
Biola University 2015–16 Catalog

G. Biblical Application. Demonstrate the ability to convey and apply truths of Scripture to his or her own and others’ lives in effective ministry. H. Communicating the Word. Communicate the Word of God effectively to hearers. I. Servant Leadership. Practice and train others for servant leadership. J. Love for People. Develop a love for and commitment to serving God’s people. Concentration-Specific Requirements (22 Credits) ISCL 555 Introduction to World Missions Credit(s): 3. TTCE 600 Educational Ministry in the Church Credit(s): 3. TTPT 510 Evangelism and Follow-Up Credit(s): 3. TTPT 592 Field Education II Credit(s): 0. TTPT 602 Pastoral Ministry Credit(s): 3. TTPT 610 Contemporary Biblical Preaching Credit(s): 3. TTPT 703 The Church and Society Credit(s): 3. TTPT 730 Biblical Leadership and Management Credit(s): 3. TTPT 791 Field Internship Credit(s): 0–2. TTPT 791 must be taken for 0 credits. TTPT 792 Field Internship Credit(s): 0–2. TTPT 792 must be taken for 1 credit.

Pastoral Care and Chaplaincy

TTPT 604 TTPT 628 TTPT 693 TTPT 694 TTPT 695 TTPT 703 TTPT 708 TTPT 716

Credit(s): 3.

Marital Counseling

Credit(s): 3.

Pastoral Care and Counseling Internship I Credit(s): 1. Pastoral Care and Counseling Internship II Credit(s): 1.

Pastoral Care and Counseling Internship III

Credit(s): 1–2.

The Church and Society

Credit(s): 3.

Advanced Pastoral Counseling Addressing Common Pastoral Counseling Concerns Counseling Troubled Families Issues and Ethics in Ministry

Credit(s): 3.

Credit(s): 3.

TTPT 725 TTPT 740

Credit(s): 3.

Credit(s): 2.

Elective Requirements (7 or 8 Credits) Students electing to write a thesis reduce the overall program from 98 to 97 credits.

Thesis Track (7 Credits) Choose 3 credits of general electives. TTHE 797 Thesis First Draft: M.Div.

Credit(s): 2.

Thesis Final Draft: M.Div.

TTHE 798

Credit(s): 2.

Non-Thesis Track (8 Credits) Choose 8 credits of general electives.

Elective Requirements (13 or 15 Credits) Thesis Track (13 Credits) Choose 9 credits of general electives. TTHE 797 Thesis First Draft: M.Div.

Spiritual Formation

Mission and Learning Outcomes Provides preparation for ministries of spiritual formation, soul care, spiritual direction, and preaching to churches and parachurch organizations. As a result of this program, the student will: A. Demonstrate competence in providing spiritual direction to others (ULO 2, 3). B. Demonstrate understanding of how to integrate spiritual formation into preaching (ULO 1, 3). C. In the MDiv Spiritual Formation Emphasis, students will develop the PLO having to do with spiritual formation (#4) to a higher level of mastery. Core Requirements (51 Credits) Students enrolling in the Spiritual Formation concentration will take the following core courses in place of the Core Requirements section listed above. TTBE 519 Survey of Genesis–Malachi Credit(s): 3. TTBE 520 Survey of Matthew–Revelation Credit(s): 3. TTBE 726 Expositional Methodology in Daniel and Revelation Credit(s): 3. TTHT 505 Patristic and Medieval Theology Credit(s): 3. TTHT 506 Reformation and Modern Theology Credit(s): 3. TTNT 503 Introduction to Exegesis Credit(s): 3. TTNT 501 and 502 are prerequisites to this course. TTNT 604 Exegesis in the Gospels Credit(s): 3. TTNT 605 Exegesis in the Epistles Credit(s): 3. TTOT 603 Elements of Hebrew I Credit(s): 3. TTOT 604 Elements of Hebrew II Credit(s): 3. TTOT 705 Exegesis in Genesis and Selected Passages Credit(s): 3. TTPT 602 Pastoral Ministry Credit(s): 3. TTPT 609 Expository Preaching Credit(s): 3. TTTH 511 Theology I - Introduction: Revelation and Nature of God Credit(s): 3. TTTH 512 Theology II - Works of God, Angels, Man and Sin Credit(s): 3.

Credit(s): 2.

Thesis Final Draft: M.Div.

TTHE 798

Credit(s): 2.

Non-Thesis Track (15 Credits) Choose 15 credits of general elective courses. Pastoral Care and Counseling Mission and Learning Outcomes

Provides preparation for ministry to individuals, couples, families and groups focusing on biblical counseling, conflict resolution, crisis management, developing lay counselors and care teams, grief counseling, and the like. As a result of this program, the student will: A. Develop empathic listening skills, and the commitment to use and teach these skills in life and ministry. A. Be aware of their personal issues and the ability and commitment to develop a personal network for growth. B. Develop a commitment to and practice of sound ethical principles related to pastoral ministry. C. Become aware of his or her limitations, the ability to diagnose the pathology of individuals, couples and families, and know how and to whom to refer people for needed help. D. Become aware of theories and the issues of counseling and the lifespan development of people, and have the ability to apply this knowledge in ministry contexts. E. Develop understanding of ministry skills and be able to apply them in program development of pastoral ministry. F. Develop the ability in counseling to move people from relationship through realization to responsibility. G. Be committed to the application of biblical knowledge and theological foundations in the exercise of ministry skills. Concentration Specific Requirements (29 Credits) ISCL 555 Introduction to World Missions Credit(s): 3. TTCE 600 Educational Ministry in the Church Credit(s): 3.


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