
Political Theory POSC 350

Social Science California Secondary Teaching Credential The Departments of History, Government & Social Science, in cooperation with the School of Education, provide a program leading to the Social Science Secondary Teaching Credential. For specifics on the Secondary Social Science program, contact the School of Education and Department of History, Government & Social Science for details. This program prepares students to teach history, government, geography and economics in California high schools. Those students interested in a teaching credential should be advised that all single-subject teaching credential programs are subject to revision. Consult the School of Education for details on current programs.

Political Philosophy – Ancient

Units: 3


Political Philosophy – Modern

Units: 3

POSC 351



Studies in Political Science

Units: 1 - 8

POSC 480

Research or Honors Seminar The student is also required to take:

Political Science Research & Writing

Units: 3

POSC 470

or Honors Seminar

Honors Seminar in Political Science I Honors Seminar in Political Science II

Units: 3

POSC 495

Units: 3

POSC 496

Political Science majors preparing for graduate school should include a foreign language in their program. Seek advice from the department.


Political Science Minor

A Political Science Minor is offered with the completion of 19 units beyond the general education requirement, 12 of which must be upper division. The student is required to take a minimum of 3 units in each area of concentration (American Government, International Politics and Political Theory). POSC 225 Survey of American Government and POSC 204 Politics & Economics are required for completion of the Minor.

Public Administration Concentration Students interested in public service at the municipal, county, state or federal level are advised to major in political science with a concentration in public administration. In addition to the Political Science major requirements, the Public Administration concentration includes the courses listed below. These Public Administration concentration units also fulfill the Political Science major upper division elective units outlined above. For advisement, contact the Department of History, Government & Social Science.


Fundamentals of Public Administration

Units: 3

POSC 301

Internship & Research Project

Politics & Economics 4 Micro and macro economic terms and concepts of economic reasoning with an emphasis on the application of these concepts to current economic issues, including: the elements of America’s market economy including supply and demand, profit, competition, pricing, incentives, private property and the debate between free market and regulation; the relationship between politics and economics; the U.S. labor market and aggregate economic behavior and policy; and international trade, and global regulation and cooperation. 3 The history, organization and function of the legislative, judicial and executive branches of the American government. Includes one hour per week involving students in a local government civic service or life experience activity. Satisfies the state requirement in institutions in American history. Meets the Survey of American Government requirement for United States Constitution for California teacher certification. When Offered: Spring and fall only. Notes: May be taken to satisfy a portion of the six units history general education requirement. Fee: $12. 1-2 Contemporary issues in American government and politics as seen from a Christian perspective. Perspectives on American Government

Units: 9

POSC 488

POSC 204

Required POSC upper division Public Administration course

An additional POSC upper division course from among the Public Administration sequence (below) is also required.

Public Policy

Units: 3

POSC 306


POSC 225

Public Law

Units: 3

POSC 485


Personnel & Human Resources Management Units: 3

POSC 486

POSC 230

Fundamentals of Public Administration


POSC 301

Fundamentals of public administration; overview of the concepts, nature and scope of the field. Role of government in modern society and the nature of public business.

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