
CHEM 402 Physical Chemistry.................................................................. 3 Molecular energetics: the thermodynamic and kinetic prin- ciples underlying molecular properties and chemical reactivity with specific application to biological systems. Macromolecu- lar behavior and spectroscopic tools are included. Prerequi- sites: Math 105, Physical Science 112 and 112L or equivalent, Chemistry 106.

Christian Education

A Division of Talbot School of Theology

Faculty Dean: ................................................................ Dennis H. Dirks, Ph.D. Dean of the Faculty: ...............................Michael J. Wilkins, Ph.D. Chair: ...............................................................Richard J. Leyda, Ph.D. Professors: ..............................M.J. Anthony, Dirks, Issler, Lawson Associate Professors: ............................................Carr, Kim, Leyda Assistant Professor: ................................................... M.D. Anthony Mission & Learning Outcomes The Christian Education Ministries major is designed to develop and equip its graduates for entry-level professional ministries in church and parachurch agencies and to provide foundation for seminary or other graduate education.

CHEM 411 Biochemistry I........................................................................... 3 CHEM 412 Biochemistry II.......................................................................... 3

Fundamental concepts of metabolism, bioenergetics, bio- synthesis and other chemistry of life processes. Three hours lecture. Prerequisite: 302.

CHEM 420 Special Topics in Chemistry. ............................................. 1-3 Short subjects in such areas as the chemical literature, various instrumental methods, polymers, organometallics and indus- trial chemistry. Prerequisite: departmental approval.

CHEM 422A Laboratory in Biochemistry. ................................................ 1 CHEM 422B Laboratory in Biochemistry. ................................................ 1

As a result of this program, the student will:

1. Understand and appreciate the biblical and theological foundation of the Church’s ministry, particularly related to the various educational ministries of the local church and parachurch organizations. 2. Develop critical understandings and acquire values concerning God, self, others, and Christian service which form the personal basis for ministry and gain skills both to achieve an effective vocational placement and a vital long- term professional and personal life. 3. Achieve understandings, make necessary commitments, and develop skills for effective leadership and administra- tion of a range of disciple-making functions including evangelism, nurture, teaching, pastoral counseling, and leadership development, in order to enhance implementa- tion of programming for these functions. 4. Understand the process of human and spiritual develop- ment of people, especially related to different age-levels, and apply this theory to personal life and to the lives of others in ministry. 5. Demonstrate competence and commitment to the study of biblical texts, including steps of observation, interpretation, application, and edification. 6. Understand contemporary educational ministries critiqued from a biblical and theological viewpoint, informed by and integrated with historical, philosophical, educational, and social science perspectives, and establish a basic philoso- phy of Christian education on the basis of this knowledge.

A laboratory course to accompany Biology 411, 412 (Chem- istry 411, 412). The isolation, characterization and analysis of biomolecules including the use of biochemical instrumenta- tion and methodology for work in protein structure, enzymol- ogy, metabolism and genetics. Prerequisite: Chemistry 302. Lab fee: $60.

CHEM 480 Special Project in Chemistry............................................. 1-3 Research or industrial internship. Requires a written report. Prerequisite: departmental approval.


Undergraduate Programs 

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