
sociology considers issues of access, culture, gender and power in the community and society. Psychology considers is- sues of behavior, stress, goal-setting and motivation and more in competitive contexts. Nutrition for Health & Sport. ............................................... 3 Theoretical and practical aspects of human nutrition for health and sport. Scientific treatment of applied nutritional principles for health enhancement and successful sport per- formance. Prerequisites: BIOS281 or equivalent and CHEM105 or 112 or equivalent. Topics in Kinesiology........................................................... 1-3 Study of topics related to kinesiology in areas such as exercise science and allied health care. May be taken more than once with a different topic. Seminars in Kinesiology..................................................... 1-3 Seminar related to specific topics in kinesiology in areas such as exercise science and allied health care. May be taken more than once with a different topic. Directed Study....................................................................... 1-3 Independent work, research, readings and/or professional experiences in the field. Senior standing with consultation or consent of instructor. Maximum of six units. Kinesiology majors only.

Applied Linguistics & TESOL

A Division of the School of Intercultural Studies

Faculty Dean: ...................................................... F. Douglas Pennoyer, Ph.D. Chair: ............................................................. Kitty B. Purgason, Ph.D Associate Professors: .......................Lessard-Clouston, O’Herin, .......................................................................................Liang, Purgason Assistant Professor: ................................................................. Barber

PEED 440

Applied Linguistics Mi ss ion & Learning Outcomes

PEED 460

Applied linguistics courses help students to more effectively learn languages. They also address other language-related human problems in the United States and abroad, such as language teaching, literacy, social aspects of language use, and translation. Students majoring in intercultural studies, education, English, modern languages, and biblical languages may especially benefit from the specialized training, but the courses and minor are open to all. Appli ed Lingui sti cs Minor An Applied Linguistics minor requires 18 units of course work with a grade of “C” or higher as prescribed below:

PEED 470

PEED 480

Applied Linguistics Minor INAL 300

Introduction to Language & Linguistics (or INCS 310 or ENGL351) . .............................................. 3 General Articulatory Phonetics . ................................... 3 Introduction to Phonology . ........................................... 3 Introduction to Syntax ..................................................... 3

INAL 301

INAL 403

INAL 405


.................................................................................................... 6

* Electives are chosen from INAL 437 Introduction to Literacy, INAL 446 Introduction to Sociolinguistics, INAL 452 Field Methods in Linguistics, INAL 453 Introduction to Bible Translation, or other INTE or INAL courses. Summer Institute of Linguistics at Biola The Summer Institute of Linguistics (SIL) at Biola is associated with the Department of Applied Linguistics & TESOL. This collabora- tion means that experienced instructors who have served with Wycliffe Bible Translators cooperate in teaching a range of courses including language analysis, language use, and Bible translation. These courses are equivalent to those offered at other SIL schools, and are recognized as valid for membership in Wycliffe and other mission organizations.


Undergraduate Programs 

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