
MUSC 152 Lyric Diction II. .......................................................................... 1 German diction and grammar will be covered in the second semester. MUSC 180 Performance Seminar. ........................................................... 1 Group performance, discussion of performance practice and performance evaluation. Possible sections of voice, piano, organ and various wind and orchestral instruments. May be repeated for up to 3 units credit in the same area of performance. MUSC 181 Introduction to Composition.............................................. 2 A writing course designed to provide opportunity for devel- oping basic skills in the manipulation of musical materials. MUSC 185 Worship Foundations............................................................. 2 Survey of worship in the Bible from Genesis to Revelation. Key worship passages; biblical models of worship (tabernacle, temple, synagogue, Pauline worship, worship in Revelation) and their contemporary applications. Emphasis on the theol- ogy of worship. Music in Worship majors only. MUSC 200 Concert Music........................................................................... 0 Attendance at specified number and types of concerts each semester. Four semesters required for graduation. Graded on a credit / no credit basis. MUSC 205 Introduction to Music Education....................................... 2 Introduces prospective music teachers to the history, phi- losophy and function of music education within the setting of general education in American society. Cultural diversity, ethics as related to copyright and computer use, the develop- ment of the musical child and the pedagogies of Kodaly, Orff, Dalcroz, Suzuki and Gorden are explored. A strong emphasis is placed on the philosophy of education as the basis of design and implementation for appropriate music instruction at levels of public school instruction. Students investigate and discuss current educational practice, including standards, test- ing and assessment, as well as current issues and concerns. Students complete three school observations, one each at the elementary, middle and high school levels. Includes 12 hours of attendance at a recognized music professional workshop, clinic or conference. Students study the “National Standards for Arts Education” and the “California Visual and Performing Arts Framework”. MUSC 211 Improvisation: Concepts / Practice. .................................. 2 The study of foundational concepts and principles of impro- visation. This course is designed to include laboratory experi- ence in developing improvisational skills for the music major on his / her principal instrument or voice in both large and small settings. Prerequisite: 113 A and W; 114 A and W.

MUSC 213 A Sight-Singing & Dictation III. ............................................... 1 This course centers on the application of sight-singing and dictation skills acquired in 113 A and 114 A, with particular fo- cus on dominant and non-dominant seventh chords, altered non-harmonic tones, secondary dominants and chromatic melodies. MUSC 213W Music Theory III......................................................................... 2 This is the final semester of common-practice diatonic harmony. Emphasis is on voice leading and harmonic progres-

sions including altered dominants, borrowed chords, the Neapolitan Sixth chord, augmented chords and modulation.

MUSC 214A Sight-Singing & Dictation IV................................................ 1 This course centers on the application of sight-singing and dictation skills to complex diatonic and chromatic and modulating melodies, dominant and non-dominant seventh chords, altered non-harmonic tones, secondary dominants, the Neapolitan Sixth chord, and augmented sixth chords. MUSC 214W Music Theory IV........................................................................ 2 This course is centered on the study of chromatic harmony of the 19th century; Impressionism, and other early 20th century practices; contemporary popular harmonic practice and its symbols. MUSC 251 Song Literature I....................................................................... 1 This is the first of two semesters in the survey of song litera- ture from the Middle Ages through the 20th century. This course will cover the history of solo song literature from the Middle Ages through the Classical period, and the history of the German lied from Schubert to Schonberg. Emphasis will be placed on how solo song influences or is influenced by major style trends of the various periods. MUSC 252 Song Literature II. .................................................................... 1 This is the second of two semesters in the survey of song literature from the Middle Ages through the 20th century. This course will cover the history of French, British and American song from the 19th through the 20th centuries, as well as songs of prominent composers in the National schools. MUSC 253 Lyric Diction III.......................................................................... 1 Lyric diction is taught in four semesters. All courses are 1-unit lab courses meeting two hours per week. These courses are geared for students studying classical vocal technique whose vocal repertoire consists of foreign language as well as Eng- lish, and who, therefore, must learn to accurately pronounce and articulate foreign languages, and to know the meaning of very word in the text in order to convey it accurately. In the third semester (Music 253) French diction and grammar will be covered.


Undergraduate Programs

2007–2009 Catalog

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