Biola University 2015–16 Catalog
Ministry Skills Specialty Track TTMN 851 Discipleship I TTMN 852 Discipleship II TTMN 857 Expository Preaching TTMN 858 Narrative Preaching
degree, established in 1984, is offered within the Department of Christian Education at Talbot School of Theology. The doctoral course of study is designed for men and women to enhance their leadership roles in a variety of educational ministries within God’s Kingdom—the local church, educational institutions, parachurch, and ministry organizations throughout the world. Students come to the programs already having completed a graduate degree and significant ministry experience in the field of educational ministry. In general, doctoral students are established within a particular ministry or educational organization and return following completion of the program. A few students are in transition in their career path. The curriculum particularly encourages critical thinking, integrative synthesis of Scripture and social science data, and original research. Courses typically follow a graduate seminar format requiring student initiative for significant participation in class discussion. Small class sizes of 5–12 students permit such a dialogical format, an important element for promoting critical and integrative thinking. The mission of the doctoral programs in educational studies (Ph.D. and Ed.D.) of Talbot School of Theology, Biola University, is to mentor men and women with evident gifts of leadership and teaching in mind and character, within a Christian community of scholars and practitioners, to make contributions, from a distinctly Christian perspective, in scholarship for and in the practice of Christian educational studies and ministry within God’s Kingdom—as faculty and administrators in educational institutions, as leaders in ministry organizations, and as pastoral staff in local churches, throughout the world—in order to nurture the faith and maturity of children, youth and adults. Distinctives An important component of the Talbot doctoral program is the integrative synthesis of social science data within a Christian worldview perspective. Since both education and theology address the human condition, the doctoral faculty believe there is a great deal to be gained by an interdisciplinary study of biblical and theological knowledge, philosophical issues, human development, the teaching- learning process, and issues of leadership. Consequently, students are expected to come to the program with a sufficient background of theological training. (A minimum of 18 graduate credits of Bible and theology is required. For those lacking these prerequisites, distance learning courses are available from Talbot School of Theology. Contact the Graduate Admissions office for further information.) In addition, elective courses in theology may be included in one’s program to study further the relationship of educational and theological conceptions. As members of a Christian university community, program faculty believe that relating one’s faith to an academic discipline goes beyond the theoretical and cognitive. Opportunities for fellowship, dialogue and worship are seen as vital parts of the total educational process. Talbot School of Theology sponsors a weekly chapel service. Various discussion times over meals, retreats, symposiums, and other social activities provide an opportunity for informal, out-of-class interaction with faculty and students. Students are also encouraged to become involved in one of the many local churches in the Southern California area. Degrees Offered Doctor of Education and Doctor of Philosophy The Ed.D. and the Ph.D. programs generally share a common foundation of required core courses. Students selecting Talbot’s Ed.D. in Educational Studies are generally focused on improving their educational leadership and teaching in their practice of ministry leadership, while also developing knowledge and skills of research. Those choosing Talbot’s Ph.D. in Educational Studies degree are interested in combining educational ministry leadership and teaching with a strong emphasis in developing a competency in research and the contribution of theory to the practice of educational ministry. Research training in the Ph.D. program is primarily empirical with some opportunity for conceptual research as well.
Credit(s): 6.
Credit(s): 6.
Credit(s): 6.
Credit(s): 6.
TTMN 859 Leadership I TTMN 860 Leadership II
Credit(s): 6.
Credit(s): 6.
Multiethnic Church Ministry Specialty Track TTMN 863 Foundations for Multiethnic Ministry TTMN 864 Principles and Procedures of Multiethnic Ministry TTMN 865 Models and Strategies for Multiethnic Congregations TTMN 866 Understanding the Peoples of Ethnic America TTMN 867 Multiethnic Dimensions of Missional Leadership TTMN 868 Leading and Managing Multiethnic Congregations
Credit(s): 6.
Credit(s): 6.
Credit(s): 6.
Credit(s): 6.
Credit(s): 6.
Credit(s): 6.
Preaching the Literary Forms of the Bible Specialty Track TTMN 869 Preaching the Bible Credit(s): 6. TTMN 870 Preaching to Listeners Credit(s): 6. TTMN 871 Preaching Narratives Credit(s): 6. TTMN 873 Preaching Apocalyptic Literature Credit(s): 6. TTMN 874 Preaching Poetic, Prophetic, Law and Proverb Credit(s): 6. TTMN 875 Preaching the Gospels Credit(s): 6. Educational Studies, Ed.D. Program Learning Outcomes Upon completion of the Doctor of Education in Educational Studies, students will be able to: 1. Demonstrate competence and ethical practices in designing and carrying out sound field research to address local or institutional needs (ULO 1, 2 and 3). 2. Locate, analyze, critically evaluate, synthesize, and apply knowledge from the literature of the broad field of educational studies to address the needs of educational and ministry settings (ULO 1 and 3). 3. Demonstrate proficiency in carrying out biblical and theological research, integrating theological and social science data to inform and guide educational and ministry practice (ULO 1 and 3). 4. Demonstrate teaching abilities and skills suitable for higher educational settings (ULO 3). 5. Demonstrate the needed writing skills to communicate with both academic audiences and educational and ministry practitioners (ULO 3). 6. Give evidence of ongoing personal openness and spiritual responsiveness to God and a desire to continue to grow in relationship with God (ULO 2). Mission Talbot School of Theology of Biola University offers graduate work leading to the Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) and the Doctor of Education (Ed.D.) degrees in Educational Studies. Talbot’s doctoral programs are accredited by the Association of Theological Schools and the Western Association of Schools and Colleges. The doctoral
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