Required Annual Employee Disclosure Notices continued Required Annual Employee Disclosure Notices
W htt e p b :/ s / it d e s : Phone: 1-888-828-0059
NEW JERSEY-Medicaid and CHIP Mhttepd:/ic/ dMme adhi cs /a ci dl i ePnht so/nmee: d6i c0a9i d- 6/3 1 - 2 3 9 2 CC HH II PP PWheobnseit:e1: -h8tt0p0:/-7/
NEW YORK-Medicaid TEXAS-Medicaid WPheobnseit:e1: h-8tt0p0s-:/5/ WP heobnsei t:e1: -h8t t0p0: /- 4/4g e0t-h0i4p9p3t e x a s . c o m / NORTH CAROLINA-Medicaid UTAH-Medicaid and CHIP WP heobnseit:e9: h1t9t-p8s5:/5/ CMHe dI iPc aWi d eWb sei tbes: i ht et :t ph: t/t /phs :e/a/lmt he. udtiacha i. gdo. uvt/achh. gi po v / Phone: 1-877-543-7669 NORTH DAKOTA-Medicaid VERMONT-Medicaid Whttepb:/s/ Phone: 1-844-854-4825 WPheobnseit:e1: h-8tt0p0:/-2/ OKLAHOMA-Medicaid and CHIP VIRGINIA-Medicaid and CHIP WPheobnseit:e1: h-8tt8p8:/-3/ WM eedb isci taei :dh Pt t ph so: /n/ew: w1 -w8 0. c0o -v4e3r v2a- .5o9r g2/4h i p p / C H I P Phone: 1-855-242-8282 OREGON-Medicaid WASHINGTON-Medicaid Wh t tepb: /s i/t we : wh twt p. o: /r/ehgeoanl thhecaalrt eh.coarreeg. og no .vg/oivn/dPeaxg- ee ss /. hi nt md el xP. ahs po xn e : 1-800-699-9075 WP heobnsei t:e1: h- 8tt0p0s-:/5/6w2 -w3w0 2.h2ca .wa .gov/ PENNSYLVANIA-Medicaid WEST VIRGINIA-Medicaid W htt e p b s s :/ it / e w : lP/hHoI nP eP: - 1P -r8o0g0r -a6m9 .2a-s7p4x6 2 WToelbl-sfirteee: hpthtpo:/n/em: 1y-w8v5h5ip-pM.cyoWmV/ HIPP (1-855-699-8447) RHODE ISLAND-Medicaid and CHIP WISCONSIN-Medicaid and CHIP WP heobnseit:e1: -h8tt5p5:/-6/9w7w-4w3.e4o7h, hosr.r4i.0go1v-4/62-0311 ( D i r e c t R I t e Share Line) W htt e p b s s :/ it / e w : 1P0h0o9n5e.:h1tm-800-362-3002 SOUTH CAROLINA-Medicaid WYOMING-Medicaid WP heobnsei t:e1: h- 8tt8p8s-:/5/4w9-w0w82.s0cd hhs .gov Whttepbss:/it/eh: Panhdo-neeli:g1ib-i8li0ty0/-251-1269
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