
Biblical Studies Challenge Exam Challenge exams are designed for those who have a working knowledge of the course content as a result of attending a Chris- tian high school, for example, but were not able to transfer that work to Biola. Informal, personal study normally will not prepare one adequately to pass these exams. These exams may be taken only during the student’s first year at Biola. Also, if the student has taken the Old Testament or New Testament class (or even a por- tion of it), he is not eligible to take the challenge exam. Exams are given in two parts, written and oral. Successful per- formance must be attained on the written and oral portions in order for the student to receive credit for the challenge exam. Grades are recorded on a credit or no credit basis only. No re-takes permitted.

7. Learn the issues, rationale, and biblical texts for the major doctrines of the Bible.

8. Develop a commitment to critical thinking about theologi- cal issues and their relation to other doctrines, disciplines and life. 9. Continue to value and to progress toward the fulfillment of God's purpose in his/her life, to be conformed to the image of His Son, resulting in a more intimate relationship with God. 10. Continue to develop the ability to apply the truths learned to life and ministry, and thereby have greater impact on the world for Christ and His church. Degree Program A Bachelor of Arts in Biblical & Theological Studies is offered upon the completion of the university baccalaureate and major requirements. Obtaining a degree with this major requires 39 units. Majors must complete general requirements (excluding the two electives) plus 301, 311, 312, 411, 412, 455, 18 units of 300 / 400–level Bible electives, HIST 321, 12 units of either Greek (BLGR 101/102, 201/202) or Hebrew (BLHE 101/102, 201/202). In addition to the major requirement, students are encouraged to select a specialization of 12-14 units outside the department to fulfill their non-prescribed electives. General Bible Requirements All students must complete 30 units of Biblical & Theological Stud- ies including 103, 105, 109, 110, 251, 254, 306, 465 and two Bible electives. Biola has a residency requirement for biblical studies. Of the 30 units of Bible required of all students, 15 units must be taken at Biola. Students may petition the Registrar’s Office for an exception to this rule. Transfer credit, credit for prior learning or credit by examination may not be used to fulfill the minimum residency requirement. Majors other than Biblical & Theological Studies or Christian Education may count a maximum of 30 units toward graduation. Christian Ministries Certificate Program Jointly sponsored by the Biblical & Theological Studies and Chris- tian Education departments, this program is designed for those desiring a concentrated year of biblical studies and Christian ministry, without a baccalaureate degree. It involves 33 semester units of regular university coursework and meets the standards for organizations requiring one year of Bible training. Specific courses include BBST 103, 105, 109, 110, 251, 254, 306, CEED 150, plus either BBST 320 or CEED 320, three units of BBST or CEED elec- tive, and three units of BBST or CEED independent study and/or practicum. For those who have a baccalaureate degree, a course of study leading to an M.A. is available through Biola’s graduate school, Talbot School of Theology. Please see graduate section for details.

New Testament History & Literature..................................................... 3 Old Testament History & Literature....................................................... 3

Courses (BBST) Core Curr i culum BBST 103

Biblical Interpretation & Spiritual Formation................. 3 Equipping to interpret and apply the Bible in accurate and dynamic ways for spiritual transformation and character formation. Must be completed during the first year. Foundations of Christian Thought. ................................... 3 Introduction to theology with special emphasis on learning to do theology, the doctrine of Scripture, introduction to the integration of various fields of knowledge with the Bible, and the importance and development of a Christian world view. Must be completed during the first year. Old Testament History & Literature................................... 3 An overview of the Old Testament with emphases on the purpose of the writers; history and culture; literary genre, structure, and themes; persons and events, together with practical application for Christian living. Walk Thru the Old Testament fee: $20. Fall and spring semesters only. New Testament History & Literature................................. 3 An overview of the New Testament with emphasis on the pur- pose of the writers; historical and cultural background; literary genre, structure, and themes; persons involved; together with practical application to Christian living. Old Testament Survey............................................................ 4 An overview of the Old Testament focusing on book outlines, key themes, persons and events in biblical history, along with personal application. BOLD students only.

BBST 105

BBST 109

BBST 110

BBST 150


Undergraduate Programs

2007–2009 Catalog

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