
Talbot School of Theology

Co-Curricular Requirements See the Institute for Spiritual Formation section of the catalog for a full description. • Didactic Therapy (Recommended) • Faculty–Student Retreat TTSF 585 Personal Spiritual Direction Credit(s): 0. TTSF 672 Personal Retreat and Formation Credit(s): 1–4.

10. Explore one’s calling to ministry and to the need for more training and preparation. Students will be given the opportunity to explore in prayer, courses, the community of the program, retreat and spiritual direction their own personal calling to the ministry and whether they should go on for more training in ministry. Admission Requirements Applicants must possess a baccalaureate degree from an accredited college with a minimum grade point average of 3.0 (on a 4.0 scale). For special admissions deadlines and requirements involved in the Certificate in Spiritual Formation, contact Graduate Admissions. Due to the unique nature of this program, all applicants will be personally interviewed. Graduation Requirements 1. Satisfactorily complete all courses for a total of 26 semester credits as outlined in the curriculum below. 2. Obtain a 3.0 GPA with no grade below a “C-” in all courses to be credited toward graduation. 3. At least 13 credits must be taken at this seminary. 4. Complete the entire program in no more than five years. Students are placed on academic probation if their GPA for any semester falls below 3.0 and will remain on probation as long as the single semester or cumulative GPA remains below 3.0. Probation students are granted one semester in which to bring their academic work up to the required level (3.0) for continuance in the seminary. A student cannot graduate while on probation. Curriculum Required Courses (26 Credits) TTBE 517 Hermeneutics and Bible Study Methods Credit(s): 3. TTSF 521 Introduction to Christian Spirituality and Prayer Credit(s): 1–3. TTSF 521 should be taken for 3 credits. TTSF 524 History and Theory of Christian Soul Care and Direction Credit(s): 2–3. TTSF 524 should be taken for 3 credits. TTSF 532 Developmental Spirituality and Contemplative Prayer Credit(s): 2–3. TTSF 532 should be taken for 3 credits. TTSF 543 Personal Foundations of Spirituality and Retreat Credit(s): 1–3. TTSF 543 should be taken for 3 credits. TTSF 585 Personal Spiritual Direction Credit(s): 0. TTSF 672 Personal Retreat and Formation Credit(s): 1–4. TTSF 672 should be taken for 2 credits. And select one 3-credit course from: TTSF 621 Spiritual Formation and Theology Seminar Credit(s): 1–3. OR TTSF 701 Spiritual Formation Seminar Credit(s): 1–3. And select two 3-credit courses from: TTBE 519 Survey of Genesis–Malachi Credit(s): 3. TTBE 520 Survey of Matthew–Revelation Credit(s): 3. TTTH 511 Theology I - Introduction: Revelation and Nature of God Credit(s): 3. TTTH 512 Theology II - Works of God, Angels, Man and Sin Credit(s): 3. TTTH 613 Theology III - Christ, Salvation and the Spirit Credit(s): 3.

Theology, Certificate Mission

The mission of the Certificate in Theology is to provide an introductory measure of theological and biblical training for individuals who have not as yet determined to enter a full seminary degree program but who nevertheless wish to deepen their knowledge of God and His Word and grow in their ability to minister to others. Program Description The Certificate in Theology is designed with two specific needs in mind. The first is for persons who seek a year of study in preparation for lay service with an overseas mission agency, or for more effective lay involvement in the life of their local congregation. It also serves as a “trial year in seminary” for persons who wish to test their gifts and skills with a view toward possible further preparation for full-time Christian ministry. Certificate coursework may later be applied toward a Master of Divinity or Master of Arts degree. Outcomes As a result of this program, the student will: 1. Learn the skills required for graduate-level research and writing, including bibliographic and library skills, formatting and style, and interacting with primary and secondary sources. 2. Be able to articulate and defend the correct, biblical view on the following central doctrines: pneumatology, Christology, soteriology, prolegomena, bibliology, theology proper (including God’s nature, attributes, triunity, works, and Fatherhood), angelology/demonology, anthropology, hamartiology, the relationship between Israel and the Church, the nature of the church and its ministries, eschatology, and ecclesiology. 3. Understand the significance of the above mentioned central doctrines for personal life and ministry. 4. Know the history of hermeneutics, the basic principles of grammatico-historical exegesis, and the basic principles of lexical semantics to determine the meaning of biblical words. Students will develop a commitment to more effectively meditate on God’s world in their own spiritual lives. 5. Know the theme and major contributions of each Old Testament book, discover the importance of historical background to the interpretation of the Old Testament, and develop greater confidence in the Old Testament as a trustworthy guide to faith and life. 6. Be able to demonstrate a basic knowledge of the following: a historical outline of the NT; how each NT book fits into the outline; the broad historical and cultural backgrounds to the NT; and the basic theme and teaching of each NT book. The student will be able to evaluate critical views of the NT from an evangelical perspective. Admission Requirements Applicants must possess a Bachelor of Arts degree or its academic equivalent from an accredited college with a minimum grade point average of 3.0 (on a 4.0 scale).


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