
General Physics I Laboratory 1 The application of the laws and theories of mechanics and thermodynamics through experiment. Lecture/Lab Hours: Three hours laboratory weekly. Notes: Laboratory to accompany General Physics I. Concurrent with PHSC 132. Fee: $75. 3 Introduction to electrostatics, conductors and currents, magnetic fields, and Maxwell’s equations. When Offered: Spring term only. Lecture/Lab Hours: Three hours lecture weekly. Prerequisites: 132, 132L. Notes: Primarily for physical science and pre-engineering majors. General Physics II Electricity & Magnetism General Physics II Laboratory 1 The application of the laws and theories of electricity and magnetism through experiment. Lecture/Lab Hours: Three hours laboratory weekly. Notes: Laboratory to accompany General Physics II. Concurrent with 233. Fee: $75. 4 Wave theory, sound, geometric optics, interference and diffraction, relativity, wave properties of particles, and introduction to quantum physics. Lecture/Lab Hours: Three hours lecture; three hours laboratory, weekly. Prerequisites: 233, 233L. Notes: Primarily for physical science and pre- engineering majors. The optics section may be taken for one unit (PHSC 450). Lab Fee: $60. General Physics III Waves, Optics & Modern Physic Science & Origins 3 A survey of basic scientific theories of origins, their crucial experimental evidences, and background material in physics, chemistry, geology and astronomy. Particular attention will be given to comparison of scientific theories of origins and biblical revelation.

Electrodynamics 3 The application of vector calculus and Maxwell’s equations in the analysis of static and dynamic electromagnetic waves in dielectrics and conductors. Prerequisites: 233, 233L; MATH 435.


PHSC 340


Fundamentals of Materials Science


PHSC 233

PHSC 352

Introduction to the structure-property relationships of engineering and natural materials including metals, ceramics, polymers and composites. Examines the strength of materials, strengthening mechanisms, diffusion, phase transformations, heat treatment and microstructure control. Considers how materials are selected for design of a product. When Offered: Alternate years. Prerequisite: 233 or CHEM 106; and MATH 106. Cross-listed: CHEM 352. 3 An introduction to quantum mechanics including 1-D potentials, Schrodinger’s equation, the hydrogen atom with spin, Dirac notation, operator formalism, bonding, the solid state and interpretation. Prerequisites: 234; MATH 205. Introduction to Quantum Mechanics


PHSC 412

PHSC 234

Special Projects


PHSC 420

Research or industrial internship to provide practical experience in a field of the student’s interest. Designed primarily for students working off campus in a situation where special projects are possible. Prerequisite: Junior or senior standing with consent.

Special Topics in Physical Science


PHSC 250

PHSC 450

Varying course content. Topics such as optics, special relativity, nuclear and biophysics will be offered. Departmental approval required.

Physical Science Seminar 1 A capstone course for all physical science and biochemistry majors that includes: (1) presentation of a seminar, (2) service learning project and, (3) integration readings and discussion.

PHSC 460

Computer Techniques in Science & Engineering


PHSC 311

Use of computation tools using MATLAB and LABview in physics and engineering, digital signal analysis and instrument control. When Offered: Alternate years. Lecture/Lab Hours: Three hours lecture and labs per week. Prerequisites: 124, 233, 233L; or CHEM 106; MATH 205 recommended. Notes: Lab Fee: $75. 3 Statics of particles, rigid bodies in two and three dimensions, centroids and centers of gravity, structures, friction, and inertia. Primarily for pre-engineering majors. Lecture/Lab Hours: Three hours lecture each week. Prerequisites: 132, 132L. Statics Classical Mechanics 3 Newtonian mechanics of particles and systems of particles, rigid bodies, oscillating systems, gravitation, moving coordinate systems, Lagrange’s and Hamilton’s equations. Lecture/Lab Hours: Three hours lecture. Prerequisites:132, 132L; MATH 435. Notes: Primarily for physics concentration majors. Circuits & Instrumentation I 5 An introduction to electronic circuit analysis and design. Lecture/Lab Hours: Three hours lecture, six hours laboratory each week. Prerequisites: 233, 233L. Notes: Fee: $120.

Advanced Physics Laboratory


PHSC 480

A laboratory course in which selected experiments cover several areas of classical and contemporary physics. Emphasis on data collection and analysis techniques. Prerequisites: PHSC 234, 321; MATH 435. Notes: Fee: $120.

PHSC 313

PHSC 318

PHSC 321



PHSC 331

Introduction to energy, heat, work, entropy, temperature and states of matter. The first, second and third laws of thermodynamics with an emphasis on applications. Prerequisites: 132, 132L.

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