Biola University 2015–16 Catalog
Philosophy of Religion Philosophical Theology
Personal Foundations of Spirituality and Retreat
TTPH 684 TTPH 685
TTSF 543
Credit(s): 3.
Credit(s): 1–3.
Credit(s): 3.
TTSF 543 should be taken for 3 credits. TTSF 544
Elective Requirements (11 Credits) Philosophy electives: 6 credits. General electives: 5 credits.
Personality Development and Psychopathology Personal Spiritual Direction
Credit(s): 3.
TTSF 585
Credit(s): 0.
TTSF 585 to be taken every term of enrollment. TTSF 621 Spiritual Formation and Theology Seminar
Spiritual Formation Learning Outcomes
Credit(s): 1–3.
This concentration is designed as a personal growth and academic degree. It is an intensive, integrative program within the Institute for Spiritual Formation at Talbot School of Theology, designed to equip men and women for the ministry of discipleship and spiritual formation in general, in the local church, and for further academic training in spiritual formation. The program is designed entirely around promoting growth in the believer’s inner life of faith and prayer with God in the context of a shared community and developed knowledge-base in the Word. Because the program is experiential and theoretical in nature with respect to spiritual growth and the dynamic processes involved, the M.A. Concentration in Spiritual Formation draws upon an interdisciplinary faculty from both Talbot and Rosemead School of Psychology. It includes both in-depth theoretical and integrative coursework, employing the creation disciplines such as theology, philosophy, psychology and education as well as experiential-relational soul work in classes and co-curricular requirements to aid in understanding the spiritual life mentoring. Note also that this more academic M.A. with a concentration in Spiritual Formation is to be distinguished from the more professional M.A. in Spiritual Formation and Soul Care, the latter being fashioned more along the lines of an Apprentice Training Model which includes training, supervision and service components in spiritual direction and mentoring. As a result of this program, students will: • Develop the PLOs having to do with biblical integration (#1) and spiritual formation (#3) to a higher level of mastery. Core Requirements (19 Credits) Students in the Spiritual Formation concentration will not take TTHT 514. TTBE 519 Survey of Genesis–Malachi Credit(s): 3. TTBE 520 Survey of Matthew–Revelation Credit(s): 3. TTSS 510 Theological Research Methodologies Credit(s): 1. TTTH 511 Theology I - Introduction: Revelation and Nature of God Credit(s): 3. TTTH 512 Theology II - Works of God, Angels, Man and Sin Credit(s): 3. TTTH 613 Theology III - Christ, Salvation and the Spirit Credit(s): 3. TTTH 614 Theology IV - The Church and Last Things Credit(s): 3. Concentration-Specific Requirements (41 Credits) TTSF 517 Hermeneutics and the Word in Spiritual Formation Credit(s): 3. TTSF 521 Introduction to Christian Spirituality and Prayer Credit(s): 1–3. TTSF 521 should be taken for 3 credits. TTSF 524 History and Theory of Christian Soul Care and Direction Credit(s): 2–3. TTSF 524 should be taken for 3 credits. TTSF 531 History and Traditions of Christian Spirituality Credit(s): 3. TTSF 532 Developmental Spirituality and Contemplative Prayer Credit(s): 2–3. TTSF 532 should be taken for 3 credits.
TTSF 621 should be taken for 3 credits. TTSF 642 TTSF 642 should be taken for 3 credits. TTSF 645 TTSF 645 should be taken for 3 credits. TTSF 672
Spiritual Disciplines Seminar
Credit(s): 1–3.
Christian Virtue and the Spiritual Disciplines
Credit(s): 2–3.
Personal Retreat and Formation Credit(s): 1–4. TTSF 672 should be taken for 2 credits twice for a total of 4 credits. TTSF 701 Spiritual Formation Seminar Credit(s): 1–3. TTSF 701 should be taken for 3 credits in Interterm. TTSF 740 Spiritual Formation Project/Thesis Credit(s): 1–4. TTSF 740 should be taken for a total of 4 credits.
Elective Requirements (6 Credits) General electives: 6 credits.
Co-Curricular Requirements See Institute For Spiritual Formation (Department) for full description. • Didactic Therapy • Faculty-Student Retreats TTSF 585 - Personal Spiritual Direction
Credit(s): 0.
TTSF 672 - Personal Retreat and Formation
Credit(s): 1–4.
Learning Outcomes As a result of this program, the student will: A. Be able to research the New Testament using the exegetical tools associated with the Greek language; or be able to research either the Old Testament or the New Testament using exegetical commentaries and certain tools designed for those with limited knowledge of Greek and Hebrew. B. Be able to dialog with cult members confidently and effectively, applying the knowledge of biblical doctrine to refute cultic errors and to utilize practical techniques of dialog with the intent to reach the cultist for Christ. C. Be able to analyze and respond to various contemporary trends from Scripture and theology. Partly informing this analysis and response would be also an understanding of the history of modern theological trends. Concentration-Specific Requirements with Greek Option (15
Credits) TTNT 501 TTNT 502 TTNT 503 TTHT 726 TTPH 602 TTTH 709
Beginning Greek I Beginning Greek II
Credit(s): 2.
Credit(s): 2.
Introduction to Exegesis
Credit(s): 3.
Cults of America
Credit(s): 3.
Credit(s): 3.
Contemporary Theology Credit(s): 2–3. TTTH 709 should be taken for a minimum of 2 credits. If taken for 3 credits, the third credit may count toward the required number of Theology electives (see below).
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