
Psychology & Values............................................................ 2-3 Examination of biblical principles and ethical values relevant to diverse psychological constructs. Fundamental moral prin- ciples and cultural expressions are analyzed and the biblical basis for values and morality is studied. Case studies empha- size the relationship of God and man in regard to professional and personal ethical choices. Theories of Personality.......................................................... 3 An overview of personality theories including the primary rep- resentatives from the major schools: analytic–psychodynamic, humanistic-existential, and cognitive-behavioral. Integration will be emphasized throughout the course. Meets Writing Competency Requirement. (XL PSYC 411) The Psychology of Spiritual Development..................... 3 An introductory exploration into the nature of spiritual formation and its relationship with psychology. Attention will be given to the nature of spiritual growth, the psychological hindrances to growth and how to address these for the sake of spiritual maturity. The course will also address various ways that Christians have sought to deepen their relationship with God, with special emphasis given to the nature and practice of prayer in the Church and the Christian Life. Psychology of Marriage & Family Life............................... 3 An exploration of contemporary marriage and family life, including cultural and sociological factors impacting today’s family. Divorce and remarriage, single parenting, dual career families, and the role of religious faith in the home will be addressed. Physiological Psychology. .................................................... 3 A study of physiological aspects of human behavior including neural, sensory, motor, and chemical processes. Current re- search on physiological aspects of mental and physical health, emotions, and psychopathology are addressed. (XL PSYC 412) Psychology & Ethics............................................................. 2-3 Student’s explore and formulate a psychologically sound and spiritually viable philosophy of life, providing the base for such concerns as personal and group ethics, accountability in gov- ernment, respect for human rights, and a responsible lifestyle in our contemporary world. Ethical theories and personal values are examined through readings, personal exploration and classroom discussion. Directed Internship.............................................................. 1-4 Psychology work experience related specifically to field of study. A proposal describing learning objectives, collateral reading and expected benefits must be submitted and ac- cepted by the student’s advisor prior to registration. Units to be counted toward elective credits only. Prerequisite: Depart- ment Chair approval.

consequences of the fall and the impact of redemption. Case studies and student experiences are discussed.

CPSY 410

Experimental Psychology..................................................... 3 Introduction to basic research design and evaluation. An analysis of the philosophy and methodology of the experi- mental method is considered. Psychological experimenta- tion and evaluation are implemented with human subjects. Students will complete an experimental research paper using APA guidelines and formatting. Meets Writing Competency Requirement. Prerequisite: CPSY 208. Learning & Cognition............................................................. 3 Empirical findings and theoretical development in the area of learning, cognition, and memory and their application to hu- man behavior. A series of computer based laboratory experi- ments are used to expose students to classical and operant conditioning processes. Developmental Psychology: Childhood-Adolescence........................................................ 3 A study of the theory and research regarding human develop- ment from conception through adolescence. Consideration will be given to the biological, psychological, cultural, and social influences on human development. Developmental Psychology: Adulthood–Aging. ......... 3 A study of the theory and research regarding human develop- ment from late-adolescence through death. Consideration will be given to the biological, psychological, cultural, and social influences on human development. Psychology of Religious Experience.............................. 2-3 An examination of the nature and scope of religious experi- ence including such issues as the development of religious concepts and values, conversion, the experience of prayer and meditation, and psychological and spiritual maturity. An emphasis will be placed upon the student’s experiential understanding of his or her own psychological and spiritual integration. Abnormal Psychology............................................................ 3 Nature, causes, and treatment of abnormal behavior, including the full range of mental disorders identified within the current categorical system. (XL PSYC 309) Social & Cultural Psychology............................................... 3 Analysis of social behavior, including social cognition, attitude formation, change, and group processes. Emphasis is placed on the application of social psychology principles to a range of issues, including sociocultural diversity, prejudice, conflict resolution, and gender roles.

CPSY 320

CPSY 414

CPSY 322

CPSY 418

CPSY 325

CPSY 420

CPSY 326

CPSY 340

CPSY 422

CPSY 450

CPSY 344

CPSY 406

CPSY 460


School of Professional Studies 

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