Biola University
TTOT 706 - Advanced Hebrew Grammar Credits 2-3 A study of the details of Hebrew grammar and syntax along with readings in the Hebrew text. Notes: Electives are offered by rotation and on request. Grade Mode: A. Prerequisites: TTOT 703 or TTOT 705. Restrictions: Must be Doctoral Level, Post Masters Level or Graduate Level. TTOT 707 - Old Testament Poetry Credits 2-3 The nature, scope and principles of Hebrew poetry in the Old Testament. Comparisons with the poetry of the ancient Near East. Notes: Electives are offered by rotation and on request. Grade Mode: A. Restrictions: Must be Doctoral Level, Post Masters Level or Graduate Level. TTOT 709 - Reading of Selected Psalms from the Hebrew Text Credits 2-3 Particular emphasis upon the devotional and practical values. Notes: May be taken multiple times with different content. Electives are offered by rotation and on request. Grade Mode: A. Prerequisites: TTOT 604. Restrictions: Must be Doctoral Level, Post Masters Level or Graduate Level. TTOT 715 - Studies in the History and Culture of Israel Credits 2-3 Historical and cultural examination of a period in Israel's history (Exodus and Conquest, Judges, United Monarchy, Divided Monarchy, Judah to the Fall of Jerusalem, Post-Exilic), using available biblical and extra-biblical materials. Notes: May be taken multiple times with different content. Electives are offered by rotation and on request. Grade Mode: A. Prerequisites: TTBE 519. Restrictions: Must be Doctoral Level, Post Masters Level or Graduate Level. TTOT 718 - Archaeology of Israel Credits 2 The history of excavation, the history and geography of the land and the bearing upon the Old Testament. Notes: Electives are offered by rotation and on request. Grade Mode: A. Restrictions: Must be Doctoral Level, Post Masters Level or Graduate Level. TTOT 720 - Studies in Old Testament Introduction Credits 2-3 Text, canon and examination of the foundations and conclusions of modern historical-critical methods. Special introduction of selected Old Testament books to illustrate these topics of general introduction. Notes: Required for M.A. (Old Testament) students. Grade Mode: A. Restrictions: Must be Doctoral Level, Post Masters Level or Graduate Level. TTOT 722 - Advanced Hebrew Reading Credits 2,3 Selected passages of Hebrew text with emphasis on reading, translation and an exegetical project. Notes: May be taken multiple times with different content. Required for M.A. (Old Testament) students. Two credits minimum required for M.Div. students. Grade Mode: A. Prerequisites: TTOT 703 or TTOT 705. Restrictions: Must be Doctoral Level, Post Masters Level or Graduate Level. TTOT 725 - Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha Credits 2-3 Consideration of the non-canonical literature from the period between the Testaments. Emphasis on the development of Jewish thought during the centuries before the advent of Christianity. Notes: Electives are offered by rotation and on request. Grade Mode: A. Restrictions: Must be Doctoral Level, Post Masters Level or Graduate Level.
TTOT 730 - The Dead Sea Scrolls Credits 2-3 A survey of the discoveries, the origin of the Qumran Community, its belief and practices and the relationship of the finds to Old and New Testament studies. Notes: Electives are offered by rotation and on request. Grade Mode: A. Restrictions: Must be Doctoral Level, Post Masters Level or Graduate Level. TTOT 731 - Biblical Aramaic Credits 3 A study of the grammar with emphasis on comparisons with Hebrew; translating the Aramaic of Daniel and Ezra. Notes: Electives are offered by rotation and on request. One Semitic language is required for M.A. (Old Testament) students. Grade Mode: A. Prerequisites: TTOT 703 or TTOT 705. Restrictions: Must be Doctoral Level, Post Masters Level or Graduate Level. TTOT 732 - Seminar in Hebrew Exegesis Credits 2-4 A consideration of selected Old Testament passages with emphasis on historical background and detailed exegesis from the Hebrew text. Notes: May be taken multiple times with different content. Electives are offered by rotation and on request. Grade Mode: A. Prerequisites: TTOT 703 or TTOT 705. Restrictions: Must be Doctoral Level, Post Masters Level or Graduate Level. TTOT 733 - Seminar in Semitic Languages Credits 2-3 Introductory grammatical studies in Ugaritic, Arabic, Akkadian, Syriac or Modern Hebrew; readings in ancient Hebrew and Aramaic inscriptions; or other advanced Semitic studies. Notes: May be taken multiple times for credit with different content. Electives are offered by rotation and on request. One Semitic language is required for M.A. (Old Testament) students. Grade Mode: A. Prerequisites: TTOT 703 or TTOT 705. Restrictions: Must be Doctoral Level, Post Masters Level or Graduate Level. TTOT 734 - Readings in the Septuagint Credits 2-3 A survey of the origin, nature and value of the Greek Old Testament with a reading of selected portions and comparison with the Hebrew text. Investigation of the methods of the translators. Prerequisites: TTOT 703 or TTOT 705; TTNT 502. Notes: Electives are offered by rotation and on request. Grade Mode: A. Restrictions: Must be Doctoral Level, Post Masters Level or Graduate Level. TTOT 745 - World of the Old Testament Credits 2-3 Old Testament backgrounds, including a study of the religion, literature, geography, archaeology, and culture of Israel in its ancient Near Eastern environment. Notes: Required of M.A. (Old Testament) students. Grade Mode: A. Prerequisites: Successful completion of the online Talbot Research and Writing Module. Restrictions: Must be Doctoral Level, Post Masters Level or Graduate Level. TTOT 791 - Old Testament Seminar Credits 1-4 Supervised research of designated areas of concentration in Old Testament literature, history, interpretation or theology. Notes: May be taken multiple times for credit with different content. Three credits are required for M.A. (Old Testament) students. Grade Mode: A. Restrictions: Must be Doctoral Level, Post Masters Level or Graduate Level.
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