
tives; and articulate the ethical, moral and practical implica- tions of important ideas and issues.

with the educational community and affects the lives of the next generation of children.

Liberal Studies Degree Program A Bachelor of Arts degree in Liberal Studies is offered upon completion of the university baccalaureate and liberal studies major requirements. The Liberal Studies Major is designed to prepare elementary school teachers with a broad foundation in subject matter. There are 34 units of required core courses: Art 306; Bible 109; Education 335, 341, 380; History 403; Intercultural Studies 331; Math 104, 118; Music 310; Physical Science 101, 102. In addition to this core, each student must complete a concentra- tion of 12 units in one of eight subjects areas: Biology, English, Intercultural Studies, Mathematics, Physical Education, U.S. History or World History and Visual Arts. Liberal Studies majors must take BBST 465 Integration Seminar: Christian Philosophy of Education to meet their Bible Integration requirement. Liberal Studies majors who are not pursuing a teaching credential at Biola can substitute one of the following courses: CEED372, 374, INCS 322, 332 or 420 in place of LEDU341.

6. Manifest strong social and personal traits, ethical standards, and spiritual commitment that enables them to contextu- ally and creatively contribute to a complex, rapidly-chang- ing society. 7. Develop and inspire a passionate understanding of the Great Commission and clarity of individual callings in the body of Christ, enabling each student, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, to understand, respond to, and influence the larger political, social, economic, legal and cultural con- text for the cause of Jesus Christ as it interfaces with his/her community.

The learning outcomes for Biola’s teacher preparation students are to:

1. Develop each candidate’s subject matter expertise and subject specific pedagogy so candidates can make subject matter comprehensible to all K-12 students. 2. Develop each candidate’s expertise in assessing student learning through skillful pre-assessment, monitoring, and post-assessment, using a variety of holistic learning assess- ments to inform the teaching/learning cycle. 3. Develop each candidate’s expertise in engaging, support- ing, and differentiating student learning by providing developmentally, culturally, and linguistically appropriate instruction that makes content accessible to all students. 4. Develop each candidate’s expertise in planning and design- ing learning experiences for students, celebrating diversity in the process. 5. Develop each candidate’s expertise in creating and maintaining effective learning environments through ap- propriate use of instructional time and the development of positive learning climates. 6. Develop each candidate’s knowledge base for continuing as a self-reflective practitioner who understands his or her professional, legal, and ethical obligations and continues to pursue professional growth on a life-long basis. 7. Develop and inspire a passionate understanding of the Great Commission and clarity of individual callings in the body of Christ, enabling each teacher candidate, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, to understand, respond to, and influence the larger political, social, economic, legal and cultural context for the cause of Jesus Christ as it interfaces

The General Education requirements for the Liberal Studies major are unique and include the following:

1. English 110A, 110B; three units of literature, (English 220, 230, 281 or 282); three units of Communication (COMM 100, 170,181 or 280)

2. Math 117; Biology 100, 110

3. History 107, 207, 208; Psychology 200

4. Three units of fine arts: Art 100, Communication 160, or Music 101; three units in Philosophy (PHIL 210, 214 or 215); and a foreign language as specified in the university Gen- eral Education section

5. Elementary School Activities (Physical Education 201); and two physical education activities

6. All Liberal Studies majors must complete the writing com- petency requirement even if not completing the teaching credential. 7. In order for a Liberal Studies major to receive the Elemen- tary Education emphasis attached to their degree, a cumu- lative GPA of 2.75 must be earned.


Undergraduate Programs 

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