
Studio Art, B.F.A.

Web Design II

Animation I Video Art I

ARTS 442

ARTS 341 ARTS 348

Credit(s): 3.

Credit(s): 3.

Three credit upper division arts elective Painting Concentration-Specific Requirements Choose two courses from the following: ARTS 210 Sculpture I

Credit(s): 3.

Students must take the following: ARTS 210 Sculpture I

Credit(s): 3.

Ceramics I Sculpture II Sculpture III

ARTS 211 ARTS 305 ARTS 415

Credit(s): 3.

Credit(s): 3.

Credit(s): 3.

Credit(s): 3.

Ceramics I

ARTS 211 ARTS 221

Credit(s): 3.

Choose one from the following: ARTS 304 Ceramics II

Photography I-Introduction to Darkroom and Digital Processes

Credit(s): 3.


Credit(s): 3.

Installation and Performance Art I

Credit(s): 3

Integrated Design I

ARTS 314 ARTS 326 ARTS 327 ARTS 341 ARTS 348

Credit(s): 3.

Elective Requirements Choose four upper division electives (12 credits). Interdisciplinary Concentration-Specific Requirements Students declaring the Interdisciplinary Concentration choose two specific areas of study from the list below. Students must complete four (4) courses in each of the two concentration areas and two (2) upper division art electives for a total of 30 credits.


Credit(s): 3.

Installation and Performance Art I

Credit(s): 3.

Animation I Video Art I

Credit(s): 3.

Credit(s): 3.

Students must take the following: ARTS 213 Painting I

Credit(s): 3.

Painting II

ARTS 308

Credit(s): 3.

Students must also complete: ARTS 307 Drawing II

Credit(s): 3.


Figure Studies II

Design ARTS 314 ARTS 317 ARTS 423 ARTS 337 OR ARTS 429 Painting ARTS 213 ARTS 319

Credit(s): 3.


Integrated Design I

Credit(s): 3.

Drawing III Painting III

ARTS 408 OR ARTS 413

Credit(s): 3.

Typography I

Credit(s): 3.

Credit(s): 3.

Integrated Design II

Credit(s): 3.

Elective Requirements Choose four upper division art electives (12 credits). Photography


Typography II

Credit(s): 3.

Integrated Design III

Credit(s): 3.

Concentration-Specific Requirements Choose one course from the following: ARTS 210 Sculpture I

Painting I

Credit(s): 3.

Figure Studies II

Credit(s): 3.

Credit(s): 3.


Drawing II Drawing III Painting II Painting III


Ceramics I Painting I Printmaking

ARTS 211 ARTS 213 ARTS 326 ARTS 327 ARTS 341 ARTS 348

Credit(s): 3.

Credit(s): 3.

Credit(s): 3.

Credit(s): 3.


Credit(s): 3.

Credit(s): 3.

Installation and Performance Art I

Credit(s): 3.

Credit(s): 3.

Animation I Video Art I

Credit(s): 3.

Photography ARTS 221

Credit(s): 3.

Photography I-Introduction to Darkroom and Digital Processes

Students must take: ARTS 221

Credit(s): 3.

Photography I-Introduction to Darkroom and Digital Processes

Photography II-Studies in Color

ARTS 316 ARTS 334

Credit(s): 3.

Credit(s): 3.

Photography III-Advanced Black and White Photography Contemporary Photographic Practices

Photography II-Studies in Color

ARTS 316 ARTS 334

Credit(s): 3.

Credit(s): 3.

Photography III-Advanced Black and White Photography Contemporary Photographic Practices

ARTS 344

Credit(s): 3.

Credit(s): 3.

ARTS 344 ARTS 432

Credit(s): 3.

Sculpture ARTS 210 AND ARTS 305

Advanced Integrative Photography

Credit(s): 3.

Sculpture I Sculpture II Ceramics I Ceramics II

Credit(s): 3.

Elective Requirements Choose four upper division art electives (12 credits). Sculpture

Credit(s): 3.



Credit(s): 3.

Credit(s): 3.

Concentration-Specific Requirements Choose one course from the following: ARTS 213 Painting I

Choose two of the following: ARTS 327

Installation and Performance Art I

Credit(s): 3.

Video Art I Sculpture III

ARTS 348 ARTS 415 ARTS 462

Credit(s): 3.

Credit(s): 3.

Photography I-Introduction to Darkroom and Digital Processes

Credit(s): 3.

ARTS 221

Credit(s): 3.

Advanced Studio Practicum

Credit(s): 1–3.

Integrated Design I

ARTS 314 ARTS 326 ARTS 327

Credit(s): 3.

Elective Requirements Choose two upper division electives (6 credits) from any area including ARTS 462 - Advanced Studio Practicum and ARTS 464 - Advanced Studio Practicum.


Credit(s): 3.

Installation and Performance Art I

Credit(s): 3.


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