World Religions & Science.................................................... 2 A survey of the core beliefs of other world religions with an emphasis on the ways in which they use modern science to justify their worldviews. Required of M.A. students. Advanced Seminar: Special Topics................................. 1-3 In-depth focus on a specific contemporary issue in the sci- ence and religion dialogue, whereby students will understand the contemporary dynamics and learn to integrate their think- ing in a mentored setting. Content varies, and seminars may be repeated for credit with different topics. Topics include: Intelligent Design, Cosmological models, Quantum reality, Sociobiology, Human origins, the anthropic principle, issues in biochemistry. Prerequisites: CSSR 529, 530 and 631, or permis- sion of instructor. Required of M.A. students. Special Projects/Topics in Science & Religion. .......... 1–3 Directed research or project related to Science and Religion issues.
CSSR 640
CSSR 650
CSSR 660
School of Professional Studies
2007–2009 Catalog
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