Registered in course 2 ........................................................ 0.00 Research 1 . ............................................................................. 0.00 Internship in Progress 1 ..................................................... 0.00 Withdrawal 3 . ........................................................................ 0.00 A “W” indicates an official withdrawal (within the third to eighth week) from a course and does not affect the student’s grade point average. Audit 3 . .................................................................................... 0.00 Not reported by faculty 3 .................................................. 0.00 Non-graded Course 1 ......................................................... 0.00
Quality of course work is graded on the following scale, with a sys- tem of grade points used to determine a student’s general grade point average (GPA) or standing:
Grade Points
Highest Passing Grade...................................................... 4.00 ................................................................................................... 3.67 ................................................................................................... 3.33 Good........................................................................................ 3.00 ................................................................................................... 2.67 ................................................................................................... 2.33 Satisfactory........................................................................... 2.00 ................................................................................................... 1.67 ................................................................................................... 1.33 ................................................................................................... 1.00 Lowest Passing Grade....................................................... 0.67 Applies to undergraduate courses only. Lowest passing grade for graduate courses varies by program. See specific graduate department. Failure. .................................................................................... 0.00 Unofficial Withdrawal........................................................ 0.00 A “UW” indicates an unofficial withdrawal. Students who reg- ister for courses but do not attend classes are given the grade of “UW”which will influence the GPA the same as an “F.”
1 No grade points / Credit given 2 No grade points 3 No grade points / No credit given
Spec ial Notations on Course Titles SLC Service Learning Contract
This type of course involves the student in a ministry off campus in the community.
Bold Program (not considered resident units) CPL Credit for Prior Learning TPT
Technical & Professional Training
Repeated Courses A graduate student will be permitted to repeat a course in which either a “C” or lower grade was earned. When a graduate student repeats a course with a grade of “C” or lower the first time, the bet- ter grade is the only one used in computing the cumulative GPA, and the units are counted only once. Both grades are shown on the student’s permanent record. An undergraduate student will be permitted to repeat a course in which either a “UW,” a D or an F grade was earned. Courses in which grades earned were either C or B, may be repeated only with approval from the Office of the Registrar. When a course is repeated where an undergraduate student has received a “UW,” a D or F grade the first time, the better grade is the only one used in computing the cumulative GPA, and the units are counted only once. Both grades are shown on the student’s permanent record. When a course is repeated where an under- graduate student has received a C or B grade the first time, both the first and the second grades figure into the total cumulative GPA computation, the units from both courses are added to the student’s unit total, and both grades are shown on the student’s permanent record. Only courses taken at Biola University will be used to change course grades. In addition, the student must notify the Office of the Registrar, the semester a course is repeated. Only the units of the repeated course apply toward graduation requirements.
Graduate students should see the appropriate section of the catalog for further grade information.
Spec ial Grade Notations The following grades are also used with special significance in certain programs and are not used in computing the GPA:
Credit 1 .................................................................................... 0.00 A credit “CR” indicates the completion of course work with academic performance equal to or higher than the “satisfac- tory” standard for the degree program (normally “C” 2.00 for undergraduate programs and “B” 3.00 for graduate programs.) No Credit 3 . ............................................................................ 0.00 Satisfactory 1 ......................................................................... 0.00 Unsatisfactory 3 .................................................................... 0.00 Report Delayed 3 ................................................................. 0.00 A temporary mark of “RD” (report delayed) will be issued in special cases when approved by the Vice Provost of Under- graduate Education or the dean of the respective graduate school. RD grades are normally completed six weeks after the end of the term. In the event of the inability of a student to complete the coursework by the approved deadline, the Office of the Registrar will assign a “W” (official withdrawal) for the course grade.
General Information
Biola University
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