Internship................................................................................... 1 Professionally supervised participation in a research project at a laboratory facility or an industry. Documentation of the time spent and the activities performed as well as a written paper explaining the project are required. A minimum of thirty hours of involvement. May be repeated for a maximum of 2 units. Prerequisite: junior standing and consent
BIOS 480
Business Administration
A Division of the Crowell School of Business
Faculty Dean: ................................................................. Larry D. Strand, Ed.D. Associate Professors: ...................... Buckles, Canning, Harman, ......................... Passwater, Rundle, Sherwin, Strand, Woodward Assistant Professor: .......................................................... Bourgeois Mission & Learning Outcomes Biola University, through its School of Business, is nationally ac- credited by the Association of Collegiate Business Schools and Programs to offer a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration degree with emphases in the following: accounting, information systems, international business, management and marketing. Each program is structured to give the student broad understand- ing of the social and economic environment in which Christian business persons function, and provides a common body of knowledge for students who elect this major. Students study economics, finance, management, business law, accounting, and marketing as the core of the major based upon quantitative management skills. The five individual emphases prepare students through additional specified courses to enter a career field in those areas, or to select a graduate school upon graduation. It is the purpose of the School of Business to prepare highly skilled, technically competent business persons who have broad preparation in the liberal arts as well, and who can make signifi- cant contributions in the workplace or in Christian organizations they may serve. Degree Program A Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration is of- fered upon the completion of baccalaureate requirements and the business major in one of the following emphases: account- ing, information systems, international business, marketing, and management. Thirty of the required units must be upper division. Other requirements include courses: 190, 201, 202, 211, 212, 220, 223, 230, 232, 301, 327, 361, 370, 470. The general education requirement for a foreign language for those following a business administration major may be met by two years of high school language or the first four units of a col- lege language. Business administration majors may use Business 190 and 223 for a math credit toward the science / mathematics requirements for the general education requirements, but the units cannot be counted in both general education and in the major. Philosophy 215, Communication 181 and Psychology 200 are recommended for all business majors.
Undergraduate Programs
2007–2009 Catalog
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