Spiritual Formation, Institute of
TTSF 501 - Introduction to Spiritual Theology and Formation Credits 0-3 Introductory study of the nature of spiritual theology and formation, which attempts to understand the nature of new life in Christ, the process of formation in the Spirit and the directives for cooperating with His work. Attention is given to the implications of Spiritual Theology for seminary training and classroom experience. Particular attention is given to understanding the implications of life in Christ regarding guilt, shame and legalism as well as the New Covenant ministry of the Spirit in transforming the heart in light of the dynamics of original sin, early relational development and the habits of sin developed over time. Attention is also given to developmental spirituality, how the Spirit transforms the heart over time and how this affects ministries of teaching, preaching and discipleship in the church. Notes: Required of all Talbot students not in a Spiritual Formation academic program. A retreat will be introduced and required. This course will include a cohort group of no more than 15 students who explore the course content as well as the student's own life and growth within community. Required in the students' first semester at Talbot. Only students in the Talbot M.Div. program with a specialization in Messianic Jewish Studies (Feinberg Extension) are eligible to take this course for 2 credits. Grade Mode: A, N. Restrictions: Must be Graduate Level 1 Class, Graduate Level 2 Class, Graduate Level 3 Class, Graduate Level 4 Class, or Senior Class; must not be a Major in Spiritual Form Certificate (TSSF), a Major in Spiritual Formation (TPSF), a Major in Spiritual Formation/Soul Care (TASC) or a Major in Spiritual Formation (TASF); must be Talbot School of Theology, Undergraduate, Crowell School of Business; Post Masters Level, Doctoral Level, Undergraduate Level or Graduate Level. Fee: $280 for an overnight retreat, and cohort group. TTSF 503 - Personal Foundations for Spiritual Formation Credits 0-3 A theological and experiential exploration into human relationships and issues related to gender, romance, marriage, family and parenting as they relate to spiritual growth. Course includes an investigation into the impact of personal and family history on theological outlook, emotional congruence, relational attractions and moral decisions. Personal assessments and a one-day retreat are an integral part of this course. Students will experience spiritual community and intercessory prayer as they begin individual spiritual direction with a spiritual director and continue relationships within a cohort group to explore deeply their relational capacity at the heart of how Christ is formed in them, thereby developing deeper levels of trust and vulnerability.Prerequisites: TTSF 501. Notes: Required of all Talbot students not in a Spiritual Formation academic program. Cohort groups will continue to meet from TTSF 501 and a one-day group spiritual retreat will be required. Only students in the Talbot M.Div. program with a specialization in Messianic Jewish Studies (Feinberg Extension) are eligible to take this course for 2
TTSF 504 - Spiritual Formation, Vocation, and the Disciplines Credit 1 A theological and experiential exploration of the believer's vocation and the various 'callings' in the Bible as it relates to the general call of loving God and neighbor, a training in righteousness and conformity to Christ's image. Explores the panoply of spiritual disciplines sanctioned by the Bible and developed throughout Church history in order to enter deeply into one's calling. This learning takes place in a cohort group and includes various modalities of learning. A retreat component is included with this course. The retreat focuses on various spiritual disciplines and one's relation to the various calls of God in one's life, particularly one's personal call to ministry. Notes: Required of all Talbot students not in a Spiritual Formation academic program. Grade Mode: C, N. Prerequisites: TTSF 503, TTSF 505. Restrictions: Must not be a Major in Spiritual Form Certificate (TSSF), a Major in Spiritual Formation (TPSF), a Major in Spiritual Formation/ Soul Care (TASC) or a Major in Spiritual Formation (TASF); must be Talbot School of Theology, Crowell School of Business; Doctoral Level, Post Masters Level or Graduate Level. Fee: $230 for cohort group. TTSF 505 - Talbot Spiritual Direction I Credits 0 A personal experience is required in Spiritual Direction at the Center for Spiritual Renewal at ISF. This course provides students the opportunity to explore their life of prayer and growth with a trained spiritual director from the Institute for Spiritual Formation. Notes: Two semesters of spiritual direction must be completed for the Spiritual Formation Focus requirement (TTSF 506 after completion of TTSF 505). Students are required to meet with an approved spiritual director a minimum of four times per semester. Required of all Talbot students not enrolled in a Spiritual Formation academic program. Grade Mode: C.
Prerequisites: TTSF 501. Corequisites: TTSF 503.
Restrictions: Must be Graduate Level 1 Class, Graduate Level 2 Class, Graduate Level 3 Class, Graduate Level 4 Class, or Senior Class; must not be a Major in Spiritual Form Certificate (TSSF), a Major in Spiritual Formation (TPSF), a Major in Spiritual Formation/Soul Care (TASC) or a Major in Spiritual Formation (TASF); must be Talbot School of Theology, Undergraduate, Crowell School of Business; Post Masters Level, Doctoral Level, Undergraduate Level or Graduate Level. Fee: $120. TTSF 506 - Talbot Spiritual Direction II Credits 0 A personal experience is required in Spiritual Direction at the Center for Spiritual Renewal at ISF. This course provides students the opportunity to explore their life of prayer and growth with a trained spiritual director from the Institute for Spiritual Formation. Notes: Two semesters of spiritual direction must be completed for the Spiritual Formation Focus requirement (TTSF 506 after completion of TTSF 505). Students are required to meet with an approved spiritual director a minimum of four times per semester. Required of all Talbot students not enrolled in a Spiritual Formation academic program. Grade Mode: C. Prerequisites: TTSF 505. Restrictions: Must not be Spiritual Form Certificate (TSSF), Spiritual Formation (TPSF), Spiritual Formation/Soul Care (TASC) or Spiritual Formation (TASF); must be Doctoral Level, Post Masters Level or Graduate Level. Fee: $120.
credits. Grade Mode: A, N. Corequisites: TTSF 505.
Restrictions: Must be Graduate Level 1 Class, Graduate Level 2 Class, Graduate Level 3 Class, Graduate Level 4 Class, or Senior Class; must not be a Major in Spiritual Form Certificate (TSSF), a Major in Spiritual Formation (TPSF), a Major in Spiritual Formation/Soul Care (TASC) or a Major in Spiritual Formation (TASF); must be Talbot School of Theology, Undergraduate, Crowell School of Business; Post Masters Level, Doctoral Level, Undergraduate Level or Graduate Level. Fee: $230 for assessment, day retreat and cohort group.
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