
Biola University 2015–16 Catalog

indicate any changes in marital status or doctrinal convictions since enrollment in the Master of Divinity degree. In addition, applicants should signify their intention to abide by the Standards of Conduct of Biola University. Talbot Master of Divinity students who have completed 80 or more credits, and whose current cumulative GPA is 3.25 or above may be granted a concurrent enrollment option but may not enroll in Th.M. courses until a maximum of 8 credits remain in their M.Div. program. Since the first academic responsibility is to complete the M.Div., all M.Div. requirements must be completed within two semesters after concurrent enrollment has begun. (See Concurrent Enrollment Option). Interested seniors should contact the Office of Graduate Admissions for detailed information. Applicants who have graduated from Talbot with a Master of Divinity degree may file for admission according to the following guidelines: Less than two years since graduation from Talbot: • Re-admit Application • Personal Statement Between two and five years since graduation: • Re-admit Application • Pastor Reference on form provided by the Admissions Office • Personal Statement Over five years since graduation: • Full application • Personal Statement Talbot graduates should include in the personal statement any changes in marital status or doctrinal convictions since graduation with the Master of Divinity degree. In addition, they should signify their intention to abide by the Standards of Conduct of Biola University. Official documents presented for admission or evaluation become part of the student’s academic file and normally cannot be returned or copied for distribution. Graduation Requirements Degrees are awarded to qualified candidates at the University’s Fall and Spring commencements. Students are required to be present for graduation unless advance permission to graduate in absentia has been secured. To qualify for graduation, candidates must have completed all required coursework (26 credits) with a minimum grade point average (GPA) of 3.25 and satisfactorily passed their comprehensive examinations. No grade less than a C (2.0) will be credited toward the Th.M. degree credits. Students who repeat courses for the purpose of raising their GPA must adhere to the University’s general policy for grades, as spelled out in the catalog. Candidates for the Th.M. degree should also manifest promise of usefulness in Christian ministry, exhibit exemplary and consistent Christian character and evidence sound theological beliefs in accordance with the University’s doctrinal statement. Additional requirements are as follows: Residence Requirements A minimum of two semesters in residence at Talbot is required for the Th.M. degree. Transfer Credit Up to 4 credits of Th.M.-level credit from another accredited seminary or theological school may be accepted toward fulfillment of Th.M. course requirements. Time Limit for Degree All course, examination and thesis requirements must be completed within five years, beginning on the date of the student’s first registration for Th.M. courses at Talbot. Meeting with Graduate Graduation Counselor Students must meet with a Graduate Graduation Counselor in the Office of the Registrar one year prior to graduation to declare

intent to graduate. (See Graduate Graduation Check description in Admission, Enrollment and Graduation Requirements section). Major Areas of Academic Study Majors in the Th.M. program are offered in the following areas: Bible Exposition For students who want advanced training in English Bible as preparation for teaching or preaching the Scriptures. Courses emphasize the historical and cultural background, hermeneutical issues, synthesis, analysis and unique theological contributions of Old and New Testament books, providing examples of a sound expositional approach to Scripture. For those students who wish to emphasize preaching and communication techniques, elective courses may also be taken in the area of Christian Ministry and Leadership. Missions and Intercultural Studies For students who want to emphasize the biblical theology of missions and take advanced coursework in Missions and Intercultural Studies. Students will, along with their Missions and Intercultural Studies chair, design a program based on their individual study needs. New Testament For students wanting to do advanced work in the history, language, theology and exegesis of the New Testament, the following is required: TTNT 812 The World of the New Testament Credit(s): 3. Old Testament and Semitics For students wanting to do advanced work in the history, archaeology, language, theology and exegesis of the Old Testament. Theology (Concentration in Historical Theology) For students who want to take advanced coursework in Systematic Theology but with some emphasis on the historical development of doctrine. The following course is required: TTTH 709 Contemporary Theology Credit(s): 2–3. Theology (Concentration in Systematic Theology) For students who want to take advanced coursework in Systematic Theology. The following course is required: TTTH 709 Contemporary Theology Credit(s): 2–3. Program Options The Th.M. is a 26 semester-hour program with two options for program structure: a thesis track and a non-thesis track. Students choosing the thesis track will complete 20 credits of coursework and write a thesis for which they will be awarded 6 credits. Students opting for the non-thesis track will be required to complete 26 credits of coursework. They will also be asked to submit two papers to the major department which give evidence of their ability to research and write on a high academic level. The papers submitted may be the product of coursework. Program Requirements The Th.M. 891 Research Seminar (3 credits) and TTCE 724 Advanced Methods of Educational Instruction (2 credits) are required of all students, regardless of major. See the description of the major areas for other courses that may be required by a specific department. The program requirements for both tracks will be distributed as detailed below. TTCE 724 Advanced Methods of Educational Instruction Credit(s): 2. Depending on concentration, students will take one of the following: TTBE 891 Research Seminar Credit(s): 3. TTNT 891 Research Seminar Credit(s): 3.


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