
Survey of Matthew–Revelation.......................................... 3 A general overview of the New Testament books, including selected introductory and critical issues, relevant background, major themes and divisions and crucial problems. Required of M.A. students. (Same as TTBE 520) Hermeneutics & Bible Study Methods............................. 3 A study of sound interpretation and application of the Bible, including analysis of presuppositions, general rules and spe- cialized principles for various biblical genre and phenomena. A presentation of various approaches to studying the Bible. Required of M.A. students. (Same as TTBE 517) Scripture: Authority, Canon & Criticism....................... 1–2 A course addressing the essential issues in defending the Scriptures against perennial attacks. Topics include historical reliability, inerrancy, canonization and divine inspiration of Scripture including an examination and critique of modern biblical criticism. Required of M.A. students. Essential Christian Doctrine I........................................... 1–2 Essential Christian Doctrine II. ........................................ 1–2 A presentation and biblical defense of the essential Christian doctrines with special reference to contemporary criticism of the value and truth of doctrinal assertions. Required of M.A. students. Historical Theology................................................................. 3 History of the Church from the Apostolic Fathers to the mod- ern era with an emphasis on the development of doctrine. Highlights key thinkers in the Patristic, Medieval, Reformation and Modern eras. Required of M.A. students. (Same as TTHT 514) Patristic & Medieval Theology............................................. 3 History of the church from the Apostolic Fathers to the eve of the Reformation with an emphasis on the development of doctrine. Discussion of key thinkers, such as Origen, Tertullian, Augustine, Anselm, Aquinas and Scotus. Advisor’s approval required. (Same as TTHT 505) Reformation & Modern Theology...................................... 3 History of the church from the Reformation to the present with an emphasis on the key Continental and English Reform- ers, including Zwingli, Luther and Calvin. Discussion of the counter-Reformation, Protestant scholasticism, the Enlighten- ment and important theological developments in the Modern era. Opportunity is given for students to study the polity and history of their own denomination. Advisor’s approval required. (Same as TTHT 506)

Defending the Faith I.............................................................. 2 Defending the Faith II. ........................................................... 2 Defending the Faith III........................................................... 2 A series of coordinated lectures by experts in various areas of apologetics addressing some of the most serious intellectual challenges to the Gospel and the Christian worldview. 601, 602 and 603 do not need to be taken in sequence. Defending the Faith: Continuing Study. ..................... 1–6 A special course designed for students with apologetics back- ground through credit and/or noncredit courses in the basic content of 601, 602, 603, or approved courses, who need to make up units upon being admitted to the degree program. Advisor’s approval required. Fee: $105, modular courses only. Elementary Principles of Biblical Languages................. 3 Basic principles of language that are foundational to interpret- ing the biblical text. Overview of the structure of the biblical languages, evaluation of theories of Bible translation, and instruction in the use of various tools based on the original languages. The course will aid the student in understand- ing issues that arise in interpretation because of the original languages. (Same as BE 530) Beginning Greek I.................................................................... 2 Beginning Greek II................................................................... 2 An introductory study of the basic elements of New Testa- ment Greek. Translation of portions of the New Testament in the second semester. Designed for students who have not completed a full sequence of beginning Greek courses. (Same as TTNT 501, 502) Biblical Archaeology............................................................... 2 An introduction to the science of archaeology in biblical lands. Special emphasis is given to the role specific archaeological exploration has played in providing objective confirmation of the accuracy of the biblical narrative. Logic & Critical Thinking. .................................................. 1–2 A study of the methods and principles used to make distinc- tions between good and bad reasoning with special emphasis on analysis of arguments for and against the Christian faith. Issues in Epistemology...................................................... 1–2 A study of core epistemological concepts such as belief, jus- tification, truth and knowledge that are fundamental to apolo- getics and other subjects. Attention is given to addressing views that challenge our ability to know the truth of Christian- ity such as skepticism, naturalism and postmodernism. Worldview Analysis............................................................. 1–2 A survey that includes a philosophical and theological analysis of the major types of non-Christian worldviews such as pan- theism, atheism, polytheism, finite godism and deism.

CSAP 522

CSAP 601

CSAP 602

CSAP 603

CSAP 527

CSAP 604

CSAP 529

CSAP 610

CSAP 541

CSAP 542

CSAP 611

CSAP 612

CSAP 550

CSAP 619

CSAP 551

CSAP 621

CSAP 552

CSAP 622

CSAP 623


School of Professional Studies

2007–2009 Catalog

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