Biola University 2015–16 Catalog
8. Meet with Graduate Graduation Counselor in the Office of the Registrar one year prior to graduation to declare intent to graduate. (See Graduate Graduation Check description in Admission, Enrollment and Graduation Requirements section). Biblical Languages Requirement Two biblical languages are required: Greek and Hebrew. The first three classes of Greek (NT 501, 502, 503) are recommended to be completed prior to Hebrew since they are prerequisites to TTPT 609 Expository Preaching. Greek The courses listed below are required beyond beginning Greek. A qualifying examination is available to all interested students. Those who pass the examination may enroll directly in TTNT 503. TTNT 503 Introduction to Exegesis Credit(s): 3. TTNT 604 Exegesis in the Gospels Credit(s): 3. TTNT 605 Exegesis in the Epistles Credit(s): 3. Beginning Greek Requirement Students who do not take or do not pass the qualifying examination must take the courses listed below (for 2 credits each) as prerequisites to TTNT 503. TTNT 501 Beginning Greek I Credit(s): 2. TTNT 502 Beginning Greek II Credit(s): 2. Hebrew The courses listed below are required. A qualifying examination is available to interested students. Those who pass the examination may take TTOT 604 plus 3–4 credits of Hebrew electives instead of TTOT 603. TTOT 603 Elements of Hebrew I Credit(s): 3. TTOT 604 Elements of Hebrew II Credit(s): 3. TTOT 705 Exegesis in Genesis and Selected Passages Credit(s): 3. Thesis Course Sequence If a student elects to write a thesis, the course “Thesis First Draft” will be taken at the completion of 64 credits and “Thesis Final Draft” at the completion of 80 credits. Neither is applicable toward graduation unless both have been completed. Some preliminary steps must be completed by the end of the semester prior to taking “Thesis First Draft.” See the Talbot graduate student handbook for details. Curriculum (96 or 98 Credits) Core Requirements (61 Credits) The following are the core requirements for all Talbot Master of Divinity Concentrations. Messianic Jewish Studies and the Spiritual Formation Concentrations both differ slightly in their requirements. These variations can be found under the specific concentration’s core requirements. TTBE 517 Hermeneutics and Bible Study Methods Credit(s): 3. TTBE 519 Survey of Genesis–Malachi Credit(s): 3. TTBE 520 Survey of Matthew–Revelation Credit(s): 3. TTHT 505 Patristic and Medieval Theology Credit(s): 3. TTHT 506 Reformation and Modern Theology Credit(s): 3. TTNT 503 Introduction to Exegesis Credit(s): 3. TTNT 501 and 502 are prerequisites to this course. TTNT 604 Exegesis in the Gospels Credit(s): 3. TTNT 605 Exegesis in the Epistles Credit(s): 3. TTOT 603 Elements of Hebrew I Credit(s): 3. TTOT 604 Elements of Hebrew II Credit(s): 3. TTOT 705 Exegesis in Genesis and Selected Passages Credit(s): 3. TTPH 602 Apologetics Credit(s): 3.
Introduction to Field Education
TTPT 591 TTPT 609 TTPT 691 TTPT 692 TTPT 707
Credit(s): 1.
Expository Preaching Field Education III Field Education IV
Credit(s): 3.
Credit(s): 0.
Credit(s): 0.
Foundations of Pastoral Care and Counseling Introduction to Spiritual Theology and Formation
Credit(s): 2.
TTSF 501
Credit(s): 2–3.
TTSF 501 must be taken for 3 credits. TTSF 503 TTSF 503 must be taken for 3 credits. TTSF 504
Personal Foundations for Spiritual Formation
Credit(s): 2–3.
Spiritual Formation, Vocation, and the Disciplines
Credit(s): 0.
Talbot Spiritual Direction I Talbot Spiritual Direction II
TTSF 505 TTSF 506 TTSS 510 TTTH 511
Credit(s): 0.
Credit(s): 0.
Theological Research Methodologies Theology I - Introduction: Revelation and Nature of God Theology II - Works of God, Angels, Man and Sin Theology III - Christ, Salvation and the Spirit Theology IV - The Church and Last Things
Credit(s): 1.
Credit(s): 3.
TTTH 512
Credit(s): 3.
TTTH 613
Credit(s): 3.
TTTH 614
Credit(s): 3.
Core Requirement Alternatives Christian Ministry and Leadership For students anticipating a career teaching in higher education, any of the following courses: TTCE 790 Educational Practicum Credit(s): 1. OR TTCE 791 Educational Practicum I Credit(s): 1. Or TTCE 790 Educational Practicum Credit(s): 1. OR TTCE 792 Educational Practicum II Credit(s): 1. may replace: TTPT 791 Field Internship Credit(s): 0–2. TTPT 792 Field Internship Credit(s): 0–2. A written faculty advisor-approved petition must be filed with the Office of the Registrar. Bible Exposition For one of the three required Bible Exposition courses excluding the course listed below, the student may substitute 3 credits of Greek or Hebrew exegesis electives. TTBE 517 Hermeneutics and Bible Study Methods Credit(s): 3.
Concentrations Christian Education
Mission and Learning Outcomes Provides preparation for a wide variety of local church ministries related to teaching and equipping believers and church attendees of all ages including curriculum development, volunteer training, retreats, small groups, life stage and gender ministries, and the like. As a result of this program, the student will: A. Understand and value the administrative and leadership dimensions of ministry based on solid biblical and theological foundations and develop skill in designing, implementing, and assessing educational ministry. B. Gain a broad understanding of and appreciation for the history of educational ministry and the theological and
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