
Human Resource Management. ........................................ 3 A study of the relevant ideas and developments in the field of human resource management that permit organizations of all types to improve productivity, quality and service. EEO, staffing, training, compensation and labor relations are all emphasized. Prerequisite: upper-division standing. Organizational Ethics............................................................. 3 The foundations and theories of ethics as related to the Bible, the market place, and the modern corporation. Case studies in modern ethics are discussed with a view to raising the moral consciousness of business professionals. (This course does not meet general education requirements.) Cross listed with BBST 465. Prerequisite: upper division standing or consent. Production & Operations Management.......................... 3 The study of the processes involved in the production and operations core of the for-profit and not-for-profit organiza- tion, making extensive use of computerized tools in statistical and mathematical tools to solve common production (product-based) problems, including techniques of quality management, and a consideration of Christian principles of servanthood in the production and operations management process. Prerequisites: 190, 202, 212, 220. Fee: $10. Marketing for Non-Profit Organizations.......................... 3 Examination and evaluation of the principles of basic marketing as applied to the non-profit sector. Philosophy of non-profit marketing and its practical application will be uti- lized through individual student projects. Specific marketing strategies will relate to churches, social service organizations, foundations and other designated non-profit organizations. Prerequisite: 230. Signature required. Promotions. ............................................................................... 3 Introduction to the role of Promotion and Advertising as currently used for products, services, ideas and events by business firms, community organizations and churches. Un- derstanding of the promotion mix including public relations, publicity, sales promotion and personal selling. Prerequisite: 230. Sales Practicum. ....................................................................... 3 Analysis of the sales manager as a professional market tacti- cian in a marketing firm. Includes survey of personal selling ef- fort with emphasis on interrelationships between sales activity and related marketing functions. Involves applied approaches and actual real world experiences in sales. Prerequisite: 230 or consent. Direct Marketing...................................................................... 3 A practical approach to examining the value and strategies of direct marketing. Focus is beyond just product awareness, but instead will examine activities that seek a direct response from

the respondent. Discuss various combinations of promotion strategies that help organizations identify new customers and also enhance relationships with existing ones. Prerequisite: 230. Global Marketing Management......................................... 3 Focus on the formulation of global marketing strategies. Presents a conceptual overview of the world market environ- ment. The manager’s perspective in the fields of international business are analyzed. At the completion of the course, students should be able to plan and implement an integrated international marketing strategy that is driven by their analysis of, and adaptation to the remote and changing external environment. Prerequisite: 230. Global Business Environment............................................. 3 This course introduces the student to the various dimen- sions of the world economy and to the characteristics of foreign countries that are important for economic activity. Topics covered in the course include: 1) the fundamentals of international trade and finance; 2) the role of culture, religion and politics in international business; and 3) the role of mul- tinational corporations in the world economy. Prerequisites: 201And 202. Money & Banking. ................................................................... 3 Nature, functions and flow of money and credit in the Ameri- can economy and the world; analysis of commercial banking and U.S. monetary system. Prerequisite: 201. Business Law. ............................................................................ 3 The legal and regulatory environment of business including a survey of the legal system, torts, contracts, employment and labor law, business organizations, administrative law and the regulatory process. Prerequisite: upper-division standing. Business Finance...................................................................... 3 Problems and methods in securing funds for business firms, nature of securities markets, short- and long-term financing. Prerequisites: 190, 212. Business as Mission................................................................. 3 This course is an examination of the emerging role of busi- ness in missions. The general themes covered in this course include: 1) the theology of business as missions; 2) practical issues related to using business as a vehicle for cross-cultural missions, and 3) specific for-profit business models and case studies. By the end of the course the student will have a better understanding of the opportunities and challenges associated with integrating business and missions. Principles of Advertising....................................................... 3 Facts of advertising principles and techniques. The study of effective and ineffective forms of advertising. Applications

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Undergraduate Programs 

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