Other programs available include:
For clarification contact the History Department. Departmen- tal approval required.
Humaniti es Major / Hi story Concentration The Department of History, Government & Social Science offers a History concentration for the Humanities major (see Humanities section for specifics). It is basically a minor in History, but more flexibility is possible through department advisement. Minor A History Minor is offered with the completion of 18 units beyond the general education requirements, 12 of which must be upper division. The student is advised to take at least 12 units in one area of concentration. Hi story Honors Program This program is designed for senior history majors and for those who have history concentrations in social science and humanities. It is designed as a year-long, independent research project under faculty supervision. Students who are a few units short of senior standing may petition the chairman for admission into the Honors Program. Students entering the program must have 15 units of upper division history. History majors with a departmental GPA of 3.5 or better are eligible. Candidates for honors will be required to meet all history major requirements: the program will count as six units of work (see 490, 491). The J.O. Henry Prize will be given annually for the outstanding paper in the disciplines of History, Political Science or Social Science.
World Civilizations I. ............................................................... 3 Highlights in the development of World civilization with an overview of Western, Asian, African and Latin American civili- zations to 1500. Examination of comparative cultural contribu- tions made in the arts, sciences, government and religions. Includes regional geographic studies. Fee: $12. World Civilizations II. .............................................................. 3 Highlights in the development of World civilization with an overview of Western, Asian, African and Latin American civilizations since 1500. Examination of comparative cultural contributions made in the arts, sciences, government and religions. Includes regional geographic studies. Three hours lecture, one hour discussion. Fee: $12. Perspectives on World Civilizations. .............................. 1-2 Introduction to historical interpretation with reference to Christian understandings of history. For clarification contact the Department of History, Government & Social Science.
HIST 207
HIST 208
HIST 215
All upper division courses have prerequisites of: 107, 207 and 208. May be waived only with faculty signature.
The Black American Experience......................................... 3 An historical examination of the black’s experience beginning with the African kingdoms, slave trade, slavery in the New World, emancipation during the Civil War, and the search and struggle for equality, to the present. Ancient Near East. ................................................................... 3 A study of the culture of the Ancient Near East with emphasis on history, literature, religion and the modes of thought. At- tention is given to cultural preparation for the biblical faith. English History.......................................................................... 3 Survey of British history from the Anglo-Saxon period to contemporary times; emphasis on social, intellectual, religious and political developments. Studies in British History....................................................... 3 Period and thematic studies in British history to include: Tudor-Stuart England, Victorian England, Empire and Com- monwealth, Religious History of England, British Politics and the English Middle Class. The Colonial Period, American Revolution, 1607-1800...................................... 3 Settlement and growth of the Anglo-American civilization; the American Revolution; growth of political, economic, social and religious institutions to 1800.
HIST 300
Soc ial Sc i ence Secondary Teaching Credential
The Department of History, Government & Social Science in coop- eration with the School of Education provides a program leading to the Social Science Secondary Teaching Credential. For specifics on the Social Science: Secondary Education program contact the Department of History, Government & Social Science directly. This program prepares students to teach history, government, geography and economics in California high schools. A minimum departmental GPA of 3.1 is required for students in the Social Sci- ence: Secondary Education Program.
HIST 304
HIST 305
Courses (HIST) HIST 107
United States History. ............................................................ 3 Geographical expansion and development of the United States from its colonial foundations to present. Assessment of influence of Puritans, colonial experience, the industrialization, urbanization, 20th century wars and an expansive economy in shaping the American mind and American international rela- tions. Meets the requirements for United States Constitution for California teacher certification. Fee: $12. Perspectives on American History. ................................ 1-2 Topics on the influence of Christianity in shaping the Ameri- can mind. A discussion class is required along with this course.
HIST 306
HIST 307
HIST 115
Undergraduate Programs
B i ola Un i vers i t y
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