
Biola University 2015–16 Catalog

Elective Requirements (18 Credits) Specialized Electives: 14 credits selected from TTBE, CE, HT, NT, OT, PH, PT, TH courses. A maximum of 6 credits in TTPT or TTCE. General Electives: 4 credits. Biblical and Theological Studies/Diversified (Kyiv Extension) Learning Outcomes As a result of this program, students will: A. Be able to recall the key contents of the Old and New Testaments and will identify important historical and cultural background information relevant to the study of the Old and New Testaments. B. Be able to exegete and apply a biblical text through the application of historical-grammatical hermeneutics. C. Be able to articulate the major elements of orthodox Christian theology, including biblical foundations, and will be able to apply this theology to an issue in the Eurasian church context. D. Be able to explain the theory of “the sanctification gap” * and will reflect upon the calling(s) of God in their lives. * For the purposes of assessment, “sanctification gap” is defined as the perceived gap between the goal of sanctification and one’s present spiritual life.

World of the Old Testament

TTOT 745

Credit(s): 2–3.

TTOT 745 should be taken for 2 credits. TTOT 791 Old Testament Seminar TTOT 791 should be taken for 2 credits. TTPH 602 Apologetics

Credit(s): 1–4.

Credit(s): 3.

The Church and Society

TTPT 703 TTPT 730 TTTH 712

Credit(s): 3.

Biblical Leadership and Management

Credit(s): 3.

Current Theological Issues

Credit(s): 2–3.

TTTH 712 should be taken for 2 credits. TTTH 720 TTTH 720 should be taken for 2 credits. TTTH 727

The Theology and Practice of Prayer

Credit(s): 2–3.

Cults in the Eurasian Context

Credit(s): 2.

Theological Systems

TTTH 728

Credit(s): 2–3.

TTTH 728 should be taken for 2 credits. TTTH 771 Theology Seminar

Credit(s): 1–4. TTTH 771 - Theo Sem: Kyiv Extension Capstone should be taken for 1 credit. Elective Requirements (0 Credits) There are no available elective credits in this concentration. Co-Curricular Requirements Participation in Spiritual Formation Labs (16 sessions). These discussion groups meet as an additional component of class time.

Core Requirements (19 Credits) TTSF 501

Introduction to Spiritual Theology and Formation

New Testament

Credit(s): 2–3.

TTSF 501 must be taken for 3 credits. TTSF 503 TTSF 503 must be taken for 3 credits. TTSS 510

Learning Outcomes As a result of this program, the student will:

Personal Foundations for Spiritual Formation

Credit(s): 2–3.

A. Have a developing appreciation of the New Testament through application of skills in the areas of Greek language, exegesis, the historical-cultural setting of the New Testament, and biblical theology. B. Have a developing appreciation for the value of studying New Testament Greek for a better understanding of God’s written word. It is expected that the graduate will use an exegetical methodology for the New Testament on a regular basis throughout his or her lifetime. C. Personal study and teaching of the New Testament will also be within the framework of: • Accurate interpretation of the New Testament in its various genres, especially the Gospels and the Epistles. • The life and ministry of Jesus, the apostles, and the early church within the context of the culture of first-century Judaism and the Greco-Roman world. D. Be able to articulate key critical issues about the New Testament and give perspective on a reasonable and informed solution. Concentration-Specific Requirements (21 Credits) TTNT 501 Beginning Greek I Credit(s): 2.

Theological Research Methodologies Theology I - Introduction: Revelation and Nature of God Theology II - Works of God, Angels, Man and Sin

Credit(s): 1.

TTTH 511

Credit(s): 3.

TTTH 512

Credit(s): 3.

Theology III - Christ, Salvation and the Spirit Credit(s): 3.

TTTH 613 TTTH 614

Theology IV - The Church and Last Things

Credit(s): 3.

Concentration Specific Requirements (47 Credits) TTBE 530 Elementary Principles of the Biblical Languages

Credit(s): 3.


TTBE 602

Credit(s): 2–3.

TTBE 602 should be taken for 2 credits. TTBE 726

Expositional Methodology in Daniel and Revelation Exposition of Old Testament Segments or Themes

Credit(s): 3.

TTBE 731

Credit(s): 2–3. TTBE 731 should be taken as the theme of Central Prophetic Passages for 2 credits. TTBE 741 Issues in Biblical Exposition Credit(s): 2–3. TTBE 741 should be taken as the theme of Hermeneutical Principles for 2 credits. TTCE 600 Educational Ministry in the Church Credit(s): 3. TTHT 505 Patristic and Medieval Theology Credit(s): 3. TTHT 506 Reformation and Modern Theology Credit(s): 3. TTNT 701 The World of the New Testament Credit(s): 2–3. TTNT 701 should be taken for 2 credits. TTNT 791 New Testament Seminar Credit(s): 1–4. TTNT 791 should be taken for 2 credits.

Beginning Greek II

TTNT 502 TTNT 503 TTNT 604 TTNT 605

Credit(s): 2.

Introduction to Exegesis Exegesis in the Gospels Exegesis in the Epistles

Credit(s): 3.

Credit(s): 3.

Credit(s): 3.

TTNT 701 Credit(s): 2–3. TTNT 701 should be taken for a minimum of 2 credits. If taken for 3 credits, the third credit may count toward the required number of New Testament electives (see below). TTOT 603 Elements of Hebrew I Credit(s): 3. TTOT 604 Elements of Hebrew II Credit(s): 3. The World of the New Testament


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