
330, 420 or 425 or concurrent, for credential candidates and signature required. TPA #1. Fee: $25.

maximum of 15 units that semester. (See also SEED 512/513). TPA #3 and #4. Signature required. Fee: $60.

Children’s Literature................................................................ 3 Designed to provide an understanding of the historical perspective on children’s literature through literature, film, lecture, and discussion. Literature representative of a variety of cultures and ethnic groups will be analyzed and discussed in order to strengthen cultural understanding. Emphasis will be upon developing a variety of responses to literature through art, drama, and writing in order to strengthen children’s literacy development. Prerequisites: ENGL 100 or 110A, 110B, and one of the following: 220, 230, 281 or 282. Signature required. Elementary Reading/Language Arts................................ 3 Methods and materials for teaching reading to students in elementary schools; attention to a variety of approaches and techniques; consideration of the needs of pupils with varied cultural and language backgrounds. A 35-hour fieldwork practicum component is required. Prerequisites: 301, 330 and signature required. Secondary Content Area Reading..................................... 3 Methods and materials for teaching reading through content areas in secondary schools; attention to reading techniques, testing, and individualization. A 35-hour fieldwork practicum component is required. Prerequisites: 301, 330 and signature required. Elementary Curriculum. ........................................................ 4 Introduction to the scope and sequence of the elementary school curriculum in mathematics, science, social studies and language arts; emphasis on a variety of teaching approaches, integration across content areas, classroom management and resources available. A 60-hour fieldwork practicum compo- nent is required. Prerequisites: 301, 330, 341, 420 and signature required. TPA #2. Fee: $25. Secondary Curriculum........................................................... 4 Secondary school curriculum, classroom management and teaching methods in content areas. A 60-hour fieldwork practicum component is required. Prerequisites: 301, 330, 341, 425 and signature required. (See also SEED 506.) TPA #2. Fee: $25. Elementary Student Teaching I........................................... 6 Full time laboratory experience in school classrooms under the direction of qualified supervising master teachers and university supervisors. Weekly seminar required. Must register concurrently with LEDU 442 if completing all of student teaching in one semester. Prerequisite: application and consent. Students doing student teaching are limited to a

Elementary Student Teaching II. ........................................ 6 See LEDU 440. Signature required.

LEDU 380

LEDU 442

Secondary Student Teaching I............................................ 6 Full time laboratory experience in school classrooms under the direction of qualified supervising master teachers and university supervisors. Weekly seminar required. Must register concurrently with LEDU 452 if completing all of student teaching in one semester. Prerequisite: application and consent. Students doing student teaching are limited to a maximum of 15 units that semester. (See also SEED 514/515). TPA #3 and #4. Signature required. Fee: $60.

LEDU 450

LEDU 420

Secondary Student Teaching II........................................... 6 See LEDU 450. Signature required.

LEDU 452

Directed Study....................................................................... 1-3 Subject matter and credit by arrangement.

LEDU 480

LEDU 425

LEDU 430

LEDU 435

LEDU 440


Undergraduate Programs

2007–2009 Catalog

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