MATH 130 Honors Nature of Mathematics.......................................... 3 A historical, thematic and integrative study of the nature of mathematics using selected topics. Readings in primary source material. Mathematical content includes number theory, geometries and concepts of calculus. May be counted toward the mathematics minor. Prerequisite: 101 or equiva- lent, or consent of the instructor. Credit given for either 120 or 130, not both. MATH 190 Business Statistics.................................................................... 3 Collection and presentation of business data, central tenden- cy and dispersion measures for business analysis, sampling and inference for confidence intervals and hypothesis testing, business forecasting with simple and multiple regression, index numbers. Prerequisite: consent. Fall, spring. For business majors only. MATH 205 Calculus III. ................................................................................. 4 Functions of two and three variables, partial differentiation, multiple integration, curves and surfaces in three dimensional space. Prerequisite: 106. Fall. MATH 210 Introduction to Probability & Statistics............................ 3 Nature of statistical methods, description of sample data, fundamental concepts of probability, probability distributions, sampling, estimation, correlation and regression, application of same. Fall, spring. MATH 291 Linear Algebra. ......................................................................... 3 Topics from matrices, determinants, linear transformations and vector spaces. Prerequisite: 106 or consent. Fall. MATH 305 Advanced Calculus.................................................................. 3 The real number system, elementary topological concepts in Cartesian spaces, convergence, continuity, derivatives and integrals. Prerequisite: 112 and 205 or consent. Alternate years. MATH 315 Modern Algebra....................................................................... 3 Introduction to abstract algebra with topics from elementary ring, field and group theories. Emphasis on ring of integers, congruences, polynomial domains, permutation groups. Prerequisite: 112 and 291 or consent. Alternate years. MATH 321 Numerical Analysis.................................................................. 3 Functions of one variable, approximate numerical solutions of non-linear equations and systems of linear equations, interpolation theory, numerical differentiation and integration, numerical solutions of ordinary differential equations. Prereq- uisites: 291, Computer Science 105. Alternate years. MATH 331 Probability.................................................................................. 3 Samples spaces, axioms and elementary theorems of prob- ability, combinatorics, independence, conditional prob- ability, Bayes’Theorem, one and higher dimensional random
Mathematics Department or receiving a “C” or better grade in Intermediate Algebra the prior year. Fall, spring.
MATH 104 College Algebra........................................................................ 3 Equations, inequalities, systems of equations, functions and graphs, polynomial and rational functions, exponential and logarithmic functions, sequences and series. Prerequisite: Three years of high school mathematics or consent. Liberal Studies majors only.
MATH 105 Calculus I..................................................................................... 4 Limits, differentiation and integration of rational and
trigonometric functions, with applications. Introduction to use of Mathematica. Prerequisite: four years of high school mathematics or consent. Fall.
MATH 106 Calculus II.................................................................................... 4 Differentiation and integration of logarithmic, exponential and inverse trigonometric functions; various methods of integra- tion; infinite sequences and series; parametric equations, polar coordinates. Prerequisite: 105. Spring.
MATH 112 Discrete Structures.................................................................. 3 Elementary properties of sets, discrete probability and
combinatorial analysis, graphs, relations, orderings, functions, simple algebraic structures, binary arithmetic and other bases, methods of proof. Prerequisite: three years of high school mathematics or consent. Spring.
MATH 117 Fundamentals of Mathematics
for Elementary Teachers I...................................................... 3 Problem solving, set theory, whole numbers, number theory, integers, rational numbers as fractions, decimals, percents, and real numbers. Use of manipulatives. For elementary education majors only. Cannot be counted toward the mathematics major.
MATH 118 Fundamentals of Mathematics
for Elementary Teachers II. ................................................... 3 Introductory geometry, congruence, symmetry, measure- ment, algebra and coordinate geometry, statistics, probability. Use of manipulatives. For elementary education majors only. Cannot be counted toward the mathematics major. MATH 120 The Nature of Mathematics. ................................................ 3 Selected topics in mathematics with consideration of histori- cal development and related philosophical issues. Designed to meet the general education requirement in mathemat- ics for liberal arts students. Cannot be counted toward the mathematics major. Fall, spring. Credit given for either 120 or 130, not both.
Undergraduate Programs
2007–2009 Catalog
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