
Biola University 2015–16 Catalog

MATH 101 Precalculus Mathematics OR MATH 103 Calculus for Management Sciences

Behavior and Classroom Management for Students with Special Needs

LEDU 364

Credit(s): 3.

Credit(s): 3.

Credit(s): 3.

Introduction to Autism Spectrum Disorders Credit(s): 3.

LEDU 369

MATH 105 Calculus I

Credit(s): 4.

U.S. History Concentration-Specific Requirements (12 Credits) Choose 12 credits from the following: HIST 307 The Colonial Period, American Revolution, 1607–1800

MATH 112 Discrete Structures OR MATH 204 Introduction to Abstract Math

Credit(s): 3.

Credit(s): 3.

MATH 210 Introduction to Probability and Statistics

Credit(s): 3.

MATH 291 Linear Algebra

Credit(s): 3.

MATH 305 Introduction to Real Analysis I

Credit(s): 3.

Credit(s): 3.

MATH 315 Abstract Algebra I

Credit(s): 3.

American Democracy, Civil War and Reconstruction, 1800–1877

HIST 308

MATH 331 Probability MATH 332 Statistics

Credit(s): 3.

Credit(s): 3.

The American Presidency

HIST 320 HIST 401 HIST 402 POSC 225

Credit(s): 3.

Credit(s): 3.

The Rise of Modern America, 1877–1920

MATH 341 Classical Geometry Credit(s): 3. MATH 415 Number Theory and the History of Mathematics  Credit(s): 3. Physical Education Concentration-Specific Requirements (12 Credits) Choose 12 credits from the following: PEED 205 Foundations in Physical Education and Kinesiology Credit(s): 3. PEED 307 Measurement and Evaluation in Kinesiology Credit(s): 3. PEED 335 Health Concepts Credit(s): 3. PEED 408 Motor Learning Credit(s): 3. PEED 410 Sports Management Credit(s): 3. PEED 420 Sociology and Psychology in Physical Education and Sport Credit(s): 3. Students may choose only one of the following: PEED 343 Techniques of Teaching and Coaching Basketball Credit(s): 2. PEED 344 Techniques of Teaching and Coaching Soccer Credit(s): 2. PEED 345 Techniques of Teaching and Coaching Tennis Credit(s): 2. PEED 346 Techniques of Teaching and Coaching Volleyball Credit(s): 2. Spanish Concentration-Specific Requirements (12 Credits) Choose 12 credits from the following, 3 of which must be upper- division: HUFS 210 Intermediate Spanish II Credit(s): 3. HUFS 220 Basic Spanish for Heritage Learners Credit(s): 3. HUFS 230 Spanish Conversation and Composition Credit(s): 3. HUFS 290 Introduction to Literature in Spanish Credit(s): 3. HUFS 330 Advanced Spanish Conversation and Composition Credit(s): 3. HUFS 366 Survey of Hispanic Literature Credit(s): 3. HUFS 410 Spanish American Literature Credit(s): 3. HUFS 460 Studies in Spanish American Culture Credit(s): 3. Special Education Concentration-Specific Requirements (12 Credits) LEDU 301 - Introduction to Teaching is the prerequisite to this concentration. Choose 12 credits from the following: LEDU 361 Issues in Special Education Credit(s): 3. LEDU 362 Assessment and Evaluation of Exceptional Learners Credit(s): 3. LEDU 363 Teaching Students with Mild Disabilities in Inclusive Settings Credit(s): 3.

Credit(s): 3.

The United States Since 1920 Survey of American Government

Credit(s): 3.

Credit(s): 3.

Visual Arts Concentration-Specific Requirements (12 Credits) Choose 12 credits from the following, 3 of which must be upper- division: ARTS 107 Drawing I Credit(s): 3. ARTS 108 Figure Studies I Credit(s): 3. ARTS 109 Digital Tools Credit(s): 3. ARTS 110 2-D Design Credit(s): 3. ARTS 111 3-D Design Credit(s): 3. ARTS 210 Sculpture I Credit(s): 3. ARTS 211 Ceramics I Credit(s): 3. ARTS 213 Painting I Credit(s): 3. ARTS 221 Photography I-Introduction to Darkroom and Digital Processes Credit(s): 3. ARTS 304 Ceramics II Credit(s): 3. ARTS 305 Sculpture II Credit(s): 3. ARTS 316 Photography II-Studies in Color Credit(s): 3.

Mathematics, B.S. Mission

A Bachelor of Science degree in Mathematics provides a strong foundational core for students who wish to pursue graduate studies in pure or applied mathematics; to pursue a career in applied mathematics (e.g., statistics, computer science, operations research, and actuarial mathematics) immediately after obtaining a B.S.; or to teach mathematics in middle school and high school. The courses taken to satisfy the degree requirements are taught viewing mathematics as part of God’s creation, and there is a concentrated effort to integrate faith and learning. Program Learning Outcomes Upon completion of the Bachelor of Science in Mathematics, students will be able to: 1. Demonstrate the abilities to think abstractly, problem solve, and prove theorems (ULO 1). 2. Demonstrate the abilities to problem solve, apply mathematical theory to practical situations, and use math-related technology (ULO 1). 3. Develop mathematical content mastery, according to their concentration, for graduate work, high school teaching, or employment in industry (ULO 1).


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