ANTH 402 Family, Kinship & Gender...................................................... 3 Cross-cultural study of the basic human groups of family, kin and community, examining marriage patterns and gender roles within families.
ANTH 430 Field Excursion: Turkey, Greece & Rome.......................... 4 Examines the archaeological, historical and geographic back- grounds of Acts, the Epistles and Revelation. The program vis- its archaeological sites in Turkey, Greece and Rome including Ephesus, Pisidian Antioch, Corinth, Athens and several others. Anthropology students will examine the archaeological field reports from each of these excavations as part of their prepa- ration. Prerequisite: BBST 110 or consent of the instructor. ANTH 432 Field Excursion: Israel............................................................. 3 Examines the archaeological, historical and geographic backgrounds of the Old Testament and the Gospels. The program visits archaeological sites in Israel, and students are able to experience the historical and geographic context of the Old Testament and the gospels. Anthropology students will examine the archaeological field reports from excavations in Israel as part of their preparation. Prerequisite: BBST 109 or consent of the instructor. ANTH 440 Topics in Biological Anthropology. ................................ 1-3 Selected topics in biological anthropology. May be repeated with different content. Prerequisites: 200, 220. ANTH 450 Internship in Archaeology................................................. 1-3 Students may spend four weeks to a semester in a field learn- ing situation, during which time a student under supervision engages in the application of archaeological methods in a current archaeological excavation. Prerequisites: 312, 315 or consent of the instructor. ANTH 460 Topics in Modern Anthropological Theory.................. 1-3 An examination of various approaches to anthropology from 1950 to present. Topics may include neoevolutionist, symbolic, psychological, postmodern, or feminist theoretical ap- proaches. Course may be repeated once with different course content. Prerequisite: 401. ANTH 480 Directed Research in Anthropology.............................. 1-3 Individual directed research in anthropology on a specific topic or problem. Prerequisite: junior or senior standing and consent of professor. May be repeated with different content to a total of 6 units. ANTH 490 Thesis. ....................................................................................... 1-6 Research for and writing of a thesis under the supervision and guidance of an anthropology faculty mentor. Student must receive prior approval for topic and writing of thesis from faculty mentor.
ANTH 403 Economy, Society & Values................................................... 3 Exploration of theory and methods for the study of economic
and social relations as they impact human values, with emphasis on analytic tools for comparative research and cross-cultural application. Prerequisite: 200.
ANTH 404 Sign, Symbol & Structure...................................................... 3 An exploration of approaches, methods and theory in the interrelated fields of semiotics, symbolic anthropology and structural anthropology. Focus on ways in which anthro- pologists exam social and psychological structures, mental entities and lived experience, and symbolic contrasts and correspondences. ANTH 405 Human Paleontology............................................................. 3 A survey of the human fossil record focusing on the functional and behavioral significance of important morphological changes within the fossil record. Prerequisites: ANTH 200, 220. ANTH 406 Bioarcheology........................................................................... 3 An exploration of the theory and methods of the study and preservation of human skeletal remains from archaeological sites. Topics include nutrition, disease, injury, and population history. Prerequisites: ANTH 200, 215, 220, 304. ANTH 407 Ethnicity, Identity & Memory............................................... 3 An exploration of the ethnic dimensions of human association and community, with an emphasis on the cultural construc- tion and maintenance of identity and social memory. Topics include concepts and theories of ethnicity, identity, and social memory; the relationships of language and religion to ethnic identity, and ethnic conflict and nationalism. ANTH 410 Topics in Archaeology......................................................... 1-4 Examination of a variety of issues related to archaeological issues either from a theoretical or practical perspective. These topics may include: Advanced Archaeological Methods,
Fieldwork in Archaeology, Prehistory California, Southwestern Archaeology, Archaeology of North America, Archaeology Laboratory Method, etc. May be repeated once with different course content. Prerequisite: 215.
ANTH 420 Topics in Urban Anthropology. .......................................... 3 Examination of the cultural adaptation resulting in the growth of cities, patterns of migration, social effects of urbanization, relationships to surrounding communities and the growth of megalopolis internationally. May be repeated with different course content.
Undergraduate Programs
2007–2009 Catalog
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