Theological Studies Digital Courses
TTSF 705 - Prayer Seminar Credits 3 Exploration of prayer in the Scriptures and how the Church throughout history understood the relationship of prayer to personal and corporate growth. Attention is given to identifying various psychological defenses which may emerge in the life of prayer. Topics may include prayers in the Bible, liturgical prayer, lectio divina, recollection, centering prayer, the Jesus prayer, conversational prayer, prayer in the family, etc. Grade Mode: A. Restrictions: Must be a Major in Spiritual Form Certificate (TSSF), a Major in Spiritual Formation (TPSF), a Major in Spiritual Formation/Soul Care (TASC) or a Major in Spiritual Formation (TASF); Talbot School of Theology; Doctoral Level, Post Masters Level or Graduate Level. TTSF 707 - Personality Dynamics and Spirituality Credits 3 An introduction to the personality dynamics involved in interpersonal relationships, including one's relationship with God. Special attention is given to styles of being and relating, defense mechanisms that hinder growth and maturity, and the dynamics of guilt, anxiety, anger and forgiveness. Grade Mode: A. Restrictions: Must be a Major in Spiritual Form Certificate (TSSF), a Major in Spiritual Formation (TPSF), a Major in Spiritual Formation/Soul Care (TASC) or a Major in Spiritual Formation (TASF); Talbot School of Theology; Doctoral Level, Post Masters Level or Graduate Level. TTSF 709 - Existential Spirituality and Soul Care Credits 3 Exploration of a depth-existential approach to understanding the person, particularly as it interfaces with Christian Spirituality and theology. Attention is given to key themes in existential spirituality and psychology such as anxiety, despair, hope, self, ego, transference, insight, meaning, love, freedom, feelings, journey and the nature of 'encounter'. Grade Mode: A. Restrictions: Must be a Major in Spiritual Form Certificate (TSSF), a Major in Spiritual Formation (TPSF), a Major in Spiritual Formation/Soul Care (TASC) or a Major in Spiritual Formation (TASF); Talbot School of Theology; Doctoral Level, Post Masters Level or Graduate Level. TTSF 711 - Topics in Christian Spiritual Soul Care and Direction Credits 3 Occasional seminars are offered under this course designation which focus upon some issue, controversy or dimension in the area of soul care, mentoring and spiritual direction. Grade Mode: A. Restrictions: Must be a Major in Spiritual Form Certificate (TSSF), a Major in Spiritual Formation (TPSF), a Major in Spiritual Formation/Soul Care (TASC) or a Major in Spiritual Formation (TASF); Talbot School of Theology; Doctoral Level, Post Masters Level or Graduate Level. TTSF 713 - Integration, Wisdom and Spiritual Formation Credits 3 An introduction to the nature of integration of faith and learning, particularly as it relates to the life of wisdom, prayer and spiritual formation of the believer. Emphasis is given to Old Testament Wisdom Literature and its understanding of integration and the wise life in relation to God, creation and the overall process of spiritual formation. Grade Mode: A. Restrictions: Must be a Major in Spiritual Form Certificate (TSSF), a Major in Spiritual Formation (TPSF), a Major in Spiritual Formation/Soul Care (TASC) or a Major in Spiritual Formation (TASF); Talbot School of Theology; Doctoral Level, Post Masters Level or Graduate Level.
TTSF 740 - Spiritual Formation Project/Thesis Credits 1-4 Students in the M.A. Concentration in SF (only) are required to complete a Master's Project/Thesis in the area of Spiritual Formation or Spiritual Guidance (includes 3 credits for writing and 1 credit for personal growth exploration). The Project-Thesis must involve both a theoretical and practical-experiential dimension in consultation with thesis advisor. Notes: May be fulfilled in two semesters. Grade Mode: V. Restrictions: Must be a Major in Spiritual Formation (TASF); Talbot School of Theology; Doctoral Level, Post Masters Level or Graduate Level. TTSF 750 - Directed Study Credits 1-4 Supervised reading, research, retreat or experiential practice. Developed and approved in conjunction with ISF faculty and advisor. Notes: May be taken multiple times for credit with different content. Grade Mode: A. Restrictions: Must be a Major in Spiritual Form Certificate (TSSF), a Major in Spiritual Formation (TPSF), a Major in Spiritual Formation/Soul Care (TASC) or a Major in Spiritual Formation (TASF); Talbot School of Theology; Doctoral Level, Post Masters Level or Graduate Level. Theological Studies Digital Courses For information about Theological Studies Digital Courses, visit the Talbot School of Theology - Graduate Dean of Faculty Office. Courses TTTS 519 - New Testament Survey: Epistles/Revelation Credits 3 Craig L. Blomberg, Ph.D. This course surveys the New Testament epistles and the Apocalypse, dealing with both introductory issues as well as basic content of each book. The student will do an inductive study of a selected passage, according to the accompanying Inductive Bible Study syllabus. Grade Mode: A. Restrictions: Must be Talbot School of Theology; Doctoral Level, Post Masters Level or Graduate Level. TTTS 521 - New Testament Survey: Gospels/Life of Christ Credits 3 Terry C. Hurlbert, Th.D. A chronological synthetic study of the four gospel records, emphasizing the time, place, circumstances and persons involved in the events of our Lord's ministry, with a view to a fuller understanding of the significance of His words and works. Grade Mode: A. Restrictions: Must be Talbot School of Theology; Doctoral Level, Post Masters Level or Graduate Level. TTTS 545 - The Role of Women in Ministry Credits 3 Lucy Mabery-Foster, Ph.D. Study of ministry to and by women. Includes biblical foundations for women and principles for evangelizing, discipling and counseling women. Focus on the history of women's ministries in the church, the role of women's ministries in the New Testament, and the contemporary cultural context for women's ministries. Students learn how to minister to specific women's groups, such as singles, homemakers, those in the workplace and those who are hurting. Grade Mode: A. Restrictions: Must be Talbot School of Theology; Doctoral Level, Post Masters Level or Graduate Level.
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