Theology: Systematic
TTTH 703 - Millennial Views Credits 2-3 A careful and intensive study of the three main eschatological views relative to the millennium; the historical and biblical strength of the premillennial system; consideration of the leading amillennial writings. A detailed analysis of the four positions relative to the time of the rapture; a biblical and theological defense of the pretribulational view, with exegesis of crucial passages of Scripture. Notes: Elective. Grade Mode: A. Prerequisites: TTTH 614. Restrictions: Must be Doctoral Level, Post Masters Level or Graduate Level. TTTH 707 - Roman Catholic Theology Credits 2-3 A detailed study of the tenets of Roman Catholicism. Includes reading from representative Roman Catholic literature with particular attention given to the distinctions between Roman Catholic and Protestant doctrines. Especially helpful for those contemplating missionary service in countries with a large Roman Catholic population. Notes: Elective. Grade Mode: A. Restrictions: Must be Doctoral Level, Post Masters Level or Graduate Level. TTTH 709 - Contemporary Theology Credits 2-3 The study of contemporary theological positions, including a survey of the philosophical and theological thought leading up to the present scene. Notes: Required of M.A. (Theology) and Th.M. (Theology) students. Grade Mode: A. Prerequisites: Successful completion of the online Talbot Research and Writing Module. TTHT 505 or TTHT 514; TTTH 511 or TTTH 521, TTTH 512 or TTTH 522. Restrictions: Must be Doctoral Level, Post Masters Level or Graduate Level. TTTH 710 - Pneumatology Credits 2-3 The person and work of the Holy Spirit both in the Old and New Testaments with particular attention to His ministries in this age to the individual believer and the church. Notes: Elective. Grade Mode: A. Restrictions: Must be Doctoral Level, Post Masters Level or Graduate Level. TTTH 712 - Current Theological Issues Credits 2-3 An intensive study of the thought of particular contemporary theologians and prominent theological or theologically significant ethical issues in the light of biblical revelation. Notes: Elective. Grade Mode: A. Restrictions: Must be Doctoral Level, Post Masters Level or Graduate Level. TTTH 713 - Johannine Theology Credits 2-3 The theology of the Johannine writings, with emphasis upon the concepts that the writer himself emphasizes. Notes: Elective for Th.M. students. Grade Mode: A. Prerequisites: TTNT 501, TTNT 502. Restrictions: Must be Doctoral Level, Post Masters Level or Graduate Level.
TTTH 717 - Theology of Human Nature Credits 2-3 Exploration of key areas relating to the nature of man from both a theological and psychological perspective. Includes consideration of the biblical nature of man in comparison to teaching theories of human development; the meaning and significance of man created in the image of God; the nature and dynamics of sin which lead to sins or psychological maladjustments; and the practical application of the above concepts to the areas of personal growth and discipleship, education and child rearing and church ministry. Team taught by faculty with strength in theology and psychology. Notes: Elective. Grade Mode: A. Prerequisites: TTTH 512 or TTTH 522. Restrictions: Must be Doctoral Level, Post Masters Level or Graduate Level. TTTH 718 - Theology of Christian Nurture Credits 2-3 Designed for the student with background in the biblical and theological knowledge of soteriology. Consideration of the nature of personal transformation in regeneration, the means and dynamics of nurture including the relation of cognitive and relational aspects. Examination of the nature of spiritual maturity and its relation to psychological maturity and hindrances to growth. Team taught by faculty with strength in theology and psychology. Notes: Elective. Grade Mode: A. Prerequisites: TTTH 512 or TTTH 522, TTTH 613 or TTTH 623. Restrictions: Must be Post Masters Level or Graduate Level. TTTH 720 - The Theology and Practice of Prayer Credits 2-3 A study of the biblical theology of prayer including its meaning, purpose and practice. Notes: Elective. Grade Mode: A. Restrictions: Must be Doctoral Level, Post Masters Level or Graduate Level. TTTH 723 - Demonology and The Occult Credits 3 A theological examination of the nature and work of Satan and demons with application to the topics of demon possession, spiritual warfare, occultic groups, occultic phenomena and occultic practices. Special emphasis is placed on Christ as the Deliverer. Grade Mode: A. Restrictions: Must be Doctoral Level, Post Masters Level or Graduate Level. TTTH 724 - Eschatological Problems Credits 2-3 Typical exegetical and doctrinal problems in the area of Bible prophecy. Lectures, assigned problems with written and classroom reports, discussion and library research. Notes: Elective. Grade Mode: A. Restrictions: Must be Doctoral Level, Post Masters Level or Graduate Level. TTTH 725 - The Dispensational System Credits 2-3 An intensive study of that system of biblical interpretation known as dispensationalism; its historical background, modern form and objections. Emphasizing primary theological and exegetical issues or disagreement between dispensational and non-dispensational positions. Notes: Elective. Grade Mode: A. Restrictions: Must be Doctoral Level, Post Masters Level or Graduate Level. TTTH 726 - Cults of America Credits 3 The distinctive features of the cults of America with their significance in the development of religious thought and with particular reference to their treatment of the central features of orthodox Christian doctrine. Notes: Required of M.A.(Th.) students. Elective. Grade Mode: A. Prerequisites: Successful completion of the online Talbot Research and Writing Module. Restrictions: Must be Doctoral Level, Post Masters Level or Graduate Level.
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