
Professional Teacher Preparation Program - Undergraduate

Professional Teacher Preparation Program - Undergraduate Program Learning Outcomes Upon the completion of the Multiple Subject or Single Subject credential(s), students will be able to: 1. Identify and articulate God’s calling as Christian educators by reflecting on their spiritual journey and their educational preparation in a Biblically integrated essay, and demonstrate Christian attitudes and actions conducive to professional excellence and witness by maintaining high professional disposition marks in coursework and fieldwork (ULO 1, 2, and 3). 2. Examine and analyze their students’ cognitive, social, and physical growth through the gathering of student profile data, monitoring their progress, and providing constructive feedback to maximize students’ optimum development (ULO 1). 3. Demonstrate respect for diversity in cross-cultural and special population educational settings in order to promote equity and justice as exhibited in differentiated learning plans, response to profile data, and high marks in professional dispositions throughout coursework and fieldwork experiences (ULO 1, 2, and 3). 4. Design and implement appropriate adaptations to ensure the attainment of a productive learning environment for each student enrolled in candidates’ classes by focused evaluation and reflection of each student’s strengths and needs. Candidates will also utilize developmental and learning theories, as a foundation for professional decision-making and reflection by identifying student learning needs and making appropriate adaptations to ensure student learning (ULO 1 and 3). 5. Design and implement developmentally appropriate lessons, by using the California state-adopted academic content and Common Core standards as a foundation for lessons that integrate aspects of God’s natural revelation (ULO 1 and 3). 6. Design and implement appropriate and effective learning strategies by designing grade and subject-specific lesson and unit plans (ULO 1 and 3). 7. Design and practice strategies that foster a safe and equitable learning environment that encourages students to take intellectual risks by demonstrating their knowledge of a comprehensive classroom management plan (ULO 1 and 3). Preliminary Credentials The SB2042 Professional Teacher Preparation Programs are available for Multiple Subject and Single Subject Credentials and are accredited by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC) and the Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI). Multiple Subject Credentials The SB2042 Multiple Subject Credential authorizes instruction in any self-contained classroom for grades K–12, preschool, and classes organized primarily for adults, but is especially appropriate for grades K–6. This credential also includes authorization to teach English Language Learners. Undergraduate students interested in teaching in the elementary schools are advised to take the Liberal Studies, Elementary Education major, which includes the required teacher preparation and pedagogy courses. However, a student from any major who wishes to teach elementary school may earn a teaching credential by taking all required teacher preparation and pedagogy courses. Students should regularly see advisors in their major as well as the School of Education.

Single Subject Credentials The SB2042 Single Subject Credential authorizes instruction in the subjects listed on the credential in departmentalized classes at any grade level including preschool, grades K–12 and classes organized primarily for adults, but is especially appropriate for middle school and high school. This credential also includes authorization to teach English Language Learners within your content area. All students should regularly see advisors in their major as well as the School of Education. Undergraduate students interested in teaching at the secondary level are advised to major in the subject area they wish to teach. Teacher Preparation Requirements Teacher Preparation Courses All candidates for the Preliminary Multiple or Single Subject Teaching Credential must complete the following undergraduate teacher preparation courses in sequence. Courses must be passed with a grade of “B-” or higher and the overall GPA in the teacher preparation courses must be a 3.0 or higher: LEDU 301 Introduction to Teaching Credit(s): 3. LEDU 330 Psychological Foundations of Education Credit(s): 3. LEDU 341 Methods of Teaching Linguistically Diverse Students Credit(s): 3. And: LEDU 420 Elementary Reading/Language Arts Credit(s): 3. OR LEDU 425 Secondary Content Area Reading Credit(s): 3. And either: LEDU 431 Elementary Curriculum Credit(s): 3. AND LEDU 432 Elementary Curriculum Fieldwork Credit(s): 1. or LEDU 436 Secondary Curriculum Credit(s): 3. AND LEDU 437 Secondary Curriculum Fieldwork Credit(s): 1. Elementary/Secondary Student Teaching I and II may be taken as a graduate student, and is not required for undergraduate graduation. Take either: LEDU 440 Elementary Student Teaching I Credit(s): 6. AND LEDU 442 Elementary Student Teaching II Credit(s): 6. or LEDU 450 Secondary Student Teaching I Credit(s): 6. AND LEDU 452 Secondary Student Teaching II Credit(s): 6. Admission Application Students who wish to complete the undergraduate Teacher Preparation Program must formally apply for admission to the Teacher Preparation Program during LEDU 301 - Introduction to Teaching. The student application must demonstrate a minimum cumulative 2.75 GPA (on a 4.0 grade scale) and a TOEFL score of 100 IBT for non- native English speaking candidates. Taskstream Subscription Candidates must have a paid subscription to Taskstream while taking teacher preparation courses, pedagogy courses, and student teaching. Pedagogy Courses In addition to the teacher preparation coursework, subject-specific pedagogy classes are required of each candidate. Pedagogy courses must be passed with a grade of “B-” or higher. Secondary Candidates: LEDU 433 Single Subject Pedagogy Credit(s): 2. Elementary Candidates: LEDU 309 Elementary Math/Science Methods Credit(s): 2.


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