Chiro1Source - July 2020

THE POWER OF THE GOLDEN SPICE AN INTRODUCTION TO TURMERIC’S HEALTH BENEFITS People have raved about many superfoods over the past few decades, but one that’s garnered notable attention is turmeric. Fittingly known as the golden spice due to its orange-yellow hue, turmeric is famous for being a crucial part of Indian cuisine, ayurvedic medicine, and Chinese medicine. But does turmeric actually help people? And if so, how? Let’s start with the basics to find out.


The starting place for Make-You- Happy Customer Service isn’t

exciting or fancy, but it is critical. Your core values, your vision, your mission statement, or whatever is at the heart of your company needs to put a huge emphasis on the customer. If it doesn’t, then it’s going to be apparent daily. Your team members simply won’t believe you when you tell them that customer service is all-important, and it’s going to be reflected in the service they give your customers. Now don’t get me wrong, I like making money as much as the next guy. In fact, the best reason to implement Make-You-Happy Customer Service is to maximize your income. But if your

WHAT’S IN TURMERIC? First, it’s important to knowwhat the spice contains and why researchers are so excited about it. Turmeric is packed with a chemical known as curcumin, which has been shown to provide anti-inflammatory effects, pain relief, antioxidants, and a decrease in the risk of cancer. Pro Tip: You should not consume excessive amounts of turmeric if you take medication that has blood-clotting effects, such as aspirin. However, a moderate amount typically doesn’t react with these or other medications and has many other benefits. CAN IT IMPROVE JOINT HEALTH? In many cases, yes! The Arthritis Foundation recommends taking a 400–600-milligram tablet of turmeric up to three times daily. Multiple studies cite turmeric’s ability to reduce inflammation and relieve arthritis pain, and one study even notes that turmeric seemed to work just as well as ibuprofen (Advil) for people with arthritis in their knees. Participants in that study took 800 milligrams of turmeric every day.

core value is only making the most amount of money in the least amount of time, then you’re in trouble. I don’t read our company value statement or beliefs daily, but they are the foundation of what we do.

Our values are simple:

CAN IT HELP THE LIVER? Yes. One of the spice’s most notable characteristics is its powerful antioxidant abilities. Antioxidants play an important function in our bodies. The average person is exposed to refined and processed foods, smoking, environmental pollution, and chemicals found in pesticides and drugs. Turmeric can protect the liver from damage due to these toxins, which also aids those who take strong medications known to cause long-term liver damage. CAN IT DECREASE SYMPTOMS OF HAY FEVER AND DEPRESSION? Some symptoms, yes. The curcumin in turmeric can help reduce hay fever symptoms like sneezing, itching, runny nose, and congestion. When used in tandem with antidepressants, turmeric may help reduce symptoms of depression.


There are many benefits to using turmeric in your weekly meal routine. Try out some Indian or Chinese recipes or prepare some Instagram-worthy golden milk. In whatever you make, enjoy the rich flavor combinations turmeric offers!

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