
Intercultural Studies

with a different linguistic and cultural backgrounds and be encouraged to analyze and develop Christian perspectives toward cross-cultural problems. The careers open to Intercultural Studies majors are diverse, and include such areas as missions outreach, cross-cultural health services, development programs and agencies, social welfare, translation work, information research, bilingual and multicultural education, cross-cultural communications and public and foreign service. The Intercultural Studies major is designed to allow students to pursue options that will best prepare them for their career objectives. The interdisciplinary concentration offers a unique opportunity to combine Intercultural Studies with other disciplines in the University to prepare the student for careers such as bicultural education, cross- cultural mass media communications, social work, cross- cultural counseling, missions political liaison, urban program administration and international business. Missions outreach has been the major thrust and the spiritual strength of our program. It is the desire of the faculty that each student in the program will find in their particular career choice the means to effective cross- cultural personal ministry and evangelism. Toward that end the school will provide an information center which will answer inquiries concerning missions and encourage students and faculty to pursue academic excellence and spiritual maturity so that they can carry out with competence the Lord’s mandate to disciple all peoples.



F. Douglas Pennoyer, Ph.D.


Alan McMahan, Ph.D.


Hayward, Steffen


Bartlotti, Campbell, Decker, Liang, Lessard-Clouston, McMahan, Pennoyer, Purgason, Russell, Sappington, Starcher

Associate Professors

Barber, Greene, Pittle

Assistant Professors


The mission of the School of Intercultural Studies is to equip students to communicate, live and work successfully in culturally diverse societies through applied programs in anthropology, missiology, intercultural studies, linguistics and education, so that they can more effectively impact the world for Jesus Christ.

Learning Outcomes

Intercultural Studies

The objectives of the undergraduate department of Intercultural Studies are five-fold:

Degree Program A Bachelor of Arts degree in Intercultural Studies is offered upon completion of the University baccalaureate and major requirements. Intercultural Studies (36 units) The intercultural studies major requires the completion of 36 units of which 24 must be upper division. The 18-unit core includes:

1. To develop in students a personal responsibility to the mandate given by the Lord Jesus Christ to make disciples of every nation based on a proper understanding of text (Scripture), and context (culture and humanity), and to authentically and prophetically embody the gospel in diverse settings. 2. To build in students both knowledge and skill in areas of theology, history, linguistics, anthropology, sociology, and strategy for the effective transmission of the gospel across cultural boundaries.

General Cultural Anthropology Foundations for Global Studies

Units: 3

ANTH 200

Units: 3

INCS 233

Interpersonal & Intercultural Adjustment

Units: 3

INCS 322

Field Internship Field Internship Urban Research

Units: 1


3. To equip Christian professionals to serve in a broad range of vocations.

Units: 2


Units: 3

INCS 457

4. To facilitate the growth of Christ-like character in the ongoing spiritual formation of our students, as their hearts are increasingly conformed to Christ’s heart, and their lives increasingly reflect His.


Village & Tribal Cultures

Units: 3

INCS 458

And one of the following

Introduction to Linguistic Anthropology: Language, Culture & Society

ANTH 310

Units: 3

5. To increase student understanding of linguistic and cultural diversity, so that they will relate more meaningfully to people

General Linguistics

Units: 3

INCS 310

Language & Culture Learning

Units: 3

INCS 313

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