and understanding accounting documents rather than upon their preparation.
on the integration of biblical and secular sources in research relating to a specific leadership issue. Research is applied by interviewing a leader in action, followed by a detailed report of the findings/conclusions and recommendations based on the results of the study. The project manuscript will be written in the American Psychological Association (APA) style. Prerequisite: ORLD 350.
Independent Study............................................................. 1–8 Portfolio-based assessment of advanced college-level technical and professional training that reflects theory, data collection and analysis, and application such that it advances student mastery of the principles and practices of organiza- tional leadership. Both 290 and 390 may be repeated for a combined maximum of 30 units. Leadership & Moral Decision Making............................ 2-3 This course examines biblical principles and ethical values related to organizational leadership. Fundamental moral prin- ciples and cultural expressions are analyzed and the biblical basis for values and morality is studied. Case studies empha- size the relationship of God and man in regard to professional and personal ethical choices. Human Resource Management. ........................................ 3 Students will explore the key elements of human resource management from the perspective of the “line manager” on the job. In starting the module, the key focus will be on integrating biblical themes and principles with people problems on the job. Once the biblical themes have been presented, students will gain a “hands-on” understanding of the California and federal labors laws regarding discrimination, selection, compensation, performance, discipline on the job, and termination, while continually reflecting on the concept of “thinking Christianly” in the workplace. This course will meet the Writing Competency requirement. Principles of Management & Supervision. ..................... 3 Students will study the nature of management principles and their application through the use of biblical concepts. Motiva- tional theory and application, leadership qualities and styles and negotiation will receive special attention. Organizational Ethics............................................................. 3 The course in which the student formulates a philosophy of life, providing the base for such concerns as ethics in organiza- tions, accountability in government, respect for human rights, and a responsible lifestyle in our contemporary world. Ethical theories and personal values are examined through readings, analysis of the work place and classroom discussion. Directed Study...................................................................... 1–4 Directed study in related field. Prerequisite: consent of professor. Research Project....................................................................... 3 The course in which the student is assisted in selecting a leadership topic, the use of a computerized database, research techniques and enhancing writing skills. Emphasis is placed
ORLD 390
ORLD 410
ORLD 430
ORLD 440
ORLD 450
ORLD 481
ORLD 490
School of Professional Studies
B i ola Un i vers i t y
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