberal Studies (LELS) or a Major in Liberal Studies Elementary Ed (LSEE); and Undergraduate Level. KNES 205 - Foundations in Physical Education and Kinesiology Credits 3 A historical review of physical education and kinesiology; objectives of physical education; development of a basic philosophy and background
for professional development. Grade Mode: A. Restrictions: Must be Undergraduate Level. KNES 213 - Fundamental Principles of Physical Fitness
Credits 2
Foundational principles of physical fitness for enhancing cardio- respiratory endurance, muscular strength, flexibility, body composition, and overall physical wellness will be explored. Knowledge, skills, and abilities necessary to develop, implement, and manage basic fitness programs for individualized applications in apparently healthy individuals will be developed. Students will be participating in practical learning opportunities that are designed to demonstrate, assess and enhance parameters of physical fitness, using equipment and technology suitable for academic understanding of physical fitness and human performance principles in a variety of settings. Notes: This course will fulfill the Core Curriculum Kinesiology and Health Science credit for Kinesiology majors only. PEED majors (only) may take BIOS 236 or BIOS 254 as the prerequisite for KNES 213, and must pass the class with a C- or better. All others must take BIOS 254 as the prerequisite for KNES 213. Grade Mode: A. Prerequisites: BIOS 236 or BIOS 254. Restrictions: Must be Undergraduate Level. Fee: $30. KNES 301 - Kinesiology Credits 3 Human movement with emphasis on the structure and function of the skeletal, muscular and nervous systems, with simple mechanical principles involved in movement skills. Grade Mode: A. Prerequisites: PEED majors: BIOS 236 or BIOS 254; Non-PEED majors: BIOS 254. Restrictions: Must be Undergraduate Level.
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