
Talbot School of Theology

Comprehensive Examinations All candidates for the Th.M. degree must pass a written comprehensive examination over the major field of study. These examinations serve as a major means of evaluating the student’s academic competency in the major area. Comprehensive examinations may be taken any time after completion of 18 credits of Th.M. coursework. Only two retakes of the examination are permitted. Thesis Option Students who opt to write a thesis must produce an acceptable piece of research evidencing a high degree of scholarly competence in the student’s major. Information regarding thesis form and submission deadlines is provided in the Th.M. Program Handbook and the “Thesis Information” section of the Talbot graduate student handbook. Students who complete the thesis registration sequence (i.e. Thesis First Draft and Thesis Final Draft) without finishing the thesis must register for the course listed below each semester until the thesis is completed in order to maintain degree status. Only one year following the completion of coursework is normally allowed for completion of a thesis. A student may go beyond this one year period only by advance permission of the Graduate Committee. Such permission is usually granted only in extreme circumstances. If the thesis is not completed, students will be moved to the non-thesis track; in this case, neither TTHE 891 - Thesis First Draft: Th.M. nor TTHE 892 - Thesis Final Draft: Th.M. will count toward completion of the Th.M. degree, and 6 credits of electives must be taken in their place. TTHE 899 Thesis: Th.M. Continuous Registration Credit(s): 0. Ministry, D.Min. Mission The Doctor of Ministry program is designed to equip ministry leaders for a high level of excellence in the practice of ministry. Program Learning Outcomes Upon completion of the Doctor of Ministry, students will be able to: 1. Integrate theological reflection with knowledge about the practice of ministry to assess the suitability of various solutions to a ministry problem (ULO 3). 2. Utilize library resources and appropriate social science research to develop a research-based solution to a ministry problem (ULO 3). 3. Implement a reasonable solution to a ministry problem (ULO 3). 4. Demonstrate Christian virtues and spiritual maturity in academic work (ULO 2). Program Description The Doctor of Ministry degree is the highest professional degree for pastoral and ministry leaders. Talbot’s Doctor of Ministry program is designed to help ministry practitioners make their maximum impact in ministry. Our goal is to help leaders develop the skills necessary to accomplish God’s unique agenda for their lives and ministry. The Doctor of Ministry program is designed to equip leaders of various Christian ministries for a high level of excellence in the practice of ministry. We offer an expanding number of specialty tracks that utilize a cohort-based faculty-mentor led model of education. Students meet for intensive two-week residencies every year for three years, and complete major projects between residencies. A doctoral project is required. Students have twelve semesters to complete all program requirements including the doctoral project. Talbot’s program is designed for people currently engaged in full-time ministry. It builds upon the Master of Divinity degree program by

Research Seminar Research Seminar

TTOT 891 TTTH 891

Credit(s): 3.

Credit(s): 3.

Thesis Track • 5 credits: prescribed • 12 credits: major area • 3 credits: elective • 6 credits: thesis • comprehensive examination Non-Thesis Track • 5 credits: prescribed • 15 credits: major area • 6 credits: elective • comprehensive examination Additional Requirements

Students are required to take a minimum of 14 credits in Th.M. courses numbered in the 800 series, with the remainder at the 600 and 700 levels. Up to two courses from a different department may be taken in the major area with the approval of the student’s program advisor. A Th.M. student must carry 9 or more credits to be considered a full-time student. Those carrying less than 9 credits are considered part-time students. A maximum of 6 credits may be taken by Th.M. students in independent study courses. It is recommended that this be done in the middle or latter portion of the program, and in any case the advance approval of the major departmental advisor and faculty member concerned is required. Research Seminar All Th.M. students are required to take the 890 level Research Seminar. The seminar is designed to introduce the student to research methodology employed in the various biblical and theological disciplines. The seminar is led by faculty representatives from each of the departments in biblical and theological studies. The seminar is a foundational part of the Th.M. program and is reserved for Th.M. students only. The seminar requires each student to complete a major writing project: either, for thesis-track students, one full chapter of the thesis (ideally the “history of research” chapter); or, for non-thesis-track students, a high-quality research paper. ELSP students must successfully complete all required ELSP courses, TTSS 510 (Theological Research Methodologies), and TTSS 520 (Theological Writing) prior to enrolling in the Th.M. Research Seminar. A $50 mentor fee will be required of all students participating in the Th.M. research seminar. Students majoring in Missions & Intercultural Studies will be required to take one of the courses listed below. • one of the 891 Biblical Research Seminars in consultation with their advisor; or ISCL 879 - Research Design or ISCL 897 - Research Seminar. ELSP Requirements ELSP students must successfully complete the following courses prior to enrolling in the Th.M. Research Seminar: • all required ELSP courses TTSS 510 Theological Research Methodologies Credit(s): 1. TTSS 520 Theological Writing Credit(s): 0. Concurrent Enrollment Option Senior Talbot M.Div. students who have completed 80 or more credits and are accepted in the Th.M. program are permitted to take up to 4 credits of Th.M. coursework in the last semester of the Master of Divinity program (additional Th.M. courses may be taken in Interterm or Summer session). These courses may not be credited toward the M.Div. degree and must meet all normal Th.M. standards. This option allows students who have only one or two courses remaining in their M.Div. program to start on their Th.M. program while finishing their M.Div.


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