
History of Cinema

Directed Research History of Cinema

Units: 3

Units: 1–3

CNMA 104

COMM 480

Cinema & Media Arts Seminar Introduction to Public Relations

Units: 1 to 3

Units: 3

CNMA 470

CNMA 104

Cinema & Media Arts Practicum Cinema & Media Arts Seminar Broadcast Anchoring & Announcing

Units: 3

Units: 1–3

JOUR 111

CNMA 450

Journalism Practicum

Units: 1

Units: 1 to 3

JOUR 300

CNMA 470

Broadcast Anchoring & Announcing


Units: 3

Units: 3

JOUR 351

JOUR 351

Advanced Public Relations Principles of Advertising Mass Media Law & Ethics

Mass Media Law & Ethics

Units: 3

Units: 3

JOUR 389

JOUR 433

Journalism Seminar

Units: 3

Units: 1–3

JOUR 392

JOUR 470

Units: 3

JOUR 433

Journalism Seminar

You may not count more than six units of COMM 440 Internship toward the major; students may only count a maximum of nine units which combine COMM 109; 409; 440; 450; 480 toward the major. It is recommended that all Speech/Drama concentration students take the following general education courses: COMM 160 (for “Fine Arts” requirement); PHIL 216 Aesthetics (for “Philosophy” requirement).

Units: 1–3

JOUR 470


Speech/Drama The Speech/Drama concentration focuses upon the development of theatrical skills with practical uses for dramatic expression, oral communication and writing. Graduates may pursue careers in teaching, community theatre management, graduate work in theatre arts or seminary training. The interdisciplinary nature of the offerings provides performance skills that can find outlets vocationally in theatre, sales, church ministries, education, and human resources. Concentration Requirements Obtaining a degree in this concentration requires 42 units, 30 of which must be upper division, 24 are required:

Interdisciplinary This concentration will provide students maximum latitude in creating a course of study to suit their particular needs. Students choosing this option begin by consulting with the Chairman of the Communication Studies Department. The Chairman will help students choose appropriate courses, which may include courses from other departments. Students will then complete a form (available from the Communication Studies Department) in which they describe career goals and give a rationale for each of the courses selected. The form will be submitted to a committee made up the Communication Studies Department chairman, and a second faculty member. The committee may accept the proposal as submitted, make minor modifications before accepting it, or reject it. If accepted, the proposal becomes part of the student’s graduation requirements.

Production Practicum Beginning Acting Intermediate Acting

Units: 1

COMM 109

Units: 3

COMM 263

Units: 3

COMM 363

Conceptions of Stagecraft Persuasive Communication Production Practicum II

Units: 3

COMM 367

Units: 3

COMM 385

Units: 1

COMM 409

COMM 440 Communication Internship

Units: 1–3

Drama for Christian Ministry Rhetoric of Media Studies

Units: 3

COMM 468

Units: 3

COMM 469

An additional 18 units must be taken from the following

Small Group Communication

Units: 3

COMM 170

In making its decision the committee will consider the following:

Introduction to Argumentation & Debate

Units: 3

COMM 181

Communication Theory

Units: 3

COMM 254

Interpersonal Communication

1. the proposed courses should prepare students well for stated career objectives;

Units: 3

COMM 270

Oral Interpretation

Units: 3

COMM 280

Intercollegiate Forensics Intercollegiate Forensics

Units: 2

COMM 282

2. the proposal should focus study to a limited area which can be covered in depth;

Units: 2

COMM 382

Survey of Rhetorical Theories Forms of Public Communication Organizational Communication

Units: 3

COMM 383

Units: 3

COMM 386

3. the academic rigor of the proposal should be at least equal to that expected of other Communication Studies concentrations; and 4. if, in the judgment of the committee, these goals can be met better through another major or concentration the proposal will be rejected.

Units: 3

COMM 387

Directing Theatre

Units: 3

COMM 391

Writing for Performance

Units: 3

COMM 435

COMM 440 Communication Internship

Units: 1–3

Communication Practicum

Units: 1–3

COMM 450

Introduction to Communication Research

Units: 3

COMM 458

Introduction to Readers Theatre Advanced Acting Workshop

Units: 3

COMM 461

Units: 3

COMM 463

COMM 465 Rhetorical Criticism

Units: 3

Communication Seminar

Units: 1–3

COMM 470

Multi–Cultural Communication

Units: 3

COMM 473

Advanced Studies in Communication Behavior Units: 3

COMM 474

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