University Faculty 2007-08 Academic Year (Year indicates appointment of faculty.) Janet Adams Assistant Professor of Nursing, 1996 B.S.N., Biola University M.A., Pepperdine University
Dennis Dirks , Ph.D. Dean, Talbot School of Theology
Patricia L. Pike , Ph.D. Dean, Rosemead School of Psychology
F. Douglas Pennoyer , Ph.D. Dean, School of Intercultural Studies
Larry D. Strand , Ed.D. Dean, School of Business
Jon Anderson Assistant Professor of Art, 2006 B.S., Biola University M.F.A., California State University, Long Beach Tamara Anderson Associate Professor of Psychology, 1994 Associate Dean for Graduate Students Director of Clinical Training B.A., Biola University M.A., Pepperdine University Ph.D., California School of Professional Psychology Michael J. Anthony Professor of Christian Education, 1984 B.A., Biola College M.A., Talbot Theological Seminary M.R.E., Golden Gate Seminary Ph.D., Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary Ph.D., Claremont Graduate School Michelle D. Anthony Assistant Professor of Christian Education, 2005 B.A., Biola University M.A., Talbot School of Theology Marc Apkarian Assistant Professor of Kinesiology, Health & Physical Education, 2003 B.S., University of California, Los Angeles
Irma D. Hill , Ph.D. Dean of Professional Studie
Michael J. Wilkins , Ph.D. Dean of the Faculty, Talbot School of Theology
Rodney Vliet , Ph.D. Dean of Library and Media Services
Wayne Chute , Th.M. Dean of Academic Records & Institutional Research
John Back , M.A. Dean of Student Development
SungW. Lee , Ph.D. Director, International Student Education
Ron Mooradian , M.B.A. Director, Human Resources
Ron Hafer , M.A. University Chaplain
Jonathan Choy , B.M. Director, Financial Aid
Ivan Chung , M.Div. Director, International Student Services
M.S., San Diego State University Ph.D., University of New Mexico
Gregory Vaughan , M.A. Director, Enrollment Management
Clinton E. Arnold Professor of New Testament Language & Literature, 1987 B.A., Biola College M.Div., Talbot Theological Seminary Ph.D., University of Aberdeen
Rick Bee , Ph.D. Director, University Development
Irene Neller , M.A. Director, Marketing Communications
Loren Baker Professor of Art, 2004 B.A., Biola University M.F.A., Otis Art Institute
Donald B. Sims , Jr., M.A. Director, Auxiliary Services
2007–2009 Catalog
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