
Form & Analysis I

Mid-Baroque Through Classic

Units: 2

Units: 2

MUSC 343

Analysis of 20th Century Music Music Technology & Production Advanced Music Technology and Film Scoring

Music History & Literature: Late Romantic Through Early 20th Century

Units: 2

MUSC 344

MUSC 309

Units: 2

Units: 2

MUSC 347

Music Theory / History & Literature of the 20th Century

MUSC 361

MUSC 312


Units: 2

Units: 3

Applied Music: Private

Units: 2

MUSC 422

Students interested in pursing the Music in Worship degree must demonstrate commitment to the pursuit of spiritual growth, musical excellence and theological understanding.

MUSC 422 (8 units through proficiency: level 438)


Senior Recital

Units: 2

MUSC 490

Bachelor of Science in Music

Proficiencies required for completion of the program include Keyboard proficiency equivalent to three semesters of piano class

Major Requirements The Bachelor of Science degree in Music with a

concentration in Music in Worship is offered upon completion of the University baccalaureate and major requirements. Total units: 58. Major requirements include:

Keyboard I Keyboard II Keyboard III

Units: 1

MUSC 100

Units: 1

MUSC 118

Ensembles (4 units) Electives (2-4 units) MUSC 113A Sight-Singing & Dictation I

Units: 1

MUSC 119

Units: 2

Guitar proficiency equivalent to one semester of guitar class

MUSC 113W Music Theory I

Units: 2

MUSC 114A Sight-Singing & Dictation II

Units: 2

MUSC 114W Music Theory Il

Units: 2

Guitar Class

Units: 1

MUSC 104

Sound Production I Sound Production II

Units: 1

MUSC 124

Units: 1

MUSC 125

Voice proficiency equivalent to one semester of voice class

Advanced Guitar Class I

Units: 1

MUSC 130

MUSC 130: (guitar emphasis only)

Advanced Guitar Class II

Voice Class

Units: 1

Units: 1

MUSC 134

MUSC 102

MUSC 134: (guitar emphasis only)

Applied Music: Private

Units: 1

MUSC 141

And one semester of private voice

MUSC 141: (8 units through proficiency: level 224)

Worship Foundations

Units: 2

MUSC 185

Applied Music: Private

Units: 1

MUSC 141

Concert Music

Units: 0

MUSC 200

MUSC 200: (four semesters) MUSC 213A Sight-Singing & Dictation III

Two years of language in high school or the first four units in college meet the foreign language requirement for candidates for the Bachelor of Science degree. Students must maintain a 2.0 GPA in the major and receive a minimum grade of “C-” in each required music course.


Units: 1

MUSC 213W Music Theory III

Units: 2

MUSC 214A Sight-Singing & Dictation IV

Units: 1

MUSC 214W Music Theory IV

Units: 2


Units: 1

MUSC 287

Basic Conducting

Units: 2

MUSC 323

Pop Theory for Contemporary Worship I Pop Theory for Contemporary Worship II

Units: 2

MUSC 346

Music Minor

Units: 1

MUSC 349

Keyboard Orchestration

Units: 2

MUSC 351

Minor Requiements For those students interested in a formal, cohesive music curriculum but who are not interested in music as a major, a Music Minor is available. The Music Minor requires 23 units; specific requirements are:

MUSC 351: (keyboard emphasis only)

Spiritual Formation & Worship Designing & Leading Worship

Units: 2

MUSC 386

Units: 2

MUSC 387

Church Music

Units: 2

MUSC 440

Worship Music Seminar

Units: 0

MUSC 452

MUSC 452: (four semesters)

MUSC 113A Sight-Singing & Dictation I

Units: 2

Worship Internship

Units: 1 - 6

MUSC 453

* Entry-level standard required.

MUSC 453: (6 units)

MUSC 113W Music Theory I

Units: 2

* Entry-level standard required. MUSC 114A Sight-Singing & Dictation II

Three music history courses; choose from:

Units: 2

Music History & Literature: Medieval Through Early Baroque

MUSC 114W Music Theory Il

Units: 2

MUSC 307

Keyboard II

Units: 2

Units: 1

MUSC 118

Music History & Literature:

for non-keyboard minors

MUSC 308

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