and how they potentially affect the marketing management process.
statement analysis, budgeting, tax issues, restructuring, re- engineering, and current topics in financial management are discussed. Learning focuses on the methods used by manag- ers to guide employee actions in ways that are both financially and Biblically appropriate. MBAD 607 Intensive: Global Issues. ........................................................ 1 This course is designed to familiarize students with recent developments in the global business community. There will be presentations from faculty and mentors on first hand experience in their professions in many parts of the globe. A specific focus will be on the opportunities for “business with a mission.” MBAD 608 Marketing Strategy................................................................. 3 This course is designed to provide students with an analytical framework to conduct (1) marketing planning and strategy, (2) market definition and measurement, and (3) the management and control of marketing programs. The primary objectives of this course are two-fold: (1) provide an environment where each student can develop the necessary professional skills for a successful career in marketing management; and (2) encour- age analytic and strategic thinking about marketing programs. MBAD 609 New Techniques for Productivity in Operations........ 2-3 The study of processes and tools involved in the operating core of all organizations, whether product or service, for-profit or not-for-profit. Students will make extensive use of com- puterized statistical and mathematical tools to examine and solve operations problems. Newer trends in operations will be explored, including the use of Internet based solutions, work teams, quality philosophies, Just-In-Time Inventory systems, etc. Appropriate and innovative use of techniques will be emphasized, within the Biblical principles of agape love and servant-hood in the operations management process. MBAD 613 Biblical Management & Ethics. ........................................... 3 Within the context of Scripture, philosophical and ethical principles are identified, discussed, and applied to business problems and situations including the organization’s obliga- tion to the individual and to society, and the individual’s responsibility to the organization. MBAD 630 Entrepreneurial Management I.......................................... 3 Focuses on the techniques used to create and evaluate new concepts and new business opportunities. Students study the process of feasibility analysis of business ventures from the time of the generation of the concept through critical concept analysis, opportunity screening and pre-feasibility analysis, to the development of the written study. Students prepare a feasibility study as a term project and may use this study as the initial step in writing the Business Plan required in MBAD 635. Students will be integrating biblical values in the creation of an entrepreneurial enterprise.
MBAD 516 Accounting & Finance for Decision Makers. .................. 3 The objective of this course is to provide students with an opportunity to understand the complex accounting and financial data they will receive as operating managers. In particular, students will learn how to use the data as an ef- fective management tool for coordinating managerial and organizational activities. Financial accounting, managerial accounting, and financial management are covered with consideration of international, economic, and legal issues. Students also consider the nature of numerical analysis as a description of reality, giving rise to ethical and other Biblical issues of interpretation.
MBAD 520 Business & Government
in the Global Marketplace.................................................... 3 Introduces the core concepts of economics within a broader study of the global business environment. Topics include the fundamentals of international trade and finance, the role and responsibilities of multinational corporations, and the cultural and political forces that are helping shape today’s global marketplace.. MBAD 601 Intensive: Group Dynamics.................................................. 1 This intensive course consists of a Thursday through Sunday weekend session which is used to initiate the program. Stu- dents will learn the importance of highly-productive teams in the modern innovative organization, and will experience how to build a productive team. This will be done through simula- tions, role-playing and brief case studies. The learning that takes place here will be used and amplified in the students’ future coursework. Another very important part of the week- end is the introduction of the MBA Mentor Program, along with the outstanding individuals who have been selected, and have chosen, to serve as mentors. The capstone of the weekend will be a worship and praise service. Fee: $100. MBAD 604 Organizational Financial Policy. ......................................... 3 This course emphasizes the analysis of current and future practices and issues in the area of organizational finance through case studies and seminar presentations. Topics include short-term financing including venture funding, man- agement of short-term assets and liabilities, capital structure, capital budgeting, the cost of capital, investment decisions, mergers and acquisitions, and international finance. Students will also learn to consider the affect of financial policy, on various stakeholders of the organization, from a Biblical perspective. MBAD 605 Advanced Financial Management & Control................. 3 This course examines the means for achieving control while exploring improvement alternatives. Topics such as financial
School of Business
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