teaching elementary music lessons. Explores the history and philosophy of American music education, emphasizing influ- ences of Dalcroze, Kodaly, Orff and Suzuki.
tion, hymn playing, accompanying (solo and choral) and repertoire.
MUSC 360 Piano Accompanying............................................................. 2 Study and performance of piano accompaniment for vocal and instrumental literature; discussion of styles and perfor- mance practices; experience in public performance. May be repeated one time for credit. MUSC 370 Junior Recital............................................................................. 0 Preparation for junior level applied major 30-minute recital. Graded on a credit / no credit basis. Fee: $35. MUSC 380 Performance Seminar. ........................................................... 1 Group performance, discussion of performance practice and performance evaluation. Possible sections of voice, piano, organ and various wind and orchestral instruments. May be repeated for up to 3 units credit in the same area of performance.
MUSC 340 Special Studies: Theory / Composition......................... 2-3 One or more courses offered periodically in such areas as ar- ranging, jazz theory, advanced computer music. Prerequisite: 214A, 214W. MUSC 341 Counterpoint............................................................................. 2 Emphasis on 18th century two- and three-voice techniques. Analysis of representative literature and writing of short style pieces. Prerequisite: 214A, 214W. MUSC 342 Orchestration............................................................................ 2 A study of orchestral instruments with emphasis on a working knowledge of ranges and idiomatic qualities / capacities of each. Included are numerous scoring projects. Prerequisite: 214A, 214W. MUSC 343 Form & Analysis I...................................................................... 2 The analysis of music from the various common practice periods, with emphasis on fundamental formal structural concepts and processes. Prerequisite: 214A, 214W. MUSC 344 Form & Analysis II..................................................................... 2 Focuses on studies in reductive tonal analysis; set analysis, serial analysis; tonal axes, summation series and golden proportion analysis; and density field / sound-mass / mi- cropolyphony. Involves a detailed study of selected seminal 20th-century works. MUSC 346 Pop Theory for Contemporary Worship. ......................... 2 Knowledge and use of standard and emerging pop symbols. The creation of worship charts, lead sheets, chord substitu- tions, simplified hymn harmonizations, modulations, segues, intros, outros, turnarounds. Music in Worship majors only. MUSC 347 Music Technology & Production. ....................................... 2 Emphasis on synthesizers, sampling, MIDI, sequencing, acous- tics, multi-track hard disk recording, effects processing, mixing, editing, and music production software. MUSC 348 Vocal & Instrumental Arranging for Schools.................. 2 An introduction to principles and practices of arranging music for choral and instrumental groups with emphasis upon producing arrangements suitable for K-12 ensembles, Prerequisite: 214W. MUSC 350A Advanced Keyboard Skills.................................................... 1 This course is designed to teach church service playing skills at an advanced level to pianists and organists. Areas of work include: harmonization, transposition, modulation, improvisa-
MUSC 381 Church Music Principles: Philosophy & Practice........... 3 Music of the Bible. Music in ethnic and multicultural churches.
MUSC 382 Church Music Leadership: Administration..................... 3 Planning and organizing worship services and other church events involving music. Conducting music ensembles and congregational singing. Working with the pastoral staff and volunteers. Communication skills. Emphasis will be placed on ethnic and multicultural contexts. MUSC 383 Congregational Music............................................................ 3 Hymns, songs, praise and worship music, ethnic music, accompaniments. MUSC 384 Church Music Literature........................................................ 2 Choir, keyboard instruments, drama resources, art, symbolism, banners, audio-visual techniques. Emphasis will be placed on ethnic and multicultural contexts. MUSC 386 Spiritual Formation &Worship............................................ 2 Introduction onto the nature of spiritual formation and its relationship to worship in personal and corporate settings. Emphasis on the nature of spiritual growth, psychological hindrances, and the dynamics os assisting others into true, meaningful worship. Contains a spiritual direction component with Biola’s Center for Spiritual Renewal. Music in Worship majors only. MUSC 387 Designing & Leading Worship. ........................................... 2 How to craft a theological, relevant service; overseeing the sound and media; clarifying the role of visuals; building the team and managing rehearsals; working with the band; relating to pastor. Emphasis on skill development and student projects. Music in Worship majors only.
Undergraduate Programs
2007–2009 Catalog
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