NIGHT VISIBILITY Athletes who are running post sunset will be required to wear glow sticks or provide a suitable alternative to increase athlete visibility during the evening period. It is compulsory for all athletes to wear these from 7.30pm onwards for safety reasons. Any athlete who does not abide may risk disqualification. RUN RULES SUMMARY If an athlete is shown a Yellow Card they may be directed by the Technical Official to perform a 60 second stop/start penalty.
On each lap of the run course, athletes will be required to go through a “lap band collection point”.
At this point athletes will collect a different coloured lap band based on what number lap they are currently on. The colour of lap band you’re required to grab will be displayed on a sign as follows:
Lap 1 – White Lap 2 – Red Lap 3 – Orange Lap 4 - Green
When you pass the finish line for the final time, you will need to have the required number of lap bands on to run down the finish chute.
3 blue card infringements = DQ
If you receive a Red Card from a Technical Official, you must report to the Race Referee once you have completed your race. Avoid all infringements by being fair and safe. Full rules at ules-and-regulations.aspx
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IRONMAN Western Australia
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