
Care & Prevention of Athletic Injuries

Exercise Physiology

Units: 3

Units: 3

PEED 401

PEED 302

Adapted Physical Education

Exercise Physiology Laboratory

Units: 3

Units: 1

PEED 405

PEED 303

Motor Learning

Measurement & Evaluation in Kinesiology

Units: 3

Units: 3

PEED 408

PEED 307

Physical Education Methodology Sociology & Psychology in Physical Education & Sport

Health Education

Units: 3

Units: 3

PEED 412

PEED 335

Care & Prevention of Athletic Injuries


Units: 3

PEED 420

PEED 401

Motor Learning

Units: 3

Units: 3

PEED 408

Sociology & Psychology in Physical Education & Sport Nutrition for Health & Sport

PEED 420

Required general education courses include: BIOS 254 Human Anatomy

Units: 3

Units: 4

Units: 3

PEED 440


Directed Study

Units: 4

Units: 1 - 3

BIOS 281

PEED 480

Introduction to Probability & Statistics

Units: 3

PEED 480 must be taken for 3 units

MATH 210


Electives The remaining 16 units of electives, of which nine units must be upper division, are chosen from:


Units: 3

MATH 318

Introduction to Psychology

Units: 3

PSYC 200

Principles of Organic & Biochemistry

Units: 5

CHEM 112

CHEM 112 is required as a supporting course.

General Biology I

Units: 3

BIOS 111

General Biology I: Laboratory

Units: 1


Teaching Credential Program For the teaching credential program the following courses are required:

General Biology II

Units: 3

BIOS 112

General Biology II: Laboratory

Units: 1



Units: 4

BIOS 282

Introduction to Teaching


Units: 3

Units: 1 - 2

LEDU 301

BIOS 310

Psychological Foundations of Education Methods of Teaching Linguistically Diverse Students


Units: 3

Units: 3

LEDU 330

BIOS 311

Cell & Molecular Biology

Units: 3

LEDU 341

BIOS 312

Laboratory in Cell & Molecular Biology

Units: 3

Units: 2

BIOS 322

Secondary Content Area Reading


Units: 3

Units: 4

LEDU 425

BIOS 332

Single Subject Pedagogy Secondary Curriculum

Vertebrate Physiology Developmental Biology

Units: 2

Units: 4

LEDU 433

BIOS 382

Units: 4

Units: 4

LEDU 435

BIOS 431

Secondary Student Teaching I Secondary Student Teaching II LEDU 450/452, student teaching may be completed at the graduate level.


Units: 6

Units: 3

LEDU 450

BIOS 442

General Chemistry II Organic Chemistry I Organic Chemistry II

Units: 6

Units: 4

LEDU 452

CHEM 106

Units: 3

CHEM 301

Units: 3

CHEM 302

Laboratory in Organic Chemistry I Laboratory in Organic Chemistry II

Units: 1

CHEM 311

Those students interested in a teaching credential should be advised that all single-subject teaching credential programs are subject to revision. Consult the School of Education for details on current programs

Units: 1


CHEM 312

Biochemistry I Biochemistry II

Units: 3

CHEM 411

Units: 3

CHEM 412

Laboratory in Biochemistry Assessment & Rehabilitation of Athletic Injuries

Units: 2

CHEM 413

PEED 402

Units: 3

Topics in Kinesiology Seminar in Kinesiology

Units: 1 - 3

PEED 460


Units: 1 - 3

PEED 470

Directed Study

Units: 1 - 3

PEED 480

Kinesiology: Exercise Science & Health Promotion (55 units) The Bachelor of Science degree in Kinesiology with a concentration in Exercise Science & Health Promotion is ideal for students who wish to work in health and fitness, wellness promotion or strength and conditioning, and serves as preparation for graduate study in exercise physiology, athletic training, and other kinesiology–related disciplines. This concentration requires 55 units, 37 of which must be upper division. Requirements include:

Physics II

Units: 3

PHSC 112

Physics II Laboratory

Units: 1


Experimental Psychology

Units: 4

PSYC 305

Psychological Testing & Assessment

Units: 3

PSYC 306

Abnormal Psychology

Units: 3

PSYC 309

Industrial / Organizational Psychology Developmental Psychology: Lifespan

Units: 3

PSYC 315

Units: 3

PSYC 320

Developmental Psychology: Childhood & Adolescence Physiological Psychology

PSYC 325

Units: 3

Units: 3

PSYC 412

Advanced Statistics

Units: 3

PSYC 420

Human Anatomy

Units: 4

BIOS 254


Units: 4

BIOS 281

Foundations in Physical Education and Kinesiology

PEED 205

Units: 3


Units: 3

PEED 301

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