Seminar: Selected Topics.................................................. 1–3 Seminars and courses by special lecturers or visiting scholars addressing areas of specific interest. May be repeated for credit. Directed Study...................................................................... 1–3 Supervised research and/or reading in selected areas of Orga- nizational Leadership. Research Design.................................................................... 1-2 Participants learn how to solve complex, real-life problems using the tools of scientific research methods. Students select an organizational problem and design the methodology necessary to reach meaningful solutions. Required Research Presentation........................................................ 1-2 Students learn how to gather and work with data, make interpretations and present their results. Emphasis is placed on the problem-solving process, change management and communication skills. Prerequisite: CSOL 696. Required. Organizational Leadership Internship. ........................ 1–3 An approved leadership internship within an organizational setting.
qualities. Prerequisite: CSOL 530. Recommended to be taken after CSOL 650. Required.
CSOL 694
Decision Making Methods & Decision Traps. ................ 2 Decision making strategies used by corporate executions and accomplished decision makers will be explored. The most advanced tools and techniques making robust decisions in a competitive and ambiguous environment will be presented and practiced. Ethical Decision Making..................................................... 1-2 Students will consider opposing ethical and moral viewpoints frequently confronted by individuals in organizations today. While controversial questions will be guided by Judeo- Christian perspective, participants will develop their own personalized philosophy regarding such topics as: individual moral responsibility in organizations, social responsibility of corporations, morality of capitalism, and marketing / advertis- ing ethics. Required. Workplace Conflict & Legal Responsibility..................... 2 A study of the legal characteristics, responsibilities and liabili- ties of organizations with a focus on effective strategies and management techniques to avoid negative consequences and exposure to legal risk. Leading the Non-profit.......................................................... 2 Non-profit organizations fill a significant role in society, and present leadership with many unique dimensions and complexities. Course emphasizes practical models of manage- ment, strategy, board governance, organizational structure, fundraising, and execution. Non-Profit Marketing............................................................. 2 The course will survey the principles and skills necessary to plan, implement, manage and evaluate the marketing effort to a non-profit service organization or church. The outcome of the class will be the development of a marketing plan for a service organization. Customer Based Marketing. ................................................ 2 The course will survey the principles and skills necessary to plan, implement, manage and evaluate the marketing efforts of a business or organization. Both product and service marketing will be examined from a customer-based paradigm that emphasizes vision and leadership. The outcome of the class will be the development of a marketing plan for a busi- ness, organization or individual. Special Topics in Organizational Leadership............. 1–3 Seminars and courses by special lecturers or visiting scholars addressing areas of specific interest. May be repeated for credit.
CSOL 654
CSOL 695
CSOL 696
CSOL 660
CSOL 697
CSOL 662
CSOL 698
CSOL 670
CSOL 674
CSOL 676
CSOL 680
School of Professional Studies
B i ola Un i vers i t y
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