
Graphic Design Forms I


Integrated Design II 3 A consideration of psychological, technical and aesthetic concerns relating to various types of communication design including 2-D, 3-D and 4-D forms. Emphasis on production processes. Discussions will include consideration of art history and its influence within communication design practice. Prerequisite: 314. Notes: Fee: $90.

ARTS 333

ARTS 423

A critical exploration of current graphic design forms emphasizing core design competencies including color theory, image-text integration and problem solving. A variety of software applications such as Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop and InDesign are used in investigating mass media and examining particular strategies, imagery and delivery. Prerequisites: 109, 312. Notes: Fee: $90. Photography III-Advanced Black & White Photography 3 Focused exploration of black and white photography covering its creative, technical and historical aspects. Emphasis will be placed on darkroom techniques, some advanced digital black and white will also be explored. Prerequisite: 221. Notes: Fee: $90. Highly recommended that students own a 35mm SLR camera. 3 Interdisciplinary studio exploration in analog and digital animation. Course focuses on experimental and theoretical movement, and choreography systems investigating culture and identity. Prerequisite: 112. Notes: Fee: $90. Animation I Contemporary Photographic Practices 3 Advanced studio exploration in contemporary photographic trends, including mixed media, installation, collaboration, and various new media. Prerequisites: 221, 316. Notes: Fee: $90. Highly recommended that students own or have access to a digital SLR camera. 3 Exploration of video art including formal, conceptual, and narrative approaches. Emphasis on the use of video as a creative medium for personal expression and on the history of video and film art. Prerequisite: 112. Notes: Fee: $90. Students are recommended to provide their own video cameras. Video Art I Installation & Performance Art II 3 Advanced interdisciplinary studio exploration in installation art and performance art studies. Emphasis is placed on the architecture, choreography and psychology of body and space. Prerequisite: 327. Notes: Fee: $90. 3 Advanced studio exploration in video art studies. Emphasis placed on the history of video and film art. Prerequisite: 348. Notes: Fee: $90. Students are recommended to provide their own video cameras. Video Art II Drawing III 3 Extensive exploration in studio problems with emphasis on historical and current issues as they apply to individual direction and expression in drawing. Prerequisite: 307. Notes: Fee: $60. 1-6 Individual or group study under faculty direction with an emphasis in art history, studio and creative research. Prerequisite: Consent of instructor. Notes: Seminars may be repeated for credit. Seminar in Art Painting III 3 Extensive exploration in studio problems with emphasis on historical and current issues as they apply to individual direction and expression in painting. Prerequisite: 308. Notes: Fee: $60. 3 Advanced sculptural concepts emphasizing individual development of style, aesthetic ideas, and continuation of media exploration. Prerequisite: 305. Notes: Fee: $90. Sculpture III


Web Design I


ARTS 428

Exploration in studio problems with emphasis on the psychology of interactivity and interface design as they apply to individual direction and expression in web site production. Prerequisite: 314. Notes: Fee: $90. 3 Advanced research and studio exploration within the arena of communication design. Emphasis is placed on developing design with a critical understanding of culture and identity. Prerequisite: 423. Notes: Fee: $90. Integrated Design III Advanced Integrative Photography 3 Extensive exploration in studio problems with emphasis on historical and current issues as they apply to individual direction and expression in photography using either color and / or black and white photography. Prerequisites: 316, 334. Notes: Fee: $90.

ARTS 334

ARTS 429

ARTS 341

ARTS 432

ARTS 344

Global Art Paradigms


ARTS 433

Investigation of non-western art and architecture in relationship to its currency within the global contemporary art scene. Emphasis is placed on the influence of major forms, functions and materials used by the peoples of Asia, Africa, Oceania and the Americas in regards to contemporary art. Prerequisite: 126. Notes: Fee: $90.

ARTS 348

Interdisciplinary Investigations


ARTS 434

A cross-discipline studio and theory seminar focusing on individual and collaborative thematic investigations. Prerequisite: Junior standing. Notes: Fee: $150.

ARTS 352

Graphic Design Forms II


ARTS 436

Advanced study and analysis of graphic design forms emphasizing sequential systems and pacing. Using a variety of software applications, students are exposed to all areas of production, including printing and pre-press technologies. Prerequisite: 333. Notes: Fee: $90. Senior Seminar 3 Senior-level cross-emphasis studio and theory investigation. Individual direction is navigated thorough critique and discourse. Prerequisite: Senior standing. Notes: Fee: $90. Critical Thought 3 An intensive, reading seminar focusing on writings that have influenced contemporary art criticism and theory. Course will focus on specific authors and / or themes that have impacted the production and discussion of art within the 21st Century. Prerequisites: 126, 311, 315. Notes: Fee: $90. 3 An advanced course in web site production emphasizing creative and technical skill development. Students examine current directions in web site management, user interface design, information architecture and scripting. Prerequisite: 428. Notes: Fee: $90. Web Design II Internship 3 Apprenticeship program designed to give students first-hand exposure to professional artists, designers and art institutions. Internships individually tailored to meet the needs of the student. Approved internship experiences require student to complete a minimum of 120 hours with one or more mentors or organizations. Prerequisite: Junior standing.

ARTS 354

ARTS 440

ARTS 408

ARTS 441

ARTS 410

ARTS 442

ARTS 413

ARTS 450

ARTS 415

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