Biola University
TTTH 727 - Cults in the Eurasian Context Credits 2 The distinctive features of the cults in the Eurasian context with their significance in the development of religious thought and with particular reference to their treatment of the central features of orthodox Christian doctrine. Notes: Required of students in the Talbot MA program with a concentration in Biblical and Theological Studies Diversified (Kyiv Extension). Offered only at the New York extension site. Grade Mode: A. Restrictions: Must be Doctoral Level, Post Masters Level or Graduate Level. TTTH 728 - Theological Systems Credits 2-3 Several major theological systems of thought emphasizing those within the Protestant perspective, but also including significant Roman Catholic and Jewish systems. Notes: Elective. Grade Mode: A. Restrictions: Must be Doctoral Level, Post Masters Level or Graduate Level. TTTH 729 - The Theology of the Gospels Credits 2-3 An examination of the theological teaching of Jesus as recorded in the four gospel narratives. Special attention is paid to the chronological development of themes taught by Christ in the light of His presentation and rejection. Notes: Elective. Grade Mode: A. Restrictions: Must be Doctoral Level, Post Masters Level or Graduate Level. TTTH 730 - Pauline Theology Credits 2-3 The main themes of Paul's doctrine from the biblical theological perspective. Notes: Elective. Grade Mode: A. Prerequisites: TTNT 501, TTNT 502. Restrictions: Must be Doctoral Level, Post Masters Level or Graduate Level. TTTH 733 - World Religions and New Religious Movements Credits 3 A survey of the history, beliefs, practices, and sacred texts of major world religions (including Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism) and new religious movements (including Mormonism and Jehovah's Witnesses), with a focus on assessing and engaging these systems from an evangelical perspective. Notes: Required of M.A. (Theology). Grade Mode: A. Prerequisites: Successful completion of the online Talbot Research and Writing Module. Restrictions: Must be Doctoral Level, Post Masters Level or Graduate Level. TTTH 740 - The Doctrine of the Atonement Credits 2-3 A study of the biblical meaning and significance of the atoning work of Christ including a survey of the significant historical interpretations of the doctrine. Notes: Elective. Grade Mode: A. Restrictions: Must be Doctoral Level, Post Masters Level or Graduate Level. TTTH 751 - Theology of Mission Credits 3 An introduction to theology of missions that focuses on the biblical basis for mission. This study seeks to examine the motives, aims and methods of mission from both the Hebrew Bible and the New Testament. Grade Mode: A. Restrictions: Must be Doctoral Level, Post Masters Level or Graduate Level. TTTH 761 - Directed Study Credits 1-4 Supervised reading and research in selected areas of systematic or biblical theology. Notes: Elective. Grade Mode: A. Restrictions: Must be Doctoral Level, Post Masters Level or Graduate Level.
TTTH 765 - Theology Capstone Seminar Credits 3 Study of selected topics of theology with attention to the exegetical, historical, and practical dimensions of Christian doctrine. Notes: Required of M.A. (Theology). May be taken multiple times for credit with different content. Grade Mode: A. Prerequisites: Successful completion of the online Talbot Research and Writing Module. TTTH 511 or TTTH 521, and TTTH 512 or TTTH 522; and TTHT 505 or TTHT 514. Restrictions: Must be a Major in Theology (TATH); Doctoral Level, Post Credits 1-4 The study of selected areas of systematic or biblical theology. Notes: May be taken multiple times for credit with different content. Elective. Grade Mode: A. Restrictions: Must be Doctoral Level, Post Masters Level or Graduate Level. TTTH 781 - Legal Evidence and Apologetics Credits 3 An exploration of legal reasoning, legal evidence, and legal advocacy tactics with respect to how these concepts and methods may be employed in polemical theology and apologetics. Grade Mode: A. Restrictions: Must be Doctoral Level, Post Masters Level or Graduate Level. TTTH 782 - Theology of Church and State Credits 3 Masters Level or Graduate Level. TTTH 771 - Theology Seminar A theological examination of the relationship between the church and the state. Also an analysis of the jurisprudence and case law related to the Establishment and Free Exercise Clauses of the U.S. Constitution. Grade Mode: A. Restrictions: Must be Doctoral Level, Post Masters Level or Graduate Level. TTTH 790 - Kyiv Capstone Project Credit 1 Intended as a capstone seminar, this course will summarize and apply the primary lessons learned throughout the program. The integration of learning in this course is designed to better equip those entering or continuing in the fields of biblical studies and theology and/or Christian ministry. Students will be expected to share the findings of their thesis research and/or field education with a view toward refinement and development of further investigation. Grade Mode: A. Restrictions: Must be Doctoral Level, Post Masters Level or Graduate Level. TTTH 806 - Theology Seminar Credits 1-4 Selected problems in the fields of systematic or biblical theology. Notes: Elective for Th.M. students. Grade Mode: A. Restrictions: Must be Doctoral Level, Post Masters Level or Graduate Level. TTTH 817 - Advanced Ecclesiology Credits 3 An intensive study of significant aspects of the church related to its nature, purpose and organization. Particular attention directed to current problem areas. Notes: Elective for Th.M. students. Grade Mode: A. Prerequisites: TTTH 614 or the equivalent in ecclesiology. Restrictions: Must be Doctoral Level, Post Masters Level or Graduate Level. TTTH 829 - The Doctrine of the Kingdom Credits 3 An investigation into the meaning and purpose of the Kingdom of God and its progressive development within history. The course includes discussion of historical and contemporary theological positions with emphasis upon the biblical teaching in its historical framework. Notes: Elective for Th.M. students. Grade Mode: A. Restrictions: Must be Doctoral Level, Post Masters Level or Graduate Level.
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