
Jennie Kuk-YingWong Professor of Music, Emerita, 1964-2004

Scholarships Current Endowed Scholarships Name

Peter Yam-PoonWoo Associate Professor of Mathematics / Computer Science, Emeritus 1988-2000 David E. Young Associate Professor of History, BOLD Program Advisor, Emeritus 1971-1994

Type Anderson, Pauline Howell Memorial Scholarship .......... Student Aid Anderson, Robert Pershing Memorial Scholarship Fund. ....................................................................... Student Aid Aspling, Allen and Elvera, Memorial Scholarship Fund Student Aid Baker, Atala Virginia, Memorial Scholarship...................... Student Aid Baker, Harry A., Memorial Endowed Scholarship. ........... Student Aid Bartlett, Mathilde K., Endowed Scholarship ..................... Student Aid Barzilav, Cole and Ira Memorial Scholarship. .................... Student Aid Bascom, Lelia, Memorial Scholarship .................................. Student Aid Bass Memorial Fund................................................................... Student Aid Beazley, James and Patricia, Scholarship Fund. ............... Student Aid Belton, Missy Memorial Scholarship Fund......................... Student Aid Benning, Stella, Endowed Scholarship................................ Student Aid Bernard, Jean, Endowed Scholarship................................... Student Aid Blackwell, Evelyn Camp, Endowed Scholarship............... Student Aid Blankenship, Frank, Endowed Scholarship........................ Student Aid Bowman, George and Eileen Missionary Scholarship Fund.................................................. Student Aid Brown, Christopher J. & Patricia A. Endowed BOLD SS Fund.................................. Student Aid Brown, Ivan, Scholarship Fund .............................................. Student Aid Burns, Clarence and Esther Endowed Scholarship . ....... Student Aid Bursch, Frederick G. Memorial Scholarship Fund............ Student Aid Bynum, Bill, Memorial Ed.D. Scholarship........................... Student Aid Campbell, Jon Scholarship Fund........................................... Student Aid Carden, William and Elizabeth, Scholarship Fund........... Student Aid Chance, Ralph T. and Lucile V., Endowed Scholarship . . Student Aid Christian Education Undergraduate Endowed Scholarship................................................................ Student Aid Class of 1992 Nursing Endowed Scholarship............................ Award Cornwell, Elizabeth Jane Endowment................................. Student Aid Delson, Beatrice M. Nursing Scholarship Fund. ............... Student Aid Dunn, David Charles Memorial Scholarship...................... Student Aid Faculty and Staff Endowed Scholarship. ............................ Student Aid Felkins, Horace & Dot Scholarship Fund............................. Student Aid Felkins, Horace & Dot School of Business Scholarship Fund. ................................. Student Aid Finley, Robin, Memorial Fund................................................. Student Aid Follick, Melvin, Memorial Scholarship................................. Student Aid Gardner, Noel & Eleanor Service Through Sacred Music Award......................................................... Award G-Medhin, Mesghina, International Students Scholarship...................................... Student Aid Gerdes, Dr. J.H., Educational Scholarship . ......................... Student Aid Gewe, Anne Louise Scholarship Fund................................. Student Aid Golf Tournament Endowed Scholarship .................................... Award Good. Angela Memorial Fund ............................................... Student Aid Good News for China Endowed Scholarship Fund......... Student Aid Gott, Ray and Gertie, Memorial Scholarship .................... Student Aid



2007–2009 Catalog

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