
Biola University 2015–16 Catalog

faculty. The studio artists are all highly competent individuals who appreciate Biola and endorse the goals of the Conservatory, but their theological conceptualization has not undergone the same close review as that of the faculty. For more information, see the Conservatory Office. Degree Program The Bachelor of Science degree in Music in Worship is offered upon completion of the University baccalaureate and major requirements. Total credits: 56. Students interested in pursuing the Music in Worship degree must demonstrate commitment to the pursuit of spiritual growth, musical excellence and theological understanding. Integration Seminar Requirement Students enrolled in the Bachelor of Science music degree program are required to take BBST 465 - Integration Seminar: Redeeming Culture through Music. (This course fulfills the integration seminar Bible requirement). General Education Requirements Two years of language in high school or the first four credits in college meet the foreign language requirement for candidates for the Bachelor of Science degree. GPA Requirements Students must maintain a 2.0 GPA in the major and receive a minimum grade of “C-” in each required music course. Core Requirements MUSC 124 Sound Production I Credit(s): 1. MUSC 125 Sound Production II Credit(s): 1. MUSC 130 Advanced Guitar Class I Credit(s): 1. MUSC 130: (guitar emphasis only) MUSC 134 Advanced Guitar Class II Credit(s): 1. MUSC 134: (guitar emphasis only) MUSC 141 Applied Music Credit(s): 1. MUSC 141: (8 credits through proficiency: level 224) MUSC 153 Sight-Singing and Dictation I Credit(s): 2. MUSC 154 Music Theory I Credit(s): 2. MUSC 163 Sight-Singing and Dictation II Credit(s): 2. MUSC 164 Music Theory II Credit(s): 2. MUSC 185 Worship Foundations Credit(s): 2. MUSC 200 Concert Music Credit(s): 0. MUSC 200 must be taken for four semesters. MUSC 287 Hymnology Credit(s): 1. MUSC 323 Basic Conducting Credit(s): 2. MUSC 346 Pop Theory for Contemporary Worship I Credit(s): 2. MUSC 349 Pop Theory for Contemporary Worship II Credit(s): 1. MUSC 351 Keyboard Orchestration Credit(s): 2. MUSC 351: (keyboard emphasis only) MUSC 353 Sight-Singing and Dictation III Credit(s): 1. MUSC 354 Music Theory III Credit(s): 2. MUSC 363 Sight-Singing and Dictation IV Credit(s): 1. MUSC 364 Music Theory IV Credit(s): 2. MUSC 386 Spiritual Formation and Worship Credit(s): 2. MUSC 387 Designing and Leading Worship Credit(s): 2. MUSC 452 Worship Music Seminar Credit(s): 0. MUSC 452 must be taken for four semesters.

MUSC 453 Worship Internship

Credit(s): 1–6.

MUSC 453: (6 credits) And three music history courses. Choose from: MUSC 307 Music History and Literature: Medieval Through Early Baroque MUSC 308 Music History and Literature: Mid-Baroque Through Classic MUSC 309 Music History and Literature: Late Romantic Through Early 20th Century MUSC 312 Music Theory/History and Literature of the 20th Century

Credit(s): 2.

Credit(s): 2.

Credit(s): 2.

Credit(s): 3.

Proficiency Requirements The following proficiencies are required in order to complete the program: Keyboard proficiency equivalent to three semesters of piano class: MUSC 100 Keyboard I Credit(s): 1. MUSC 118 Keyboard II Credit(s): 1. MUSC 119 Keyboard III Credit(s): 1. Guitar proficiency equivalent to one semester of guitar class: MUSC 104 Guitar Class Credit(s): 1. Voice proficiency equivalent to one semester of voice class, and/ or one semester of private voice: MUSC 102 Voice Class Credit(s): 1. MUSC 141 Applied Music Credit(s): 1. Ensemble Requirements Choose 4 credits of ensemble in either Symphonic Winds, Orchestra, Chorale, Women’s Chorus, Men’s Chorus, Jazz Ensemble, or Worship Ensemble. Elective Requirements Choose 2–4 credits of music or non-music electives. Music Performance, B.M. Program Learning Outcomes Upon completion of the Bachelor of Music in Music Performance, students will be able to: 1. Apply historical and theoretical understanding to the analysis of musical forms, processes, structures and masterpieces form the western art music tradition (ULO 1). 2. Describe how they intend to integrate their faith in their anticipated future professional activities (ULO 2). 3. Demonstrate basic musicianship skills in sight-singing, dictation, conducting, voice and piano (ULO 3). 4. Apply their stylistic, theoretical, interpretive and technical skills and understanding to create and perform personal, communicative performances on their primary instrument (ULO 3). 5. Demonstrate a knowledge of the important composers and their works on their instrument (ULO 1). 6. Demonstrate an understanding of different teaching approaches in their area (voice, piano, or instrumental) (ULO 2). 7. Demonstrate performance mastery on their instrument to the highest possible level given their talents and age (ULO 3). Admission Requirements All students seeking admission must demonstrate musical background and performance strengths necessary for successful completion of the


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